Sunstrider Isle to the Ghostlands
Brian Morrisroe is the Lead Interior Artist. It's likely an inside joke among Blizzard employees.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Stillblade's corpse is found in the inn, after you kill him on an isle just outside of Suncrown Village in Ghostlands. It's part of the first Paladin quest, The First Trial, which ends with you earning Redemption I.

After talking to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in SMC, he sends you to the island out in Ghostlands. After lighting the brazier there, Stillblade attacks you, and you must kill him. After returning to Bloodvalor, he sends you downstairs to siphon some energy from the naruu thingie, and then sends you to the inn (where you find Stillblade's corpse) to resurrect him. Finally, you return to Bloodvalor and earn Redemption I.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Quote:Stillblade's corpse is found in the inn, after you kill him on an isle just outside of Suncrown Village in Ghostlands. It's part of the first Paladin quest, The First Trial, which ends with you earning Redemption I.

After talking to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in SMC, he sends you to the island out in Ghostlands. After lighting the brazier there, Stillblade attacks you, and you must kill him. After returning to Bloodvalor, he sends you downstairs to siphon some energy from the naruu thingie, and then sends you to the inn (where you find Stillblade's corpse) to resurrect him. Finally, you return to Bloodvalor and earn Redemption I.

I must say that they outdid themselves on the flavor for the Blood Knight quests. The Redemption quest, the Sense Undead quest and the Ransuer quests were just amazing. After playing through the Blood Elf areas, I wonder how good Blizz did on the Draeni areas.
Quote:I must say that they outdid themselves on the flavor for the Blood Knight quests. The Redemption quest, the Sense Undead quest and the Ransuer quests were just amazing. After playing through the Blood Elf areas, I wonder how good Blizz did on the Draeni areas.
I've pretty much covered all of Azuremyst Isle with my paladin, and... Damn, it's boring. Dull, dull, dull.

The Exodar is far to spacious and empty, and most of the starting quests are standard "kill these monsters, gather these drops" routine.

However, there is a pretty neat (and ludicrously simple) quest that involves disguising yourself as a tree to eavesdrop in on a conversation between a traitor and the local head of the Venture Co., which is pretty neat.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Quote:I've pretty much covered all of Azuremyst Isle with my paladin, and... Damn, it's boring. Dull, dull, dull.

The Exodar is far to spacious and empty, and most of the starting quests are standard "kill these monsters, gather these drops" routine.

However, there is a pretty neat (and ludicrously simple) quest that involves disguising yourself as a tree to eavesdrop in on a conversation between a traitor and the local head of the Venture Co., which is pretty neat.

The neatest quest on Azuremyst Isle is the series involving the Furbolgs imho. But, yeah, Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles are not nearly as good as the Blood Elf starting zones. They don't have nearly enough polish or points of interest.

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