New Alliance Race Speculation thickens!
MongoJerry,May 7 2006, 01:32 PM Wrote:Does anyone else here think that Dreanei *would* be cool?  I read so much bagging on the Dreanei with comments like "If the Draenei are the new Alliance race, that'd help fix the faction imbalance."  But when I ran into the Draenei in the Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands in the beta, I was curiously fascinated by them and disappointed that more than a teaser backstory wasn't being given to me within the game.

My experience in the Swamp of Sorrows was similar, and I enjoyed the units in Frozen Throne; I think draenei could be cool, but it'll depend heavily on the implementation. In particular, I'm curious how Blizzard would handle the active racial and available classes. In Frozen Throne, the draenei were perma-stealthed rogueish units; possibly their racial could be a 'vanish' that lets them stealth for 3-5 seconds or something.

I think it would be nice, whatever race the alliance gets, if they can have a 3rd paladin race to balance the healer options. After all, Horde are finally getting a 3rd priest option.

As an aside, here's one of the more creative fakes I've seen in my prowling for speculation:
I suspect that if the Alliance does get Draenai, they'll be druids.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
I can speculate too!

I believe the new race will be a new third short race, a race of... Wirt(s)! He's lost his peg leg, but has a new steel one. You will hobble around for movement, and you get a cool kick from standing on one leg.

I bet the real race will be some form of intelligent plant life native to that world. Minature living trees like the NE buildings in WCIII. Of course you're just sproutlings compared to the giant trees, but you also get to be more mobile.

That's my speculation, and I'm sticking to it. Tree race for WoW!
Artega,Apr 20 2006, 10:47 PM Wrote:Blood Elves have made a pact with a half-demon Night Elf - they're making deals with devils.  I doubt The Light™ would have much to do with them.

And yet The Light™ is more than willing to grant The Forsaken holy powers? As I've stated before I'll be a very happy man when they finally end this forced faction splitting, and allowing both sides access to all classes is just another step foward.
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