Legendary Healer Item?
Seeing as how the Legendary Staff thread is garnering so much attention, it got me to thinking:

1) There's no legendary item in the game for healers, and
2) If there were, what would it be like?

Thanks to Blizzard's itemization of having items with +heal alongside items with +dam/+heal, players such as myself who prefer the healing game are forced to "gimp" their soloability if they want to go for Ultimate Healing Power. Items that would give +30 dam/heal will have an equivalent that gives +55 healing, for example. Yes, I could get the +30 dam/heal item, but for the sake of pure healing, it's not as good. +25 points of healing isn't much, but it starts to add up into hundreds of extra +heal power by going only for the +heal items and leaving the +dam/+heal items to the DPS'ers.

As MongoJerry's noted, the game shifts in favor of offense vs. defense after level 60 and the epic itemization. The Legendary items are all offense-based in nature because that's what players get googly-eyed over. However, I'm that rare breed of player that's not excited by Thunderfury. I yawn at the Hammer of Sulf. Where's my healing Legendary? You know, that one item that would have the potential to alter the way an entire raid approaches the healing game? The item that, if you faced me on the battlefield, would make you think "oh, #$%&" like a Thunderfury can? Is such a thing even possible?

What if you had a Legendary healer item, like:

The Lounging Lurker, Uber Healing Staff of WTFPWNAGE
Two Hand Staff
90-147 Damage
Speed: 3.0
(who cares damage per second, n00b)
+25 Stamina
+45 Intellect
+35 Spirit
Durability 125 / 125
Requires Level 60
Equip: Restores 18 mana every 5 seconds.
Equip: Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 275.
Equip: All party members within 30 yards receive 5% of their damage taken back as healing over the next 15 seconds.
Use: Upon next spell cast, the effect of the spell is placed on every member of a party/raid within 40 yards, without generating threat. Cooldown: 20 minutes.

So, picture a Greater Heal hitting the entire raid at once for those major "oh crap" situations...or maybe a Power Word: Shield. cooldown 20 minutes so that it can't be used more than once per raid encounter, although I could see that going up to 60 minutes easily to prevent cheese. As if it weren't cheese enough.

Anyway, it's all just theory and a Priest can dream, right? Any ideas you would have for the ultimate healer item?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Um, hmm.

Paw of Turquoise
One-hand mace, 80-120 damage, 1.5 speed (66.7 dps)
+20 stamina
+30 intellect
+40 spirit
Equip: Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by 150
Equip: Increases spell critical chance by 2%
Equip: Decreases threat caused by healing by 20%
Use: Transforms the healer into a Spirit of Redemption for 20 seconds, in which all healing spells take no mana and the healer is invulnerable to all damage, but cannot move. At the end of this period, the healer returns to normal.
Cooldown: 30 minutes
"Everyone needs a helping paw!"
Bolty,Apr 14 2006, 12:36 PM Wrote:Use: Upon next spell cast, the effect of the spell is placed on every member of a party/raid within 40 yards, without generating threat.  Cooldown: 20 minutes.

If you're going to let it help an entire raid, you should at least kill the caster.

Some ideas:

1. Lightning rod ability: Has a 5% chance of absorbing any magical effect directed at a partymember (kind of like a shaman grounding totem, along with its limitations).
2. Aura that increases the resistances of all party members to all schools of magic by +10.
3. Castable Shield Wall: Reduces damage taken by a target by 50% for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 10 minutes.
MongoJerry,Apr 14 2006, 04:25 PM Wrote:3.  Castable Shield Wall: Reduces damage taken by a target by 50% for 20 seconds.  Cooldown: 10 minutes.

Only if you reduce our cooldown to 5 minutes to compensate.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Bolty,Apr 14 2006, 01:36 PM Wrote:What if you had a Legendary healer item, like:

The Lounging Lurker, Uber Healing Staff of WTFPWNAGE
Anyway, it's all just theory and a Priest can dream, right?  Any ideas you would have for the ultimate healer item?
I think you got the name nailed.

The attributes are negotiable. :lol:

What about the idea of "damage goes to mana" or "damage goes to rage" conversions (based on a given party member's skill points weighting) as a feature.

Vulpine Vineroot of Virtuous Vitality?

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John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Artega,Apr 14 2006, 01:52 PM Wrote:Only if you reduce our cooldown to 5 minutes to compensate.

You won't stop complaining even if something's theoretical and even though the thing would likely be cast on you the most anyway. Alright, how about this change:

Castable Shield Wall: Reduces damage taken by a target by 50% for 20 seconds. Cannot be cast on self. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

And note that I made it 50% rather than 75%, so it still lets in twice the damage per time that regular shield wall does, even if it lasts longer.

Hey, as long as we're living in a pipe dream, how about:

The anti-Mortal Strike: When inflicted by a Mortal Strike debuff, all damage taken is reduced by 50%.
The anti-Kidney Shot: When stunned or confused, a protective force surrounds the wielder making him or her immune to all damage.
Oh, I know!

Dalaran Sphere of Power: Casts a shield with a 10-yard radius about the caster through which no enemy or enemy spell or attack may enter or exit. Friendly players may enter or exit the sphere at will but their spells may not enter or exit the sphere either. The sphere is a channeled spell (meaning the caster can't do anything else) and costs 300 mana each second the sphere is up. Cooldown: 10 minutes.
The only thing that comes to mind right now is that it would probably be a one-handed mace. Other weapon types exclude one of the four healing classes.
MongoJerry,Apr 15 2006, 09:06 AM Wrote:Oh, I know!

