Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution
Quote:With respect to the assembly of office chairs project, all I can say is that your method was......brilliant!

LemmingofGlory Wrote:Doing tedious, monotonous work (like transcribing wav files) is most easily accomplished by finding a way to frame the work that makes it move along. In such a way, a lot of work can be done rather quickly.

'Makes sense => I'll keep that in mind;)

Furthermore the Diablo Evolution Team wishes to supply you with some relevant piece of information:

We've approached Blizzard a week ago in order to receive permission to host something, that we've desired to share with you guys:)and well that was their reply:


We cannot supply you with a file but if you have one already and wish to host it that should be fine. So long as there is no money involved there shouldbe no issues.

Information regarding submission of maps or ideas, as well as information regarding the hosting of servers and legal information pertaining to the use of names, places, images, or any other material (intellectual or physical) that is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment, can be found at our Legal FAQ Site - (""). If you have any further questions please email us at - ("") so we can try to address your questions on an upcoming revision of the FAQ.

Peter N.
Blizzard Entertainment

The "File" would be, yep you may have guessed it, the Diablo I Beta, which will be available at our File-Section from now on (you may also use the direct link: Diablo I Beta) for those, who would like to expand their collection of rarities or the ones among you, that would like to venture a little longer in the PrDemo's Dungeons (for instructions read the 'Make your own Alpha'-Part over there);)



[Edit:] The bandwith-limit is 1 TB (download-rate should be fine as well [mine was 300 kb/s instead of my usual 500 kb/s]):), so downlaod this pearl whenever you wish to download it;)
Wow, that was a very fun read. Thanks!
Nice info

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