Terenas - Odds and ends
1) who is pushing to finish D2 questline soon? I have some flasks and some mats for more, but need to know how many...

I'm thinking the following people are close:

for a total of 7, and I already gave one to Necrali. I think I have 4 flasks and mats for 2 or 3 more. I need to check my supply of dreamfoil so I can send extra to KOTD to help with GFPPs if I have extra.

Did I miss anyone who is on questline for the last 2 pieces?

2) Frag mentioned Tor could make Flask of the Titans, is this correct? That would be awesome... Mist and I have mats for 4 of them for Titanic leggings (and we have all the rest of the mats for Titanic Leggings) that we have been sitting on because we never managed to work anything specific out with KOTD flask maker.

3) If #2 is true... WTB scholo run Tuesday

4) Does anyone else need DI for anything? I have 5 bars now with no specific purpose in mind... people early in the D2 upgrade line? People needing dark iron shoulders?
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Xarhud just turned in the Kings of Flame quest, and now has to go farm on Purgation Isle to prep for the Scholo summons. If we're planning a Scholo run (which would be good, I need the rep and the head piece), I would like to get this step finished first, and perhaps Mogo and Xar can both get their summons in at the same time.
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Quote:1) who is pushing to finish D2 questline soon?

Necrali only needs Valthalak. There is a bunch of people close to catching up now so I've been content to wait for them.

The chestpiece is still an upgrade -- the headpiece is a sidegrade for now but still useful.

Have all the bracers and the Flask of supreme power now, so D2 ready, except i still dont have the damn crown for final turn in.

I have 30 odd Dark iron and 4 bars, have made DI shoulders for doom and made throium armour for the rest since i need 20 bars to make the chest, which is the only other piece that can be made without corestuff.

Dooms FR now 101 unbuffed!!:w00t:

Both my alchenists can make supreme power aslo if needed, Rogue & priest.


Quote:Xarhud just turned in the Kings of Flame quest, and now has to go farm on Purgation Isle to prep for the Scholo summons. If we're planning a Scholo run (which would be good, I need the rep and the head piece), I would like to get this step finished first, and perhaps Mogo and Xar can both get their summons in at the same time.

ANd thanks to Mogo, Marn and Tris, Xar has now completed the farming from Purgation Isle and is ready for the Scholo summons.
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Octord is working on the left piece of the Amulet. As such I am at the point I need help to perform the summoning in DM East.
<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
Always available to help if you want it though I haven't even started on the D2 line.

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.
Quote:Octord is working on the left piece of the Amulet. As such I am at the point I need help to perform the summoning in DM East.

I need that summon as well.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
So, Xarhud's odds and ends are now:

Kormok summons
Devout crown
Skin of Shadow
Any other quests that I've forgotten I have, or that I can pick up now that I have the spectral essence

BRD (Or help from Mav):
Burning essence

DM West:
Mintap talisman

Quest "The Last Barov" (at chillwind point)
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Quote:So, Xarhud's odds and ends are now:

Kormok summons
Devout crown
Skin of Shadow
Any other quests that I've forgotten I have, or that I can pick up now that I have the spectral essence

BRD (Or help from Mav):
Burning essence

DM West:
Mintap talisman

Quest "The Last Barov" (at chillwind point)

I have, in my bank, Crystal Spire and a Burning Essence, to help someone complete a Libram of Resilience.

You would have to give me the Libram of Resilience and the Black Diamond, then I would complete the Libram, and put it on your item via trade window.

I have no plans at this time to FR libram a pair of pants.
Quote:I have, in my bank, Crystal Spire and a Burning Essence, to help someone complete a Libram of Resilience.

You would have to give me the Libram of Resilience and the Black Diamond, then I would complete the Libram, and put it on your item via trade window.

I have no plans at this time to FR libram a pair of pants.

And Mav did this for me last night, and so now my Circlet of Prophecy has an additional +20FR. Thanks Mav!
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Thanks to Tiga, Tris, Tori, and Marn, Mogo is done with her Scholo summons (her first "random" one).
Intolerant monkey.

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