The Suppression Room
Quote:We weren't going to use flasks on Flamegor until we felt we could kill him and after a silly death-on-pull by me and two wipes because other tanks died during the fight we called it a night and settled with just one first kill for the week.

Tell the raid to equip 125-150 fire res or so. Makes all the difference if your hunters (ideally 4 in case one misses) don't get their tranqs off quickly enough:)

Good luck with the rest of BWL. Chromaggus is a bit easier now time lapse has been nerfed, as long as people know what "get in line of sight" and "get out of line of sight" mean. Still lasts too long as a fight, though. And I still find Nefarian fun after 8 months of killing him.:)
You don't know what you're talking about.
Huzzah! Sounds like much good fun is being had. You're almost to Nef!
Quote:Bolded for clarification. Why kill an easily CC'able mob so 'high' in the order? Those summoned mobs will stay handily/easily banished until everything else is dead. I'd CC and leave them until the very last to die.

Time. These mobs are weak and die fast. It's like when I do UBRS now, I had a guy set up sap sheep targets first to die and crap. I said "screw that crap" charged in and just tanked it all. There comes a point where you can over CC and it just becomes time and effort wasted.
Hmm, in my experience it pays off to crowd control and focus-fire single mobs even when running Strat or UBRS in BWL gear. It keeps people focussed instead of turning it into a slugfest (which can be fun too, at times:)) and I did not really notice a difference in time spent for a specific instance with it. With nuking, people usually take more damage and waste more mana, so the time you gain without CCing you have to work back in drinking or taking care of the odd multipull that's more likely to occur.

YMMV, or actually does, reading your post. Maybe I'm a control freak:o

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
I used to be all about CC and planning, but really, that's better for new encounters and instances where you don't know what to expect - once you know everyone knows what to do, it's faster and more rewarding (in excitement) to pile in. We can pretty much zerg UBRS up to the first three-dragonkin two-humanoid pull, then I call 'Zerg off, who's tanking the extras/CCing the humanoids?'

Then Ace calls 'Zerg on' and tanks them all anyway.

Really, after that point, then Drak is the only one worth planning.
Mini-update on our progress, we killed Flamegor with zero deaths on first try and got Chromaggus to 11% on the first day we ever got to him:)Breath combo Ignite Flesh and Frost Burn might have helped some here.

That fight just takes AGES! We quite enjoyed the debuff and damage from our first Thunderfury too:D

All in all a very good week for our Very Happy Banana guild cooperation.

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
Quote:Mini-update on our progress, we killed Flamegor with zero deaths on first try and got Chromaggus to 11% on the first day we ever got to him:)Breath combo Ignite Flesh and Frost Burn might have helped some here.

That fight just takes AGES! We quite enjoyed the debuff and damage from our first Thunderfury too:D

All in all a very good week for our Very Happy Banana guild cooperation.

take care

Big congrats! The loot pinatas are lining up to fall beneath your might.:)

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