Hockey Playoffs!
The NHL playoffs are starting, and it's really the only time to sit up and pay attention. I plop down to see some action OLN??? It's got to be on my DirecTV list somewhere.....

Ah, to live in Canada in springtime...

To DeeBye: Leafs Fire Quinn -- WTF?

Let's look on the bright side: This year you have the unprecedented opportunity to give completely unbiased opinions about who will win the Stanley Cup. So let's have 'em: Who & Why.

Do you go with the old saw that goaltending wins playoffs -- picking the Devils & Flames to meet? Or do you believe this is truly the NEW NHL, with up-and-down action, obstruction rules enforced throughout the playoffs, and not-on-TV-unless-you're-in-a-home-market-or-live-in-Canada? Which means Sens v. Red Wings, to me.

This has to be the Sens year. I've suffered too long. :(

SpazBear,Apr 21 2006, 11:36 PM Wrote:The NHL playoffs are starting, and it's really the only time to sit up and pay attention.  I plop down to see some action  OLN???  It's got to be on my DirecTV list somewhere.....

Ah, to live in Canada in springtime...

To DeeBye:  Leafs Fire Quinn -- WTF?

Let's look on the bright side:  This year you have the unprecedented opportunity to give completely unbiased opinions about who will win the Stanley Cup.  So let's have 'em:  Who & Why.

Do you go with the old saw that goaltending wins playoffs  -- picking the Devils & Flames to meet?  Or do you believe this is truly the NEW NHL, with up-and-down action, obstruction rules enforced throughout the playoffs, and not-on-TV-unless-you're-in-a-home-market-or-live-in-Canada?  Which means Sens v. Red Wings, to me.

This has to be the Sens year.  I've suffered too long.  :(

Two games go into overtime on the first night. What a start.

I think this could be Dallas' year. They're just so deep, and they kept pace with the Red Wings nearly all year, and in a much tougher division. Calgary should be tough to beat, like always; it will be interesting to see if they can score enough to win 16 games.

In the East, New Jersey's gotta be a favourite with the way they've played for the past few weeks. If Ottawa's goaltending can hold up, and they can avoid their usual post-season choking and get their offence rolling, they'll be almost unbeatable. The East has so many green goalies, it's hard to predict what's going to happen.

I like Quinn, but I think the Leafs needed a change. Quinn has the distinction of having coached the most games without winning a Stanley Cup. I get the feeling he pretty much trusts his vets to do the right thing and lets them loose. That just doesn't cut it, certainly not in the "new NHL," where everyone has to rely more on younger and cheaper players.

I really love the first round of the playoffs. Four games a night, plenty of opportunity for upsets... what's not to love?

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
SpazBear,Apr 22 2006, 12:36 AM Wrote:To DeeBye:  Leafs Fire Quinn -- WTF?

Let's look on the bright side:  This year you have the unprecedented opportunity to give completely unbiased opinions about who will win the Stanley Cup.  So let's have 'em:  Who & Why.

I am glad that the Leafs fired the coaching staff. Quinn did a lot for the team while he was there, but never could advance them to the ultimate goal. It's time for a change.

I'm really hoping that the Leafs throw a boatload of cash towards Brent Sutter (coached the world junior Canadian team the last two years, and is a bigger hardass than his brother) for the coaching job, but Paul Maurice (former Hurricanes coach, present Toronto Marlies coach) is a decent back-up plan.

If I was betting cold hard cash, I'd go with New Jersey. That is the only team that has solid experienced "done it all" goaltending, which is of extreme importance in the playoffs. Brodeur can win a Stanley Cup by himself, and he has proven it in the past.

If Hasek can get back from his injury and play as his usual self, I can't discount Ottawa (as much as it pains me to say it). They have a VERY talented team. I don't see Emery leading them to a Cup, but a healthly Hasek definitely can.

Detroit certainly has enough talent and experience to win it all, but their weakness is probably goaltending.

My "dark horse" picks are San Jose and Edmonton. Yeah, I know that I chose two teams from the west, but I just don't see any eastern team outside of Jersey or Ottawa winning it all.

SpazBear,Apr 22 2006, 12:36 AM Wrote:Let's look on the bright side:  This year you have the unprecedented opportunity to give completely unbiased opinions about who will win the Stanley Cup.  So let's have 'em:  Who & Why.

