More than meets the eye.
Transformers: The Movie

Will it live up to the original, or will it bomb like D-Day? Time will tell.

Personally, I'm excited. I almost wet myself.:PLong live Transformers!:D(Now if I could just find Voltron on DVD, I'd be all set.:P)

Oops. My computer is acting wonky lately, when it comes to the internet.:PIt seems to get confused when I try to copy web addresses.:PSorry for the mixup.
Roland *The Gunslinger*
I think you linked the wrong site accidentally.

Quote:Transformers: The Movie
You might want to check that link.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I never knew that Transformers had BoBaFeTT's Trainer for it.
Quote:I think you linked the wrong site accidentally.
Try This Link

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:Will it live up to the original, or will it bomb like D-Day? Time will tell.

It appears to be a remastered version of the original, not an entirely new movie. When I was a kid and saw the transformers movie for the first time I was amazed. I watched it again recently and I have no idea what I was thinking about, that movie is terrible.

It's nice that they are taking the time to gussy up the original, but I won't be the first in line to buy it.


Quote:Try This Link


Actually Occhi, and everyone else, I think that's an entirely DIFFERENT thing than what I linked to. What I TRIED to link to, anyway (and have now corrected). It's a theater movie, coming out on July 4th of 2007. The site is one of those typical "We're counting down the days until you get to see anything about the site" deals. But, it's pretty cool nonetheless.:D

Sorry again for the confusion of links.:P
Roland *The Gunslinger*
CGI tech demo
Quote:CGI tech demo

That looks awesome. But uh... doesn't Optimus Prime have a RED tractor?
Quote:That looks awesome. But uh... doesn't Optimus Prime have a RED tractor?

yeah but this is just a tech demo and the white chassis demonstrates a greater level of shine and reflection than you might get out of a red. it could be they decided to change the color for this to make the demo look better. or it could be that the demo is of Ultra Magnus, who had a white cab.
Quote:It appears to be a remastered version of the original, not an entirely new movie. When I was a kid and saw the transformers movie for the first time I was amazed. I watched it again recently and I have no idea what I was thinking about, that movie is terrible.

It's nice that they are taking the time to gussy up the original, but I won't be the first in line to buy it.



Heresy! The original Transformers movie was amazing. Optimus Prime dying traumatized me for about a week.

I'm not that big of a Michael Bay fan, but he makes good popcorn movies so that is what I am expecting for this new Transformers movie.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Quote:Heresy! The original Transformers movie was amazing. Optimus Prime dying traumatized me for about a week.

I'm not that big of a Michael Bay fan, but he makes good popcorn movies so that is what I am expecting for this new Transformers movie.

The soundtrack wasn't too bad either...

And at a Suncoast Video a counterman told me that Voltron DVDs would be released in the not too distant future.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
Quote:It appears to be a remastered version of the original, not an entirely new movie. When I was a kid and saw the transformers movie for the first time I was amazed. I watched it again recently and I have no idea what I was thinking about, that movie is terrible.

The DVD link is an anniversary remaster of the original, but that is not the project Roland was trying to link to.

As for the original movie, I saw it in the theatre when I was a kid, and haven't seen it since. I liked parts of it, but I think it was kind of the beginning of the end for me and transformers. Transformers without Optimus Prime and Megatron is kind of like ER without Ross and Hathaway. Or like one of those comic series that split into an alternate reality where everything is messed up. It's not a good thing. And you know they killed off so many characters to sell more new toys. Once I got my very own Nintendo, it was pretty much over for the Transformers anyways though.
Quote:Heresy! The original Transformers movie was amazing. Optimus Prime dying traumatized me for about a week.

Have you watched it recently? I remember it being spectacular as a child, too. But seeing it again made me realize it lost all its luster.


Quote:CGI tech demo

Now that, is pretty impressive!
Signature? What do you mean?
Quote:Heresy! The original Transformers movie was amazing. Optimus Prime dying traumatized me for about a week.

I liked GoBots better.

Quote:I liked GoBots better.


I loved Transformers: Beast Wars. I wish Beast Machines was out on DVD.
Quote:I liked GoBots better.

Now that really is heresy. You could get burned at the stake for that one.
Quote:I liked GoBots better.

I had almost completely forgotten about that show: I used to love it as a kid. One of the things that really stuck in my head about it was that the toy companies could never decide if the leader guy was supposed to be an F-14 or an F-15.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Quote:CGI tech demo

This is the greatest thing ever. If the movie is 1/10th as good as this, it will make millions (billions!).

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