Tam needs BRD/BRS..anyone else?

Hey all...Now that Tam is lev 60, it's time to start getting keys and working on my Tier set..I need to do the Following Quests: **The ones that have astericks are the most important but I would like to clear them all**

If Anyone needs to or wants to run these let me know and we can plan a time/day

Attunement to the Core*
Commander Gor'shak
The Love Potion
The Challange
Taste of Flame


Warlords Command*
Seal of Ascension*
Blackhands Command*
Spider Eggs
Operative Bijou
Darkstone Tablet
Urok Doomhowl
Legplates(Need Carapace)
<span style="color:red"> Terenas<!--/sizec-->

<span style="color:orange">
Tamainelka- ----62 O Hunter(Eng/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Sharissea--------23 BE Hunter(Skin/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Kaiyleri-----------17 BE Warlock(Tail/Ench)
<span style="color:orange">
Crysalisse--------05 BE Mage(Alch/Herb)
<span style="color:orange">
Paksarrian--------01 BE Paladin(LW/Smith)


Badhairdays has some of those so i'm up, let me know a time and i'll try and be there.


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