Final Beta Thoughts from a Marksman Snob
It's done. The beta goal has been accomplished. Lvl 70 has been hit, and the flying mount purchased.

General Thoughts:
First things first, how long did it take me? I got the Beta installed and playable on Nov 28, 2006. I hit 70 yesterday, Jan 1, 2007. For the first week, I really only played my Draenai. So you figure, not quite a month to hit 70. That's being fairly relaxed with playing, too. So from just questing and wandering around (most exploration maps give you around 1100xp) you can hit 70 fairly easily. Also keep in mind I spent almost all of my time from lvl 64 onward in a duo party.

As an example of a power grind, if you really want to. From lvl 69 to lvl 70 is just shy of 800,000xp. Nazet started the day with about 20% or so left to hit 69. He finished the day at 70. He wasn't in a rested state, either. I went from 63 to 64 pretty quickly, in one evening of solo questing and running around, while rested. I don't see there being much of a "grind" to hit lvl 70. When I dinged, my quest log still had 15 quests in it, and there were several I didn't pick up as I knew I'd be dinging soon.

Next, Gold. While it doesn't "flow like water" as I've heard in some cases, i'ts not a huge worry. Nazet came over with 600g to his name. Just through questing and vendoring, he was able to buy a 900g mount, and still have 1100g to his name afterwards. I imagine that if we'd hit up instances and whatnot, we'd have had even more. I wanted to power level Eng some, so I bought new mats at PTR AH prices...I spent roughtly 1000g, and never even touched the money I brought over with me. So when I hear folks grumbling about how they already shelled out 1000g for a mount, and don't want to do it again, and could never get their hands on 5200g for an epic mount (Riding costs 5000, mount costs 200, and no, there are no factions you can rep with to reduce that) it just makes me chuckle a little inside.

Storylines/Lore/Questing. To me, this seemed very well done. I'm not too steeped in Warcraft lore, but I do have the basics. Things were pretty well done. A lot of quests (after you get out of HFP) chain, and the questing storylines are interesting an involving. I spent a lot of time chasing down a single quest chain becuase I wanted to know what happened next, as opposed to grouping up my quests and getting all the ones in the same area done at the same time.

Gear: On my way to 70, I replaced pretty much what I thought I would. My ranged weapon, my MH one, my necklace, cloak, both rings, and a trinket. I would have replaced both trinkets, but didn't bother with a popular questline who's finish is the "new" Blackhand's Breadth. A lot of folks I saw at 70 or around it had replaced their T2 with stuff they'd found in instances, but since I've not done any instances other than two very early ones, my 8/8 DS remains intact. I will note, that as I got higher (say 68 ) I saw several quest rewards that made me think "On Live, I'll save that piece to see if I can piece together a better armor set". So the upgrades are definatly there.

Flying Mounts. They are as fun as everyone says. I imagine that most folks will at least pick up the non epic one so that they can do what you can only do while flying (All of Tempest Keep is only accesible by flying mounts, for instance). The non epic one travels at the lvl 40 mount speed, and flies that fast, too. However, flying is faster than running.;)The epic mounts (I'm told) run as fast as an epic mount, and fly at 280%. Pretty speedy.

Annoyances. There are two big ones that stick out in my mind. The first are Fel Reaver type mobs. These are mobs you find all over the place in several zones, but are never lower than lvl 70 elite. They are always aggressive, and they hit like a truck. I never had one hit me for less than 12,000, and I have had a couple crit me for over 25,000.

What makes these especially annoying is that they wander. One of them in a later zone wanders the MAIN ROAD around the zone. That one even packs and Aura of Death. So he'll usually kill you 2-3 times. The Aura is like the green dragon effect. After this guy kills you (Can you survive a 12,000 surprise from behind hit?) he puts a 15 minute aura on you that is an instant death if you get near him again. His pat path does seem to be longer than 15 minutes, but he wanders it erratically, and I've been killed by him and then by his aura elsewhere in the zone. For those familiar with the Horde side of things, I think that these mobs will become the new "Sons of Arugal" for everyone.

Second, the zones are PACKED, and it seems like everything and their dog can daze you. It is very common to be running along, have something nick you, daze/dismount you, and then find yourself jumped by 3-4 mobs in addition to the one that knocked you off in the first place. Very frusterating to try to get someplace, and get continually knocked off your mount and have to fight.

Overall, I'm really impressed with what I've seen of TBC. I think it'll be huge, and respark a lot of lost interest in the game. There are some bugs and glitches (Several quests that are still bugged and have been for over a month, for instance) but they'll be worked out eventually.

