Zul'Gurub Alchemy Bosses not Spawning
You heard it. Pop the Mojo Madness into the flame, the lightning animation goes off, and no boss appears.

Checking the tablets on the wall, all of them will report that the boss is "far" away. You lose the Mojo Madness potion and get nothing.

This is a known issue. Of course, most GMs will either:

1) Not know about this issue
2) Know about it and say there's nothing they can do, and no, they won't refund you the Mojo Madness either.

Considering I'm sitting on 3 of the 4 charms and got screwed out of Renataki's piece this week, I'm a little peeved. People aren't going to run ZG after the expansion is out and Renataki's shift is done on the 14th.

Thanks, Blizzard.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:You heard it. Pop the Mojo Madness into the flame, the lightning animation goes off, and no boss appears.

Checking the tablets on the wall, all of them will report that the boss is "far" away. You lose the Mojo Madness potion and get nothing.

This is a known issue. Of course, most GMs will either:

1) Not know about this issue
2) Know about it and say there's nothing they can do, and no, they won't refund you the Mojo Madness either.

Considering I'm sitting on 3 of the 4 charms and got screwed out of Renataki's piece this week, I'm a little peeved. People aren't going to run ZG after the expansion is out and Renataki's shift is done on the 14th.

Thanks, Blizzard.

I hope that it will be fixed by next week and that we could get you that last piece. However, if it takes coming back specifically for the alchemy boss after TBC comes out, I bet you'll find support to go along with you to get it. :)
Quote:However, if it takes coming back specifically for the alchemy boss after TBC comes out, I bet you'll find support to go along with you to get it. :)

Damn right. Anything for the B.
[Image: 259402pnMDg.png]
Yeah, 5-manning the alchemy boss at level 70 4tw! :lol:
Guess what?

This is still broken. Renataki will not spawn.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:Guess what?

This is still broken. Renataki will not spawn.


:( I have this trinket and it is probably one of the few healing trinkets I will keep long into TBC (besides Rejuvenating Gem). It feels nearly like an on-demand Burning Adrenaline, where you jam Greater Heal as fast as the global cooldown will let you.

I wonder if you might try hitting up the alchemy boss in ZG on the test realm? 2.1 might have fixed it, considering that this issue has been reported as well as other issues with older raids (Razorgore adds, Twin Emperors not switching places).
Quote:I wonder if you might try hitting up the alchemy boss in ZG on the test realm? 2.1 might have fixed it, considering that this issue has been reported as well as other issues with older raids (Razorgore adds, Twin Emperors not switching places).
Are you aware this trinket is getting nerfed in 2.1?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:Are you aware this trinket is getting nerfed in 2.1?


It's not actually the trinket is it? They are simply changing it so that you need more spell haste rating per percentage of cast speed. So everything with spell haste on it is getting nerfed. Yes it means this trinkets effects are getting nerfed but the trinket itself isn't changing is it? (yes I'm nit picking).
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:It's not actually the trinket is it? They are simply changing it so that you need more spell haste rating per percentage of cast speed. So everything with spell haste on it is getting nerfed. Yes it means this trinkets effects are getting nerfed but the trinket itself isn't changing is it? (yes I'm nit picking).
Yes, they're changing the trinket from a 40% faster greater heal to a straight haste rating that, if I heard correctly, reduces the haste to about 20%.

Compared to Scarab of the Infinite Cycle, which will work on all healing spells, it doesn't stack up anymore.

Note: Thottbot doesn't show this change on test servers, so I dunno. The patch notes do say it's changing though.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
I'm a bit confused now, because thottbot says 40% to greater heal, but wowhead shows the trinket applying to all spells and increasing the haste rating by 400.

See: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=19958

Since I can't check my account to see exactly what the wording is on live (I'm currently on hiatus from the game for a short while) I can't verify which is the case. Perhaps it's being nerfed to 200 haste rating, or staying at 400 but including the global nerf to spell haste rating.

Either way, it is still the only on use trinket for priests that will increase spell haste. I don't know if that will continue to make it worthy of further effort on your part, but I definitely won't be throwing it away any time soon.
From Pavonum today on the Blizzard Customer Service forums. ( http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...548949&sid=1#47 )

"The upcoming content patch should bring with it a more permanent resolution for this issue, folks, at which time the "Edge of Madness" event -- if the live functionality matches that verified in our internal testing -- ought to perform as designed. Thanks again for your continued patience.:)"

Hope that helps if anyone cares...

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