Terenas - "The Perfect Poison"
Well that was fun. We actually got up to 20 people in the raid by the time we got to Mandokir. Went on and got Mar'li after some issues on the first pull.

Keep your eyes peeled for a run for next week. I won't be leading it (I was late to the start of this one, thanks vor_lord for getting invites going, we still got first pull only a little after 8 server) but there will be a run.

Was very happy to see all the great upgrades for people. I'm getting excited about the numbers we are pulling into the runs as Mandokir + Jin'do = 2 enchant idols for us not just one and we should be able to bring the group to get Jin'do down. Though we forgot to pop the hoodoo piles to get more dolls. Ah well.

And of course if you enjoy ZG and AQ20 don't forget to check with the Keepers they still get a run going now and then too, just be careful with your raid locks as I'm hoping to do a 20 man Lurkers run every Sunday.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.


Or another way


I don't know if it's realistic, but if we get a good group going on a regular basis, I'd love to see more of both of these instances. I've seen most of the fights in ZG, but most of them I've never personally seen be beaten. In AQ20 I've only seen Kurinnaxx, so seeing more would be great. Dropping Ossisian would be awesome - he drops a couple of very nice things I could really use, which would make my slow progression through keepers' raids less of a frustration. :)
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
I would like to clear up something that happened on the run last night. I intended to 'loot council' the idol, that is why I asked for items to be linked. But I got distracted and called for the rolls then got caught up in the whole scenario of Jester winning and passing it along. I intend that any Lurkers only ZG run that I lead (and this may end up being standard policy but is still being discussed) that the idol will be 'loot counciled' to make sure it gets on the most appropriate item for the most appropriate person. I'm not laying out exactly what we will look at as criteria since the officers are currently in discussion on this and some very good ideas are being brought up, but longevity of the item that you will enchant (if you are likely to get T2 legs in the next week or two then I don't want to put it on your T1 legs, etc), opportunity to get the idol, if you have enchanted something already, etc are likely to be some of them.

The other message that got sent out that I should not have let happen was that if we do use a /roll system for an item, if the winner passes they do not get to choose who gets the item, it falls to the next highest roll. I won't make that mistake again. Letting that happen can just create too many opportunities for drama. You don't want me rolling on something so that I can win it for Treesh do you? Well you might because we all love our overlord, but you get the picture.:) We are pretty relaxed but consistency matters.

So I aplogize for that. Things worked out fine with it. I don't think anyone is upset by it, but I didn't want it to run that way, and I let myself get distracted and figured, eh I don't think anyone will care so why bother fixing it now. So again, as many of you may have noticed, Treesh and I were both distracted at times by things outside of the game and I let if affect some things in game I shouldn't have. I don't think any harm was done by it, but I don't want it to set a precedence that most of us don't want.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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