Hunter Stuff:
Pets. Fun stuff, here's the breakdown as I saw it. I ended up using a Nether Ray class pet, and Nazet used a Ravager. I have, however, played with all the pets to some extent. The exception is the DragonHawk. Due to the taming bug, I never was able to get one of these.

Ravager ~ This is going to be the Tank Pet of the bunch, the new Bear/Turtle. Even a couple levels lower than mine, it always had more HP and AC. By the time we were "done", Nazet's Ravager had over 2000AC more than my Nether Ray. The pet could also pretty easily hold against Nazet and I, as long as we didn't go nuts with the damage.

Nether Ray ~ This is going to be a DPS only pet, I think. It does pretty good damage, but has no special ability ATM. It's not much of a tank at higher levels, either. It became a running joke with Nazet and I that my pet was dead AGAIN. I spent a lot of time rezzing and refeeding that Ray.

Spore Bat ~ I could never get "into" this pet. I tried, but even at 62 (first one I could tame) it could never seem to hold aggro or have much in the way of HP/AC. This strikes me as a "show pet" only. I can't ever recall seeing another hunter with this pet.

Warp Dragons ~ These were the much ballyhoo'ed pets of TBC. I think because you have to be at least lvl 63 to start taming them. So they were the 'really new' of the new. I picked one up, and it never managed to impress me. Even at 63 (Even level to me) it had a lot of trouble holding aggro, even against medium to low dps cycles. It had alright HP, but poor AC as well. I think that the biggest thing about this pet is that you would see EVERY hunter in the zone with one. But step outside the zone, and you can't find a single one anywhere.

Overall, the new pets are pretty cool, and I have a feeling you'll be seeing a lot of Ravagers around. Other than the two noted, the pets held well against me (a known aggro monkey) until 65 or 66, which is about what one would expect given the level of Growl they are working with. If a new level of Growl is added or discovered, pets could/would easily be able to tank for a hunter of any spec at 70, I feel.

For those curious, this ended up being my final spec at 70. I found it to be a pretty flexible spec that served me well while levelling. The thing that I may or may not change after I hit 70 at Live is Imp. AotH.

Nazet and I tested this. He ran around with Imp AotH and AotH active, I ran around with AotViper. For levelling, I found AotV to be pretty nice, as when Nazet would have to stop and drink, I'd be at 3/4 to 1/2 mana, and I'd regen that back by the time he was ready to roll. My stopping point was my pet. I'd often have to stop and either Mend Pet it, or bandage it (which ended up being faster). So it seemed to balance out. It looks like going with a Ravager and AotV will be a pretty powerful levelling combination, regardless of spec. AotV will be huge in a fight were we are required to DPS as much/hard/long as possible. The reason I question Imp AotH is that after I got it, I rarely had AotH on. If that's a continuing trend, that's 5 points in Imp AotH that could be used elsewhere, as it doesn't proc unless you have AotH up.

Damage output is pretty good. I've changed "cycles" a ton, trying to find something that suits me and my style of play, and still have "work" to do in that area. I am finding it quite fun to experiment, and see how this and that work, or if I can squeeze in this shot after that one, or should I wait for this autoshot, or crank up Steady get the picture. The "old" way of "one for all and all for one" is truely dead and gone, and we are going to start seeing a lot more individual style and flair in a hunter and their DPS'ing, I feel.

All in all, my feelings can be summed up into this oft-repeated phrase I hear in /general on Hellfire..."Can we go live with this? It rocks!"

I leave you with a picture...
[Image: Beta2.jpg]

EDIT: I have found at the Pet Trainer Growl 8, Stamina 11 and Armor 11. However, your pet has to be lvl 70 to learn these, so my observations based on my experiences stand, as your pet will never outlevel you (Mine's currently 68, and half a bubble from 69, for instance)
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Quote:First things first, how long did it take me? I got the Beta installed and playable on Nov 28, 2006. I hit 70 yesterday, Jan 1, 2007. For the first week, I really only played my Draenai. So you figure, not quite a month to hit 70. That's being fairly relaxed with playing, too. So from just questing and wandering around (most exploration maps give you around 1100xp) you can hit 70 fairly easily.

I don't see there being much of a "grind" to hit lvl 70.

Thanks for the report Mirajj. One thing I wonder about though -- they can set the experience curve to whatever they want to for the live release. Have they said anything definitive about that?
Quote:Thanks for the report Mirajj. One thing I wonder about though -- they can set the experience curve to whatever they want to for the live release. Have they said anything definitive about that?