Do you go with the old saw that goaltending wins playoffs  -- picking the Devils & Flames to meet?  Or do you believe this is truly the NEW NHL, with up-and-down action, obstruction rules enforced throughout the playoffs, and not-on-TV-unless-you're-in-a-home-market-or-live-in-Canada?  Which means Sens v. Red Wings, to me.

This has to be the Sens year.  I've suffered too long.  :(

Ottawa has what it takes, for once. You'll see Alfredsson step up big in the playoffs this year. Opposing teams can't clutch n' grab no mo', so he's going to tear it up, and lead the Sens to the cup. Ray Emery is the variable. It's practically a lock if Hasek comes back in time; Ray Emery, though, is no slouch. I have a feeling that he'll do just fine.

One of my favourite parts of the play-offs are the predictions. Allow me to indulge myself:

Carolina vs Montreal is a walk; Carolina will win in either 4 or 5. With Montreal's goaltending in shambles, Carolina, who as dominated them all season, will just walk right over them. Carolina is a very strong defensive team to go along with some explosiveness up front. Carolina is too strong for Montreal.

Ottawa vs Tampa; Ottawa in 5. Tampa can't keep up with the offense, but might squeeze a win because of Ray Emery's playoff inexperience.

New Jersey vs. NY Rangers; I can see this series running long, 6 or 7 games. It'll end up being Jagr being the difference, beating an aging Brodeur. Jagr + space = goals. Plain and simple, doesn't matter who's in net.

Buffalo vs. Philli; Buffalo in 6. That young core they have is nice. Afinogenov and Briere are quite good. Did you see how Briere undressed the Montreal defensemen in their last game? A thing of beauty.

Detroit vs. Edmonton; Detroit in 6. Edmonton is gritty enough to prolong this series, but overall, the veterans and talent of Detroit will carry them through.

Dallas vs. Colorodo; Dallas is just too strong for a gimpy Colorodo team. Dallas in 5.

Calgary vs. Anaheim; I can see Calgary sweeping. Kiprosov is hot, and Ahaheim is without their starting goaltender. If Calgary's scoring heats up, they're headed to the Cup Final.

Nashville vs. San Jose; I honestly don't know. Joe Thornton might step up, or Nashville could continue to play well as a team. A 6 or 7 gamer to be sure. If I had to chose, I'd say Nashville edging SJ out. It might come down to which goalie gets hotter.

In the east, I see Ottawa beating the Rangers in 6, Carolina beating Buffalo in 5. Then, Ottawa beating Carolina in 6 or 7. That should be a very tough series.

In the west, it's more foggy. Likely, Calgary's goaltending beats Detroit's goaltending, and Dallas beats Nashville. Final has Calgary beating Dallas in 6.

Then, Ottawa beats Calgary in 5 or 6; Ottawa's offense will exploit Calgary's defense, despite the an excellent effort from Kiprosov to keep the games very close.

The key to all of this is how free the forwards can get. From watching tonight's games, I saw a lot of cautious defensive play, and sparse breakouts and open play. It only takes a few explosive moments, a couple of key rushes per game, to really turn a series. Ottawa has been known, all season long, to be devestating to opponents in a short period of time, scoring 2 or 3 goals in 5 minutes or so. They did it tonight, too. And that's precisely why they're going all the way this year.

As for the Leafs... MUHAHAHHA




/hate Leafs
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
SpazBear,Apr 21 2006, 11:36 PM Wrote:--snip --
and not-on-TV-unless-you're-in-a-home-market-or-live-in-Canada?
-- snip --

Living in a market that cares much more about its mediocre basketball team (Wizards) than it does about its laughable hockey team (Capitals, who were  mathematically eliminated from the playoffs after about game 4) without cable tv makes watching even in market games difficult.  I'll catch up in the conference finals, and then be worried about who's got a chance to get the cup for a day.  I've always liked that flaming C though...

but often it happens you know / that the things you don't trust are the ones you need most....
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!
DeeBye,Apr 22 2006, 01:06 AM Wrote:My "dark horse" picks are San Jose and Edmonton.

Edmonton just knocked off the Detroit Red Wings.
DeeBye,May 1 2006, 09:34 PM Wrote:Edmonton just knocked off the Detroit Red Wings.

And you should have heard the cheering on Vent tonight... :)
Un-friggin-believable. Every single year the Wings have trouble in the first round. I can't comprehend it.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Mithrandir,May 2 2006, 02:48 PM Wrote:Un-friggin-believable. Every single year the Wings have trouble in the first round. I can't comprehend it.

