Need a mod that gives combat log time stamps
I want to do some testing with Mind Control and how long it lasts with different equipment configurations. Is there a simple mod that gives combat log time stamps? I think that would be more accurate than having me hit a stopwatch each time, especially since I don't own a stopwatch.
Quote:I want to do some testing with Mind Control and how long it lasts with different equipment configurations. Is there a simple mod that gives combat log time stamps? I think that would be more accurate than having me hit a stopwatch each time, especially since I don't own a stopwatch.

Try Nurfed UI Alpha or Nurfed Combat Log. I recommend Alpha more as the Combat Log comes with it and you have the ability to put time stampts on the logs from the Alpha console.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Sol's Color Chat Nicks does timestamps on everything, and also will cache people's class and color their names in chat based on that. I find it really nice for breaking chat up and makes following conversations much easier.
Quote:I want to do some testing with Mind Control and how long it lasts with different equipment configurations. Is there a simple mod that gives combat log time stamps? I think that would be more accurate than having me hit a stopwatch each time, especially since I don't own a stopwatch.

Perhaps I am missing something, but can't you just turn on Blizzard's own time stamps, and use built-in Blizzard's logging tool to output everything to a text file so that you can peruse it later?
Quote:Perhaps I am missing something, but can't you just turn on Blizzard's own time stamps, and use built-in Blizzard's logging tool to output everything to a text file so that you can peruse it later?

Um, you can do that? It's in the interface options, I take it?

I'd like to avoid installing as many mods as possible, because I have a very low end machine -- PIII 900 Mhz, 512 meg ram, six year old video card.
Bah, the option I always forget about and have never actually tried.


Stores combat information into a text file in your WoW directory. From what I hear it's a PITA to parse, so get your Regular Expressions ready if you're going to dig into that:P

Oh, and let me second the Nurfed Combat Log addon recommendation. Wanna see how much VE heals you without getting told how much it heals ALL your party-mates also? Done:)
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Next question: Is there an easy way to look up or check the shadow resistance of a mob? I need to test on a level 60 mob and I was thinking of testing on the level 60 blood elves in the western plaguelands, but I'm worried that they might not have non-zero shadow resistance. There's also the level 60 twilight cultists in the cave in northwestern Silithus, but that tends to be camped with farmers.
See if they partially resist shadow spells? If they have no resist, shouldn't they only get the 5% or so binary resist?
There was a fix on the ptr, which changed the level to 60 and the shadow resistance to 0.
Quote:There was a fix on the ptr, which changed the level to 60 and the shadow resistance to 0.

Um, yes I know... which is why I want to find *another* mob out in the world who similarly are level 60 and have 0 shadow resist. That way, I can do tests on Mind Control without, you know, dying.
Quote:Um, yes I know... which is why I want to find *another* mob out in the world who similarly are level 60 and have 0 shadow resist. That way, I can do tests on Mind Control without, you know, dying.

Ah, well, that makes sense.

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