I've had it from multiple and what I'd consider reliable sources that the experience in the Beta is currently identical to what it will be for Live launch. While it wasn't a grind, it was a significant chunk of time. If Blizz does play with the exp gain/level rates, I doubt it'll be much more than what it currently is. Mirajj has 120 days, 11 hours, 17 minutes to her at the moment. I'd figure I've played her...10-12 hours, maybe 15 since I've gotten the Beta. Myrajj has 122 days, 14 hours, 25 minutes.

Blizz has said they want 60-70 to be as long of a grind as 1-60 was. Well, I didn't make 60 in 48 hours, However, I am getting the xp I would expect to normally get. Unrested, I get about 500xp/kill on an even level mob, which is about what it should be. So it seems that their idea of pacing is right, but that the players are better than they figured. Also, since the zones are smaller, it's easier to group up quests if you want to, and often you can find quests with simliar objectives (one for "Kill x of y", one for "Get a of B off y") to 'double dip'. I dinged to 70 in an area where I had 4 quests that awarded me 12,000xp that required 5 minutes of work for all of them, for instance.

I don't see xp gain being changed much, however.
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Quote:I've had it from multiple and what I'd consider reliable sources that the experience in the Beta is currently identical to what it will be for Live launch. While it wasn't a grind, it was a significant chunk of time. If Blizz does play with the exp gain/level rates, I doubt it'll be much more than what it currently is.

I have heard much the same.

I got my beta key in mid-December and i got to 70 in 9 days. That was playing 10 hours a day approximately. So i would guess it took me 95 or so hours to hit 70. I also levelled up my First Aid, Cooking, Enchanting and Alchemy at the same time (maxed First Aid 375, Cooking 375, Enchanting 350 and Alchemy 350). My fishing is still a sorry 232 so i did not try fishing at all, lol.

My current goal is to try to do all the attunement quests for Mt. Hyjal. I am curious as to how long it is going to take. I probably will run out of time before it goes live but i am going to give it it a try.

As i have said in other threads, the Rep is not a GRIND. Its easy and very attainable. I have hit revered with 2 of the 4 main faction/rep requirements for Mt. Hyjal attunement and i have 2 Heroic mode keys. I am also very close to completing my Karazhan key. I imagine i am going to have most of the 5 man instance requirements done in a month of beta play. The only thing left will be the raid instances which i probably will not have the chance to do or time.

Beta is a lot of fun and has really revitalized my interest in the game. Its not a raid or die philosophy as there is almost triple the current 5 man instances and you can also do them in heroic mode. There will be plenty to do for all playstyles for a longer time then the old Wow offered. As i have said before i foresee a major winner here and its already evidenced by the huge queues most realms are experiencing (i guess people are coming back to prepare for the x-pac).

One more thing:
The epic mount cost me 6000 gold in total and its worth every copper. You will never use a flightpath again, you fly in a straight line and it totally removes the tedium of travel ( i hate travel time in old WoW). I have spent hours just exploring and uncovering the map. There is some neat little encampments and such throughout the Outlands only accessible by air.

Gold is easy to obtain and i would venture to say acquiring an epic flying mount is equivalent to what it took to get an epic mount in old WoW. All i can say is its well worth it:)
Cenarius Alliance

Liscentia 80 Death Knight (450 Herbalism 425 Inscription)
Mysteryium 80 Shaman (450 Skinning 441 Leatherworking)
Tutelin 80 Priest (413 Enchanting 420 Tailoring)
Frozzen 73 Mage (Tailoring 375 Enchanting 375)
Obstinate 71 Hunter (375 Herbalism 375 Alchemy)
Squabbles 70 Warlock (Tailoring 375 Leatherworking 291)
Niniuin 70 Paladin (Herbailism 375 Alchemy 375)
Thunderous 66 Warrior (Mining 375 Tailoring 360)
Pfft, gryphons are for chumps:P

Nice to hear that the doomsayers are (predictably) incorrect about everything.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Quote:Annoyances. There are two big ones that stick out in my mind. The first are Fel Reaver type mobs. These are mobs you find all over the place in several zones, but are never lower than lvl 70 elite. They are always aggressive, and they hit like a truck. I never had one hit me for less than 12,000, and I have had a couple crit me for over 25,000. ...
I'm wondering how many chinafarmer bots this monstrous mechanical bot (and the nasty alien-type earth worms) can kill per day;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller

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