at what clevel does griz sell king's prefix?
i tried to figure this out by reading jarulf's guide, but i can't make sense of it. at what clevel is he going to start offering king's prefix sword (hopefully bastard sword) of vampires? i think that is one of the best items in the whole game. in the hands of a rogue it is an awesome weapon. even a great sword would be great. thanks for the reply and i love you.
Quote:i tried to figure this out by reading jarulf's guide, but i can't make sense of it. at what clevel is he going to start offering king's prefix sword (hopefully bastard sword) of vampires? i think that is one of the best items in the whole game. in the hands of a rogue it is an awesome weapon. even a great sword would be great. thanks for the reply and i love you.

Griswold's item slots have ilvl ranging from (clvl-1) to (clvl+2). qlvl for prefixes and suffixes range from (ilvl/2) to (ilvl). Qlvl of king's prefix is 28. So the lowest ilvl at which he will sell king's is ilvl = qlvl = 28. So the lowest clvl at which he will sell king's is clvl +2 = ilvl. Clvl +2 = 28. Clvl = 28-2=26. For anything over qlvl 15, we don't really need to worry about the maximum case at Gris as he will never stop selling them due to ilvl cap at 30.

So the answer to your question is, Griswold will sell the king's prefix from clvl 26 to clvl 50.

For best chances, you should wait until clvl 29 or higher, so he can sell it from every item slot.
Yes, well don't feel bad -- none of us are truly capable of understanding Jarulf, except perhaps one or two of the other native Scandanavians.

Still, I have to say that a King's bastard sword of haste is still better than a KSoV, nice as one of those is, but I certainly wish you good luck in getting Gris to sell you what you're looking for (in a reasonable length of time).

p.s. for the best chance, you should start at lvl 26 and look at the bottom slots in Gris's inventory; wating until lvl 29 will not improve you total chance to buy one. :-P
Quote:p.s. for the best chance, you should start at lvl 26 and look at the bottom slots in Gris's inventory; wating until lvl 29 will not improve you total chance to buy one. :-P

Heh. Well, as long as you don't waste your time at level 26 shopscumming for a king's sword and forget to continue leveling up, I suppose this is true.:)
actually i lied. i didn't try to figure it out by reading jarulf, i just didn't even try. i just said that, then asked y'all and had you do all the work cause i'm lazy. thanks and i still love you.
Quote:actually i lied. i didn't try to figure it out by reading jarulf, i just didn't even try. i just said that, then asked y'all and had you do all the work cause i'm lazy. thanks and i still love you.

I figured as much. But I took pity, because I knew I could look up and calculate the answer faster than you could type the question :shuriken:...

Of course there was a time when I would know such things without having to look it up, but those days appear to be gone.
Quote:Of course there was a time when I would know such things without having to look it up, but those days appear to be gone.

Is that an indication of the game's advanced age, or yours?:P
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:Is that an indication of the game's advanced age, or yours?:P

A little of both.:P Mostly there just aren't enough people like Heidi around anymore to ask stupid questions about Diablo and keep me in practice...
Quote:A little of both.:P Mostly there just aren't enough people like Heidi around anymore to ask stupid questions about Diablo and keep me in practice...

Ahh, the good old days, when there were....

Quote:Still, I have to say that a King's bastard sword of haste is still better than a KSoV, nice as one of those is, but I certainly wish you good luck in getting Gris to sell you what you're looking for (in a reasonable length of time).

Does that mean that you've actually played a warrior in the past???? I know you would never have shopped for one for your Ro.

Say it ain't so....

Quote:Does that mean that you've actually played a warrior in the past???? I know you would never have shopped for one for your Ro.
Say it ain't so....

As a matter or fact, my highest lvl warrior was around clvl 42, and slightly damaged from an unfortunate very early public experience with a sacred shrine ("What does that do anyway? Do you know?" "No, but you take it --- you let me have the last couple of abandoned shrines."). I could handle hell/church pretty comfortably with him.

But in one respect you're absolutely correct --- none of my rogues would ever shop for swords for themselves. THEY SHOPPED FOR BOWS, DAMMIT.

