Swiftmend: an analysis
From http://www.wowhead.com/ it appears that Swiftmend, the new 31-point Restoration talent, will work like this:

254 mana, 40 yard range, instant cast, 15 secs cooldown
Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly
heal them by an amount equal to 12 sec of Rejuvenation or 15 sec of Regrowth

"Pssh, rejuvenation and regrowth are worthless spells," you say. "No druid would ever use them - the mana efficiency is horrible!"

Well, let's take a look at the numbers. I'm going to assume that I, the hypothetical druid, have some +500 healing, and the AQ20 Rejuvenation and Healing Touch books. (in fact Tufty falls a little short of this, at around +400 or so)

Using Swiftmend with Regrowth:

Rank 9 Regrowth costs 880 mana and heals for 1003 to 1119, plus 1064 over 21 seconds.

+healing is split between these parts: thus the direct-heal part should heal for 1311. The HOT should heal for 1314 over 21 secs, or 187.7 health per 3-second tick. By itself, therefore, it has a HPM (heal per mana) of 2.98.

Swiftmend should cost at least one tick of healing (187.7), but heal your target for a base of 938.5 health (5 ticks). At this time, it's believed that it doesn't benefit from +healing, which makes sense since that would be double-application of +healing.

Total: 1115 mana, 3375.8 healing
HPM: 3.02

Using Swiftmend with Rejuvenation:

Rank 11 Rejuvenation costs 360 mana and heals for 888 over 12 secs (4 ticks) without the Stormrage 8-piece bonus. It receives 80% of your +heal, so this would heal for 1288 total, or 322 per tick. By itself, it has a HPM of 3.58.

Swiftmend should cost at least one tick of healing (322) but heal your target for 1288.

Total: 614 mana, 2254 healing
HPM: 3.67

Using Healing Touch Alone:

Rank 11 Healing Touch costs 800 mana and heals for 2267 to 2677. It receives full benefit of +healing, so it should heal for 2872 on average.

Total: 800 mana, 2872 healing
HPM: 3.71

Rank 5 Healing Touch costs 270 mana and heals for 572 to 694. It receives full benefit of +healing, so it should heal for 1133 on average.

Total: 270 mana, 1133 healing
HPM: 4.196


It's an emergency spell. The intention seems to be that a resto druid should be on the MT, constantly casting Rejuvenation and then using Swiftmend whenever the MT's health spikes downward. Since it has a rapid cooldown (15 secs), this could be decent for keeping the MT up on Firewing. (we all know how suddenly the MT can be sitting in the red zone)

At first I was going to dismiss Swiftmend as worthless and respec feral, but after considering this, I have to admit that it may not be so bad as that. I may stay 31 resto/20 feral and start rejuvenating more.
Well, Fazuul doesn't have anywhere near +500 healing...it's less than half that at +213 in his normal ZG gear. However, Fazuul does have Rank 11 Rejuv, which ticks for 324 in said gear. As a result, I use rejuv alot more than I used to. I don't really use Regrowth a ton, unless I'm trying to heal multiple targets taking damage at the same time. In that case, stacking a Regrowth and a Rejuv on someone will usually allow me enough time to heal a couple of other folks before I need to go back to first target. Otherwise, if I'm main healing a MT on a fairly hard hitting boss, such as Mandokir in ZG, I try to keep Rejuv up, and I use rank 9 Healing Touch, as opposed to rank 10.

