Terenas - UBRS anyone?
Hey all,

Now that it looks like clearing to the Alchemy lab in BWL is "likely" to be a regular occurance i'd like to get my priest attuned to be able to make flasks.

Hense, i need to get her into UBRS sometime soon.

let me know if there a group going or building pls.

If anyone proposes a time, I'll see if I can make it. I'd love to give you a hand, Mist.

Quote:let me know if there a group going or building pls.

It might work better to propose a couple of times you'd be available, and see if people can come help then.
Good idea............should have though of that myself,DOH!

i'm usually on 6-8 pm most days, so anytime i'm on would work for me.

mostly if i'm not it's cause i have carer duties that i'm attending to, but on the whole i'm here those times.

oh, and i'm usually on till, 12pm server time, sometimes 1am, then i'm usually back at 3am, i realize that's not going to help you all in the states but best to be specific.

Quote:Hey all,

Now that it looks like clearing to the Alchemy lab in BWL is "likely" to be a regular occurance i'd like to get my priest attuned to be able to make flasks.

Hense, i need to get her into UBRS sometime soon.

let me know if there a group going or building pls.

I help when I can when I'm on. I'm currently in AV as much as possible turning in wolves for Org rep at this time, but I haven't turned down an instance that I could make and was needed for. I just can't promise when I'll be on, except for the Weds MC nights, and often on Sunday evenings.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Hey mistique, this is a couple days old, but if you still need it, I currently have a UBRS listed in GEM for Wednesday... BUT, then an MC run was posted for then as well... So, I am gonna shoot for Tuesday or Thursday (Sabra, Shal, et. al. whatcha think..??)

I need the carapace from Rend - going after my breastplate of chromatic flight (for DPS and FR)...

Let me know, or sign up in GEM, as I am pretty sure that the run will take place one night this week :-)

Drexler: {P}Tank / {S}Ret-A-Din
Nightmagix: DK: DPS / Tank
NatureMagix: Elemental / Healer

Nightshiftr: Boomkin / Healer
Sharpeyez: {Human} Hunter
ShadowMagix: Warlock: DPS / Leveling
Quote:Hey mistique, this is a couple days old, but if you still need it, I currently have a UBRS listed in GEM for Wednesday... BUT, then an MC run was posted for then as well... So, I am gonna shoot for Tuesday or Thursday (Sabra, Shal, et. al. whatcha think..??)

I need the carapace from Rend - going after my breastplate of chromatic flight (for DPS and FR)...

Let me know, or sign up in GEM, as I am pretty sure that the run will take place one night this week :-)


Mistique is on Terenas (Horde) - I'll edit the title to reflect that.:)

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