The funny thing is that in all my time playing Diablo, I never saw Gris offer a decent KSoH/S -- I bought lots of broad/bastard KSoB's and KSoV's, but never a KSoH. The closest I ever got was a Strange long sword of Haste from Wirt that disappeared in some sort of computer accident.
Quote:As a matter or fact, my highest lvl warrior was around clvl 42, and slightly damaged from an unfortunate very early public experience with a sacred shrine ("What does that do anyway? Do you know?" "No, but you take it --- you let me have the last couple of abandoned shrines."). I could handle hell/church pretty comfortably with him.

But in one respect you're absolutely correct --- none of my rogues would ever shop for swords for themselves. THEY SHOPPED FOR BOWS, DAMMIT.

The funny thing is that in all my time playing Diablo, I never saw Gris offer a decent KSoH/S -- I bought lots of broad/bastard KSoB's and KSoV's, but never a KSoH. The closest I ever got was a Strange long sword of Haste from Wirt that disappeared in some sort of computer accident.

Hell/Church? That's pretty good using a bow. ;)

Where is old Claudio to talk about the virtues of CC rogues? :shuriken:

As far as shopping, I've never been able to find *any* King's/Haste/Speed with a ToHit% better than 79%. Always was annoyed about that. Of course I never shopped past getting *any* KSOH/S, so that cut down on my chances.

Of course in mods, I had better ones.

My first KSOH was a scimitar from Wirt on my very first warrior. Then he found either a Stonecleaver or a Hellslayer, which did much more damage than the scimitar, so he didn't need it anymore. :blink:He also at some point bought a king's staff of haste from Adria and tried that out. I'm not sure which was goofier, the way I played the game before finding the DSF, or the way I played it after getting referred to Woody's page. Perhaps Uninformed Newbie is the ultimate variant.

Anyways, my warriors always seem to be able to buy a KSOS/KSOH from Gris if they need one. It's surely easier than trying to find an obs/zod or a suffixed AFP with good AC.

Claudio-baiting doesn't work like it used to. Once he would have replied to Thecla's post within 5 seconds, saying "Of course a rogue can use only a bow if she likes, but when it comes to efficiency..." Another unfortunate sign of the times.
griz sold me a while back a king's flail of haste.
Quote:My first KSOH was a scimitar from Wirt on my very first warrior. Then he found either a Stonecleaver or a Hellslayer, which did much more damage than the scimitar, so he didn't need it anymore. :blink:He also at some point bought a king's staff of haste from Adria and tried that out. I'm not sure which was goofier, the way I played the game before finding the DSF, or the way I played it after getting referred to Woody's page. Perhaps Uninformed Newbie is the ultimate variant.

Anyways, my warriors always seem to be able to buy a KSOS/KSOH from Gris if they need one. It's surely easier than trying to find an obs/zod or a suffixed AFP with good AC.
Claudio-baiting doesn't work like it used to. Once he would have replied to Thecla's post within 5 seconds, saying "Of course a rogue can use only a bow if she likes, but when it comes to efficiency..." Another unfortunate sign of the times.

I've never had good luck shopping. It would take me days to get a decent weapon. What I always had luck with was RCs. I'd always find one by the time I hit high 20s.

I was fortunate enough to find the DSF before starting MP, although I did go through several SP games first.... with only warriors of course B)

Yes, the good old days. I can honestly say that even though I liked D2 a whole lot and played it overall probably more than D1, I had the most fun in D1. A large reason for that is mods and the people that I played them with, but generally while D2 IMO was a great game, D1 was simply a *special* game.

Quote:griz sold me a while back a king's flail of haste.

It's tempting to buy it, but in the future just don't.

I think i have found it

If Kings Bastard Sword of Vampires is within ilvl 16 then you can get it from griswold as his last item to sell.

Griswold: You can buy Kings Bastard Sword of Vampires for 80100 at clvl 28 and higher. (If been to dlvl 16 in singleplayer)
Griswold: You can buy Kings Great Sword of Vampires for 138100 at clvl 28 and higher. (If been to dlvl 16 in singleplayer)
Wirt: You can buy Kings Bastard Sword of Vampires for 120150 (plus 50) at clvl 28 and higher.

You can not buy a Kings Great Sword of Vampires from Wirt because max price limit is 200000 and it would of been 207150, with a clvl of <#> and higher

All items are buyable at lvl 28 and higher in multiplayer, but in singleplayer you have to of been to a certain floor to get them spawned at one of the salesmen, and only if it is under 200000.

But only if Kings Bastard Sword of Vampires is within ilvl 16, or Kings Great Sword of Vampires is within ilvl 16. These are the only two elements i couldnt find.

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