In the hockey pool I'm running, we had 3 people pick the Oilers. 2 were me and my wife. :P

On that note: Go Sharks!
Pesmerga,May 2 2006, 10:56 AM Wrote:In the hockey pool I'm running, we had 3 people pick the Oilers.  2 were me and my wife. :P

On that note: Go Sharks!

Good pick if you ask me. 24 games against Columbus, St. Louis, and Chicago would inflate anyone's record. Wings would have had 105pts if they were in the NW, tops. Funny that Nashville got dropped cold as well.

The scheduling in the "new NHL" is going to breed tons of these "upsets" where point differentials are more a function of schedule difficulty than the quality of the teams involved.
But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
Chaerophon,May 2 2006, 10:48 PM Wrote:... where point differentials are more a function of schedule difficulty than the quality of the teams involved.

That doesnt make much sense.
Ghostiger,May 3 2006, 12:15 AM Wrote:That doesnt make much sense.

Maybe you should explain why it doesn't make much sense.
Ghostiger,May 2 2006, 08:15 PM Wrote:That doesnt make much sense.

A complicated sentence, but I think you can handle it.

Red Wings = 124pts

Oilers = 95pts

Red Wings = one of the easiest schedules in the league

Oilers = one of the toughest schedules in the league

The wide point differential is more a function of the relative difficulty of their schedules than an indication of the relative quality of their teams. Check that, it's not even really that complicated.

But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
Chaerophon,May 3 2006, 12:48 AM Wrote:A complicated sentence, but I think you can handle it. 

Red Wings = 124pts

Oilers = 95pts

Red Wings = one of the easiest schedules in the league

Oilers = one of the toughest schedules in the league

The wide point differential is more a function of the relative difficulty of their schedules than an indication of the relative quality of their teams.  Check that, it's not even really that complicated.

The unbalanced schedule is a complete travesty. If you're going to seed based on conference record, the schedules have to be equal. Detroit & Nashville both got puffy & fat playing the three cupcakes of the league.

The 3-point games are another screw-over. Look at the Wild this year. They won most of their winning games in regulation, while the teams they chased lost their losing games in OT or shoot-outs. Tough to catch up. If you're going to dish out three points to teams that go into OT/SO, you ought to give 3 points to a team that gets a victory in regulation.
SpazBear,May 3 2006, 11:45 PM Wrote:The unbalanced schedule is a complete travesty. If you're going to seed based on conference record, the schedules have to be equal.  Detroit & Nashville both got puffy & fat playing the three cupcakes of the league.

The 3-point games are another screw-over.  Look at the Wild this year.  They won most of their winning games in regulation, while the teams they chased lost their losing games in OT or shoot-outs.  Tough to catch up.  If you're going to dish out three points to teams that go into OT/SO, you ought to give 3 points to a team that gets a victory in regulation.

First off, I MUST insert the obligatory complaint about bettman. Grr. Me want checking and fighting!

Second, I haven't really followed hockey this season for said reason, and what are the current standings(if it isn't over :P)?

Third, the poor, poor Blues. Sucked bad at the beginning of the season from the changes, then when they finally started winning they also started getting injured. Then there's their wonderful "choke when it counts" complex that they've always had <_<. Also, playing against teams that are playing crappily dulls your skills :P
Ummm, the BlueJackets didn't make the playoffs yet did they? :rolleyes:

I swear I watched about 3 full games of NHL hockey this season, which is about 3 times my usual annual allotment.
JustAGuy,Apr 22 2006, 05:31 AM Wrote:Ottawa has what it takes, for once. You'll see Alfredsson step up big in the playoffs this year. Opposing teams can't clutch n' grab no mo', so he's going to tear it up, and lead the Sens to the cup. Ray Emery is the variable. It's practically a lock if Hasek comes back in time; Ray Emery, though, is no slouch. I have a feeling that he'll do just fine.



Emery is a BUM.

'nuff said.
SpazBear,May 10 2006, 10:22 PM Wrote:Emery is a BUM.

Alfredsson has been pretty invisible too.
DeeBye,May 2 2006, 12:34 AM Wrote:Edmonton just knocked off the Detroit Red Wings.

And Edmonton just knocked off the San Jose Sharks to advance to the conference finals.
DeeBye,May 17 2006, 11:14 PM Wrote:And Edmonton just knocked off the San Jose Sharks to advance to the conference finals.

Best sign seen in Rexall Place: "Toska La Vista, Baby!"

What a great game.

Ducks v. Oilers is going to be a great series, probably a lot more fun than the East finals.

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