CThun down!
MongoJerry,Apr 27 2006, 04:58 AM Wrote:My contention was and is that where this wall occurs depends on one's faction.  I believe it happens at Huhuran for Horde raids and after Huhuran for Alliance raids.  But as Skandranon points out, equipment plays a role here.  I will concede that as nature resistance gear gets easier to obtain -- especially in 1.11 when a lot of recipes will be added -- the wall could push back beyond Huhuran for Horde guilds as well.

I believe the wall is past Huhuran for Horde guilds right now.

A post on Raids and Dungeons today answered my question regarding Grounding Totem:


Two Grounding Totems placed in the main tank's party pre-emptively absorb the stacking Acid Spit debuff that Huhuran places on whoever currently has aggro. So with Grounding Totem, it would be like a Vael fight where you never have to transition tanks.

Edgewalker of the guild Paradox, one of the highest-end Horde guilds, chimes in later in the thread with his opinion: Huhuran is a far easier fight for Horde now.
Skandranon,Apr 27 2006, 09:02 PM Wrote:Two Grounding Totems placed in the main tank's party pre-emptively absorb the stacking Acid Spit debuff that Huhuran places on whoever currently has aggro.  So with Grounding Totem, it would be like a Vael fight where you never have to transition tanks.[right][snapback]108440[/snapback][/right]

Huh. OK. I'll tell my guild this. However, that stacking debuff isn't that big of a deal. Like most guilds, we have our two tanks trade off getting the debuffs and letting the debuffs fade away, so it's not a big deal. The first 70% of the fight is just a warmup exercise. Like Vael, what matters is 30% life onward.

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