I still have mixed feelings about Swiftmend, but I will probably want to try it before I assume too much. I think Rank 11 Rejuv says it heals 1050 to 1056 over 12 seconds (trying to remember off the top of my head at work), so if it also takes into consideration my small +213 healing, to have the chance to turn that 1000+ healing points into an instant heal, versus the HoT, and have the chance to do it every 15 seconds...I can see it being a very handy little tool, especially in situations where the tank isn't geared quite up to snuff, or for keeping mages alive in AoE situation. I usually like to see priests and their flash heals and shields stay on the mages in AoE situations than a druid, but I can see Swiftmend, if used properly with a good HoT spell can be helpful in that regard too. Sounds interesting, and I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Bloodmourne - 85 Blood Elf Death Knight <Lurkers>
Vreeslik - 85 Undead Warlock <Lurkers>
Fazuul - 70 Tauren Druid <Lurkers>
Ooh - 70 Troll Rogue <Lurkers>
Gorkuk- 63 Orc Hunter <Lurkers>
Rojaal - 70 Blood Elf Paladin <Lurkers>
As a mostly Balance Druid who knows his place when healing is necessary, you'll often see me beating on ANY boss in the game that doesn't have an AoE or Cleave that's going to rip my face off. I run up into melee whenever it's safe for the free spells from Omen of Clarity.

Considering frequent procs and the 20-second duration of Regrowth, our main tank will ALWAYS have a Regrowth ticking on him during a boss fight that permits this tactic, because every time I get the chance to cast a free spell I'll be using the most mana-inefficient option out there. The thought is it doesn't cost anything, so let's go large.

That means in our raids, even if the Restoration Druids aren't using Regrowth due to the hefty mana cost, there will always be one available for a Swiftmend to consume. Considering most use Rejuvenation already, that provides for a consistent two-heal punch should the tank take a nasty hit.
See you in Town,
The thing here is, it's not a safe assumption there's always a druid HOT on the tank - a lot of druid healers have gone to healing touch only because of mana efficiency and wanting to avoid overheal. To calculate this from an efficiency point of view, you have to assume that you're doing both the HOT and the Swiftmend, not freeloading off of someone else's HOT.

Also, there's a significant difference between how much is healed by consuming Regrowth (938) and Rejuvenation (1288). This is because Regrowth is a considerably weaker HOT than Rejuvenation.

What I'm thinking is that whomever has the most +healing is going to be the rejuvenation druid, and will be keeping that up on the MT at all time. Hopefully Swiftmend will always consume Rejuvenation in preference over Regrowth. Then anyone who has Swiftmend should feel free to drop that on the MT when it's available. The Rejuvenator will be watching the MT's CTRA box for the rejuvenation effect.
Tuftears,May 18 2006, 03:09 PM Wrote:The thing here is, it's not a safe assumption there's always a druid HOT on the tank - a lot of druid healers have gone to healing touch only because of mana efficiency and wanting to avoid overheal.&nbsp; To calculate this from an efficiency point of view, you have to assume that you're doing both the HOT and the Swiftmend, not freeloading off of someone else's HOT.[right][snapback]110274[/snapback][/right]

If there isn't, something is seriously wrong in your raid. A tank should always have every available HoT going on him or her. It's a guarantee that no matter what happens to interrupt the healing, the main tank will get some heals. Plus, if the tank takes a big hit, those extra HoT's going off at the same time as other people healing will make it much faster to bring the tank back up to a less dangerous level of life.

What will be really interesting is if Swiftmend does not have something like Weakened Soul, then it could end up being more powerful in raids than PW:Shield. Right now, a tank can only get one PW:Shield per 15 seconds no matter how many priests are in his or her raid. But, it sounds like Swiftmend could be used more often than that as long as the HoT's are renewed consistently, as they should.
Tuftears,May 18 2006, 05:09 PM Wrote:The thing here is, it's not a safe assumption there's always a druid HOT on the tank - a lot of druid healers have gone to healing touch only because of mana efficiency and wanting to avoid overheal.&nbsp; To calculate this from an efficiency point of view, you have to assume that you're doing both the HOT and the Swiftmend, not freeloading off of someone else's HOT.

