Fury/Prot build for TBC
Wait, Shield Mastery actually increases your block rating and therefore your Shield Slam damage? Iron Will was really just a dump for points I couldn't spend. UW seems worth getting. Imp Bloodrage would be better as well. Like I said, I have trouble with those last points;)
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
Quote:Wait, Shield Mastery actually increases your block rating and therefore your Shield Slam damage? Iron Will was really just a dump for points I couldn't spend. UW seems worth getting. Imp Bloodrage would be better as well. Like I said, I have trouble with those last points;)

Your block value is added directly to Shield Slam's damage. Because Shield Mastery increases your block value, it also increases Shield Slam's damage:)

One-Handed Weapon Specialization also increases Shield Slam's damage by a flat 10% (and it also increases Shield Bash's damage, for what that's worth.)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Quote:Wait, Shield Mastery actually increases your block rating and therefore your Shield Slam damage? Iron Will was really just a dump for points I couldn't spend. UW seems worth getting. Imp Bloodrage would be better as well. Like I said, I have trouble with those last points;)

UW is very low amount of rage for a tanking warrior. It averages out to about half as much rage per unit time than anger management when actually hitting something, and anger management works without having to even be hitting anything. Ultimately anger management "costs" 1 more point that UW for a prot warrior, because UW is 5 points in Fury, while angermanagement requires 5 "filler" in arms... though I like improved thunderclap, because you can charge --> thunderclap --> defensive and you get not only almost a sunder worth of threat on each target, you also reduce incoming damage rather significantly.

Improved thunderclap is ~3/4ths of a sunder (assuming sunder is in defensive and you have 3/3 defiance) to up to 4 mobs nearby, which is a pretty significant amount of aggro, so I like to use it whenever possible. If you are playing with a good group almost every pull the melee can be charged.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:UW is very low amount of rage for a tanking warrior. It averages out to about half as much rage per unit time than anger management when actually hitting something, and anger management works without having to even be hitting anything. Ultimately anger management "costs" 1 more point that UW for a prot warrior, because UW is 5 points in Fury, while angermanagement requires 5 "filler" in arms... though I like improved thunderclap, because you can charge --> thunderclap --> defensive and you get not only almost a sunder worth of threat on each target, you also reduce incoming damage rather significantly.

Improved thunderclap is ~3/4ths of a sunder (assuming sunder is in defensive and you have 3/3 defiance) to up to 4 mobs nearby, which is a pretty significant amount of aggro, so I like to use it whenever possible. If you are playing with a good group almost every pull the melee can be charged.
It basically comes down to Imp Revenge or Imp TClap and AM. I suppose Imp Revenge would be more of a hindrance in PvE. It's use in PvP would be missed, though.
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune

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