Dalaran Sphere of Power: Casts a shield with a 10-yard radius about the caster through which no enemy or enemy spell or attack may enter or exit.  Friendly players may enter or exit the sphere at will but their spells may not enter or exit the sphere either.  The sphere is a channeled spell (meaning the caster can't do anything else) and costs 300 mana each second the sphere is up.  Cooldown: 10 minutes.

I like this one. Best used while standing next to your MT. See how long it takes him to realise what you just did :)
Free Mana Pots!

Use: Restores 1350 to 2250 mana. 10 min cooldown.
No staves, please, I'm begging you. :(
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
Rinnhart,Apr 14 2006, 03:46 PM Wrote:No staves, please, I'm begging you.  :(

Meh, paladins would rather use Ashkandis anyway. It's all about the damage, mirite?
Artega,Apr 14 2006, 01:52 PM Wrote:Only if you reduce our cooldown to 5 minutes to compensate.

By the way, I've never liked anything to have a cooldown longer than 10 minutes, except perhaps combat resurrection and self-resurrection spells. I mean, why not have Shield Wall up a little more often? A 10 minute cooldown on it wouldn't break the game.
Staff of WTF?

Stats: Who cares?

Transforms into two forms with two different uses on the same recharge:
Form 1: Next healing spell is instant, 2min recharge

Form 2: Removes all -healing debuffs on user, and immune to healing debuffs, silence and interrupt for next 10 seconds, 2min recharge.

On equip: Summons a giant L from which the healer is lifted up 600 feet in the air where melee have difficulty attacking the healer. Lasts 6 seconds, then healer falls to the ground taking falling damage.
Drasca,Apr 14 2006, 06:04 PM Wrote:On equip: Summons a giant L from which the healer is lifted up 600 feet in the air where melee have difficulty attacking the healer. Lasts 6 seconds, then healer falls to the ground taking falling damage.

Levitate ftw!

Magic Shield: Generates an aura for 10 seconds that causes all raid members within 40 yards to take half damage from all ranged or spell attacks but doubles melee damage inflicted on the raid. Cooldown: 30 mins

I'm thinking here of a situation like AV where you flip it on just as your zerg is rushing the flag to get them in close quarters and then either the time runs out or you turn it off when your group is there.
Kateley's Demise
+8 Intellect
+8 Stamina
Equip: Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by 30
Equip: On death, grants a 30-sec aura where healing is increased by 150%
Equip: On death, body persists for 30 seconds and can be looted for 2 Major Healing Potions (Cooldown: 1 hour)

Kateley - Gnome Mage --- 60
Collector and connoisseur of fine keys, bags, trinkets and all things mooncloth
Covet! ... Covet! ... Covet! ... Covet!
MongoJerry,Apr 14 2006, 03:56 PM Wrote:Meh, paladins would rather use Ashkandis anyway.  It's all about the damage, mirite?

Funny. Funny like cancer.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
Stanchion of Futherance

+25 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+20 Spirit

Use: Infuses part of the caster's soul and mana onto target healing target for half of the casters total health over 20 seconds. If the target recieves lethal damage while infused they are returned to life with health equal to the amount of the remaining infusion. <10 minute cooldown>
Equip: Syphons remainaning mana from all friendly targets that die within 30 yards.
Equip: Healing spell cast time reduced by 0.1 seconds.
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 150.
Equip: Restores 18 mana per 5 sec.

What do you think?

I tried make it legendary, in PvP/PvE, while learning encounters and while farming them and scalable to be at least considerable at level 65+.
Skandranon,Apr 14 2006, 11:18 PM Wrote:The only thing that comes to mind right now is that it would probably be a one-handed mace.  Other weapon types exclude one of the four healing classes.

A typical example of a broken item system. The solution is of course to have the weapon type as random, sometimes a staff, sometimes a hammer (one or two handed), sometimes something else some can use. Can't everyone use daggers by the way as well, or? I know my priest can at least.....

An alternative is to have it as the "off hand" item (perhaps nerfed some in its abilities to complement nice one handed weapons with other healing stats).

As an added question, why are people tossing in stamina? Didn't we talk about an uber healing item? Such a priest is not supposed to take that much damage, right? So shift stamina into more power for the existing abilities :)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Apr 18 2006, 05:48 AM Wrote:As an added question, why are people tossing in stamina? Didn't we talk about an uber healing item? Such a priest is not supposed to take that much damage, right? So shift stamina into more power for the existing abilities :)[right][snapback]107525[/snapback][/right]
I can tell you've never raided. :) Stamina is absolutely critical for *all* classes. Cloth wearers get obliterated by melee hits in raid instances. Remember, these are mobs that do thousands of damage to well-geared plate warriors with lots of +defense. Now, you can argue that cloth shouldn't be getting hit by melee, and you're right - but there's still all kinds of magical and ranged damage you'll be getting hit by, too.

If you walk into Molten Core with only 3000 hit points fully raid buffed, you're going to feel it.

Just last night, fighting Nefarius, in Phase 1 he walks around and shoots shadowbolts and shadowbolt volleys at people in the raid. Despite decent shadow resistance, I got hit by a shadowbolt for 1087 damage, a shadow volley for 562, and another shadowbolt for 1124. All in a span of about 1.25 seconds. Since I had 5307 hit points fully raid buffed, I could shrug it off, shield, and heal myself before his next shadowbolt came for me.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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