A Brief Introduction....

Most of you have probably been asking yourself this question... "Who the hell is Zynli?! Who invited him? What an idiot~!" But I have arrived with the appropriate answers and I am fully equipped to quell even the most deep seeded fears laying within you.

Some of you may remember a Warrior named Narthius from about 6 months (Or more) back. I leveled him to 58, started my Ony attunement and was suddenly stricken with the need for a bit more PvPing. I rolled a rogue on Bonechewer to quench that thirst. The rogues name was Zynli. I instantly fell in love with him, and levelled him to 60.

Once I hit 60 I started looking for a guild on Bonechewer and I was invited by a group of raiders who hailed from countries such as Ireland, Australia, Germany, Canada....The time they raided was convenient for me, as I was working mostly nights back then and they raided in the AM, my time. I would set my alarm for 8:15, get up, raid and go to work. The name of the guild was Acerbus Angelus. I quickly became Rogue class leader and officer in AA but troubling news was to swiftly arrive. Most of Acerbus Angelus was Lebonese. Which ISNT the troubling news, you bigots! The problem arose when the war broke out in Lebanon...Suddely three quarters of our raid force was no longer able to attend raids or even play WoW. We had dropped Rag, cleared ZG, done AQ 20 bosses; sadly, and suddenly we were reduced to playing with our thumbs while we waited for an adequate force to arrive.

I waited and waited and nothing happened. More and more people kept leaving the guild due to our inactivity. I ached to raid, to kill something with teamwork and cooperation...to execute the plan unerringly, but alas...No raids arrived. When patch 1.12 went through, Bonechewer was down for quite some time and I came on Stormrage as my warrior to say hello to a few people. It was then that Keshi suggested I get an invite with Lurkers and come back to Stormrage.

As a bit of background on me as a player - I have been raiding in high end content in MMOs for over 8 years. I played Everquest for 6 years or so, maybe a bit longer, and I was a raid leader for a high end EQ guild (This EQ was progressed to what would be the equivilent of FAR PAST our Naxx in WoW) However, EQ raids got repetetive after that amount of time and every new encounter, though seemingly fresh and new, needed a variation on the same cookie cutter strat in order to defeat it. I grew tired of the monotony. I left EQ and joined WoW, creating a warrior on the Stormrage server, which almost brings us full circle.

My name is Josh, Im 23 years old and I live in Manchester, NH with my GF and two roommates who also play WoW. I manage a kitchen for work. Im the type of raider people are looking for, in my opinion. Im mature, competent, I follow directions, I listen and I execute strats as we're supposed to without question, even if I know it means wiping. I apologize to anyone who might have been a bit perturbed by my seemingly blatant disregard for guild regulations and Alliance regulations when I signed up for Onyxia recently. I had been asking questions about what to do in the forums and what I had to do to get set up to raid with you. Unforunately, between GEM, TS (Which Ive never used and still dont quite get) and signing up for both forums, mentioning that I post here in Meeting Stone and then in the Taxpayer forum on the CA page was forgotten to be instructed to me. I realize that ignorance isnt bliss...but I just plain didnt know.

I wont take up any more of your time, and thank you for the time youve granted me now. I appreciate the invite and Ill do my best to make you not regret it. Again, thanks for reading and maybe even understanding. Ill see you all around Im sure. Take care.


Proud Co-Founder of the Widely Accepted and Raiderâ„¢ Approved "FIPIA Strategy"

Zyn's You Tube Channel

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