Feign Death while mounted!
I'm sure most of you have seen other players appear to still be mounted on a griffon/bat/hippogryph/etc or their normal mount on your system but on theirs they were normal.

Well that happened to me on MarnTruehorn, my Tauren hunter on Terenas while he was out farming some twilight texts with Mogo (Treesh's shaman). It was fun to watch him attack from the kodo and such so I did my best to not try and fix it. Well I pulled aggro from my pet, which is common, and hit feign death. I looked over on Treesh's screen and not only did I FD but so did my trusty kodo Stampy! So Treesh got some screenies that I just now remember to upload.

Starting the FD
A little later in the process
And I'm down
Basically the same she was just jamming the printscreen key
A close up
A bit more panned out

It's too bad that neither of us has FRAPs installed anymore as there was some other fun stuff (Raptor strikes were quite amusing and some of my horrible jump shots were fun as well).

But at least you can see a bit of it in screen captures. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Those are some 1337 h@x GG.
That is *awesome*.

There are actually attack, death, swimming, and other animations for all the mounts in the data files. A lot of the non-combat pets have them too. My guess is that the models and graphics were designed early enough that they weren't sure whether things like mounted combat would make it into the game. It's kind of a shame that so many cool animations go unused, but then occaisionally something like this happens and it's pretty fun.
Quote:There are actually attack, death, swimming, and other animations for all the mounts in the data files. A lot of the non-combat pets have them too. My guess is that the models and graphics were designed early enough that they weren't sure whether things like mounted combat would make it into the game. It's kind of a shame that so many cool animations go unused, but then occaisionally something like this happens and it's pretty fun.

I want to see some screenshots of my rogue caught in this bug and going stealth with my raptor and frostwolf mounts.

I think for a troll hunter, it would bring new meaning to the skill 'raptor strike'
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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