Rogue suggestion
I would like to ask the wisdom of the boards for a build for rogues in the new 1.12 patch.

I am currently a 36 rogue leveling with my husband also a 36 rogue. We ALWAYS play together on these rogues. So using your favorate talent calculator, try to help us out by staying within the rules and answering the following questions.

1. We need two rogue builds, first a sword spec combat rogue, the other a backstab rogue. We don't really want to fight over weapons.
2. Since the two rogues always play together, think about how the two can work together with their talent specs to help each other out.

1. Give two talent specs
2. What are the features (key talents) and why. Remember this is a leveling build, not an end game raiding build.

Thanks for your help!!

I think there are two builds for either rogue, but the both full combat build would probably be really fun.

Opportunity + 15 in Assassination (malice, imp. evisc, relentless, ruthlessness and 3/5 lethality) and the rest down the combat tree for backstab, DW, Daggers, blade flurry and adrenaline rush.

This would complement a combat sword build as blade flurry and aggression becomes your "crowd control" for the situations where you have to face a few more than your normally would. Crowd control through burst AoE DPS.

For the complementary sword rogue it's nearly the same build with the 8 dagger specific points (opportunity and backstab) moved to aggression and filling out the dodge talent (since he will be the "tank") and any leftover going in improved poisons (static DPS gain, but it's a really nice gain per talent point at lower levels or at 60 with poor gear, would probably be something to spec out of after getting some decent gear at 60). Obviously dagger spec points moved to sword spec or mace spec depending on what you're after.

That pair would be able to offer some pretty incredible burst DPS when needed when both use adrenaline rush + cooldowns, and have pretty formidable DPS even when cooldowns aren't in place. The downside is you don't have improved sap in the pair, so only 1 sap is available, but 2xblade flurry + adrenaline rush should make up for that.

The other pair I see possible is for the dagger rogue to go seal fate + dagger spec + opportunity. This takes all your talent points for the dagger rogue, but this probably maximizes dagger rogue damage at lower levels. You lose the burst of adrenaline rush and the AoE capability of blade flurry, but you gain the burst of Cold Blood and quicker finishers for a little more flexibility.

Then the combat rogue go for a deep subtlety build for Hemo / Improved Sap + some of the avoidance points in combat + some of the typical damage points in assassination. Kind of an awkward build that is a little gimped for damage, but improved sap means you could often get two saps off for much better crowd control. That pair wouldn't have the incredible burst capability of the other pair, but 2 saps is nice too.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
I have been thinking about different rogue specs for a while now, my main has always been a dagger rogue. One dagger spec is the following:


This is what my rogue will be speccing to once the patch hits. If anyone has any tweaks for this build, lets hear them!

For a new rogue I am making, I will be going maces. It seems to me that I would want to increase my attack speed as much as I can (Improved Slice and Dice and Bladeflurry) as well as pumping out as many Sinister Strikes as possible (Improved Sinister Strike). I also have included Riposte since I will be getting Deflection maxed and another opportunity to stun my opponent seems like a good thing. I also am trying to maximize damage so I have included points for Improved Eviscerate, Murder, Aggression, and the +crit and +crit damage skills.

Gouge is there for when I need a breather, I am not sold on Improved Kidney Shot at all so I skipped it, and I am intrigued by Improved Sprint's PvP capabilities so I have tossed two points in there.


I have never done a mace rogue before, so if anyone has some tips or advice on this build I would love to hear it.

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.

- Mel Brooks

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