I disagree with this -- I have my CTRA set to show all HoTs and certain buffs, only. Things like fear ward, shadow prot . . Now, I almost ALWAYS see druid HoTs up on the tank, and I have a macro that checks for renew and casts it if it isn't there, since mine is the worst possible renew, ever ;)
castille,May 19 2006, 09:58 AM Wrote:I disagree with this -- I have my CTRA set to show all HoTs and certain buffs, only. Things like fear ward, shadow prot . . Now, I almost ALWAYS see druid HoTs up on the tank, and I have a macro that checks for renew and casts it if it isn't there, since mine is the worst possible renew, ever ;)

There's almost always a rejuv, a renew, or both on me if I'm tanking something in BWL, or doing something like eating buffets on Firemaw. Or so it seems, but, then, I'm not always paying that much attention to it, as long as I'm getting heals.

Mavfin,May 19 2006, 10:35 AM Wrote:There's almost always a rejuv, a renew, or both on me if I'm tanking something in BWL, or doing something like eating buffets on Firemaw.&nbsp; Or so it seems, but, then, I'm not always paying that much attention to it, as long as I'm getting heals.

It's the regrowth that isn't up there often. Rejuv the druids will still throw on the tanks a lot, but Regrowth, not always since it can be just a horrible mana hog. And it's a 2 second cast that needs to get in before the flash heals all hit so that you don't lose the front end either. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Yeah, now that I've gone over the numbers for Rejuvenation's efficiency, I'm a lot more willing to make sure the MT always has Rejuvenation running - 3.5-ish heal-per-mana is decent. Not so sure about Regrowth. Regrowth's big problem is that it's pretty inefficient on mana. If I have plenty of mana, and regrowth is all I'm gonna be doing, sure.

If I'm casting regrowth in MC, it's 'cause the fur's hitting the fan and I need fast heals more than I need mana efficiency. But that's not the way I prefer to heal.
It's interesting to finally see the specifics on swiftmend.

Are you positive that Swiftmend will utilize +healing using the consumed spell's characteristics and not it's own characteristics as an instant cast?

My own guess is that Swiftmend will heal as much as the base Rejuv, and then the +healing will be added on as in instant, or ~43%, not 80%.

No, not positive.

Here's info from this test server realm post:

Quote: Costs 248 mana. 40yd range. 15 second cooldown. Instant cast. This will consume a rejuv or regrowth. The rejuv will be equivalent to a 12 second rejuv (i have 8/8 stormrage and it still said 12 second) and equivalent to a 18 second regrowth.

In the tests I have done, you can swiftmend someone elses rejuv/regrowth. Also, if you have both a rejuv and a regrowth on someone, it always consumes the rejuv first.

Quote: and it can crit, and it takes +healing into account.

Much better than innervate, IMO. I'm staying feral though.

Hopefully we'll get more numbers in the coming weeks.
This thread seems to think that it gives full healing benefit.

And this thread says it uses the Swiftmender's +heal.

Guess I'll be staying 31 resto, 20 feral in 1.11. :huh:
Quote:This thread seems to think that it gives full healing benefit.

And this thread says it uses the Swiftmender's +heal.

Guess I'll be staying 31 resto, 20 feral in 1.11. :huh:

Yeah this talent when I first heard about it had me thinking about going back to a 31 resto/20 feral build from my 5 Rest 35 Feral 11 balancce build. The more I hear about it the more it makes me think about doing that.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:Yeah this talent when I first heard about it had me thinking about going back to a 31 resto/20 feral build from my 5 Rest 35 Feral 11 balancce build. The more I hear about it the more it makes me think about doing that.
Agreed. I also haven't read anything about this, but does it also burn your global cooldown? I imagine it would. With a druid's slow heals I'm always anticipating the next heal and waiting on this short, but often critical, cooldown. I'm a total rejuvenation/regrowth junky and just the fact this spell costs mana had me groaning. I'd rather they just add another heal at the bottom of the tree that has a cooldown but is instant cast. It would have a similar effect to what they are trying to do with this talent and is a more predictable life saver than something that comsumes a HoT that might be about to expire anyway.

Another option would be a better AOE heal. Usually when I need a quick heal it's because I'm healing more than 1 person and I've gotten behind on heals. An effective AOE heal would solve the problem by keeping it from happening in the first place.

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