PVP hours
Soon to be obsolete, but interesting nevertheless:


If you play WOW as a full time job (40 hours a week) you'll reach rank 11. If you want Rank 14 you'll need to get above the Rank 13 average and play WOW as two full time jobs.

(Well, keep the character active anyhow. No wonder people account share).

Quote:Soon to be obsolete, but interesting nevertheless:


If you play WOW as a full time job (40 hours a week) you'll reach rank 11. If you want Rank 14 you'll need to get above the Rank 13 average and play WOW as two full time jobs.

(Well, keep the character active anyhow. No wonder people account share).

I PVP'd probably about 25 hours/week and this week reached Rank 11. Averaged about 180k/week up to rank 9 and around 225k/week up 'till 11. All ranks except 11 took me 2 weeks to get to. 11 took 3 weeks.
If I dedicated 100% (instead of 80%, 60-70% twice a week for raiding) of my WoW time to PVP, I could reach rank 12 in about 3 weeks or so, maybe 4.
90% of my time was spent in AV, with the remaining times in AB. No WSG, as it is a waste of time for Alliance without a pre-made.
The wait on my server is about 2 min for AV, 3 min for AB, and who cares for WSG.

Going on D in AV helps a lot for HK farming. What I used to do is go to IBGY and after it is taken, I'd check if there's enough on D already and if there was < 10, I'd hearth back. Finishing in the top 5 consistently helps your Honor grind pretty significantly..... oh and that also happens to be the only place in AV that is actually PVP.

Honor numbers required naturally depend on your server.

Just for comparison: My warrior on Aman'Thul (one of the second wave of Oceania servers) got 176K honor this week, and standing 40. That was enough to go from 30% of the way to Rank 10 to 90% of the way to Rank 10. AV queues average 45-60 minutes, AB and WSG are 6-7 minutes. I usually join AB and WSG games for the tokens between AV matches, then get the rep bonus from the "Concerted Efforts" turn-in.

Last week represented considerably more PVP time than any previous week - I'm scaling back a bit this week, although AV weekends tend to double honor totals in my experience.

I think those numbers include the time NOT spent PvPing. Just look at rank 1 - it's listed as requiring 10 hours - and we all know thats baloney. For the same reason, rank 14 is still listed as requiring less time than rank 13, but a bit more than rank 12. Basically, he took the total time played in a week by a person, and declared that as the time needed to maintain a certain rank. Most PvPers do not spend all their time trying to gain rank - a lot of them still participate in raids, farming, and other activities. The author has no way of knowing how much time they spend exactly on PvP, so he just had to take the total time played during a week.

Quote:In the same way that we could approximate the number of hours played it is necessary to get from one level to the next, we could also approximate how many hours of play per week it takes to advance from one PvP rank to the next. We tabulated the average number of hours played for characters in each PvP rank. Of course, the numbers derived do not correspond directly to the time it takes to reach the next PvP rank, but they are indicative of the time invested as players are at higher and higher PvP ranks. The following is the graph we got from that analysis.

Interesting graph, but it's way misleading. Now, don't take that as a sign of me thinking that the current system is fine - I think it's horrible, and hopefully the token system will be better... It's just annoying when people try to blow things out of proportion.
Of course it includes time spent logged in and doing other things. It's got other flaws too (such as the short sampling period - it's taken from just one week of data). There isn't a whole lot of other objective publicly available data on player habits around though. Certainly Bliz isn't telling.
Quote:For the same reason, rank 14 is still listed as requiring less time than rank 13, but a bit more than rank 12.

If you were rank 13, wouldn't you likely be pushing to rank 14? Whereas at rank 14, lots of people drop off in hours, since they've hit their goal and have no further objective except to have fun?

That is, assuming they even still recognize what "fun" is after grinding to rank 14.

Y'know, the weird thing is that this chart describes that holding rank 3 (sergeant) takes about 15~17 hours a week, yet I've had no trouble holding it by just getting my requisite number of honor kills (25) in one week out of every two.

Yes, I'm one of nature's sergeants. Like Sergeant Colon:P
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Quote:Y'know, the weird thing is that this chart describes that holding rank 3 (sergeant) takes about 15~17 hours a week, yet I've had no trouble holding it by just getting my requisite number of honor kills (25) in one week out of every two.

Yes, I'm one of nature's sergeants. Like Sergeant Colon:P

:DAlways felt a bit of empathy for Vimesy myself.

It shows average total hours played in a week, not really the pvp effort required for each rank. I'd guess that many of the Rank 13's PVP pretty much all the time they're online since they're probably pushing for that last promotion but those doing just enough PVP to keep the Sergeant discount don't need quite the same level of dedication.

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