How to play nice
I'm in a guild with a lot of people who are pretty new to WoW. There are a lot of things (like rolling Greed on gems even if you need it to craft with, not leaving halfway through an instance even if it's dinnertime, like afking at the same time as other people during a raid) that people simply haven't figured out yet

Can anyone provide me with a link on how to play nice with other people please?

Sadly we're at the point we may start guild-kicking people and I'm not sure some of them have ever understood what other players expect of them.

In some cases of course a combination of being thick-skinned, epixx-obsessed and self-absorbed is the real problem but I'd like to rescue the well-meaning but dim ones :rolleyes:
My old raiding guild had just one rule: Don't be an a**hole. Although somewhat touch-in-cheek, it's a pretty good rule, I think. It covers everything, really.

Wanting to believe that some folks are just dim, I sat down to try and write a guide like you describe, only to realize that it's really impossible to teach someone how to not violate the above rule. Each time they do something completely new that makes you want to wring their throat, they honestly believe that they haven't done anything wrong. No one sees the things that make them unreasonable.

Some of them can be taught, it's true, but we're not talking about a howto type of education. We're talking you spending weeks teaching them...if they're motivated to learn. You'll just end up replacing play time with class time.

Instead, as my guild's former 'heavy' (I did the gkicking), I recommend you declare a rule like, "Think of others before yourself," or "Don't be an a**hole," and tell people that if they have any questions, they should ask because you're going to start gkicking people who break it. Then kick your worst, most incorrigible offender and tell the entire guild, "He didn't think of others first,"

Now you've laid down the law and you've given them a way to get education. Keep kicking rule breakers on a regular basis, and the rest of the guild will respect the leadership for it. And your guild already knows who needs to go; members would unanimously thank me for kicking each person from the guild.
Essentially it's kicking people for offending the leadership's values, it's just so arbitrary

I certainly don't want to see a system that people rules-lawyer their way around but there must be some guilds who have defined what sort of behaviour they don't like to see
Quote:...Sadly we're at the point we may start guild-kicking people and I'm not sure some of them have ever understood what other players expect of them.
I know my old guild had a "what's expected of you" list posted on every raid signup sheet. Among the regular things - like supplying your own pots and bandaids - were things like "don't leave until the raid leaders calls it" and "no b#^%$ing about loot in public and/or guild channels". (Woe betide anyone who jumped down to MC rather than running!)

Start issuing DKP penalties for stuff like that (50 DKP MINUS!!) and people catch on or end up so deep in negative DKP that they take their epic $%*#ing selves elsewhere.:)
I hate flags

"Then Honor System came out and I had b*$@& tattoo'd on my forehead and a "kick me" sign taped to my back." - Tiku

Stormscale: Treglies, UD Mage; Treggles, 49 Orc Shaman; Tregor, semi-un-retired Druid.

Terenas (all retired): 60 Druid; 60 Shaman. (Not very creative with my character selection, am I?!Wink

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