In This Thread: Gratuitous Screenshot Post (Large Image)
[Image: xye.jpg]

1 awesome thing. We had Xye's (the druid) cousin log her in after she went to bed and we put Winter's Might on her new staff. Also he took it for a test drive in WSG and popped the portal. 2 people clicked on it out of interest and were probably surprised to find themselves in deadwind pass.
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)

I can't wait to take KT down and have a couple of Atiesh's in our guild (unfortunately, not in my hands).
Quick question: Is that legendary staff from Naxxramas required to enter the Karazhan instance, or is it just a handy tool to port a party to that location?
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Quote:Quick question: Is that legendary staff from Naxxramas required to enter the Karazhan instance, or is it just a handy tool to port a party to that location?

Just a handy tool
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

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