Patch 2.0.7
There's a small patch out today, 2.0.7. It's 2.86 MB in size.

Quote:World of Warcraft Client Patch 2.0.7 (02/13/2007)

The latest patch notes can always be found at


The amount of haste granted by a point of haste rating has been increased by about 50%.
20 slot bags are now bind on equip.
Any effect which benefits the victim of a critical strike will now trigger even if resilience converted the attack from a critical strike to a normal strike; this applies to melee, ranged, and spell. The affected talents, abilities, and items are: "Eye for an Eye", "Blessed Resilience", "Enrage", "Martyrdom", "Blood Craze", "Eye of the Storm", and "Bonespike Shoulder".
The Crust Bruster has had a loot icon and sound change.
Players can no longer send gift wrapped packages via COD.
When sharing a quest, the order logic has changed to check whether or not the player has completed or is ineligible for the quest before checking whether their quest log is full.


If Primalist Thurloga is attacked and pulled off her pathing on the way to summon Lokholar the Ice Lord, she will now properly path back to the summoning ring to complete the event.
PVP flags and graveyard nodes can no longer be captured through collision.

Raids and Dungeons

Players are no longer able to accept the quest "The Opening of the Dark Portal" while the Black Morass encounter is engaged.
In the Black Morass, Chrono Lord Deja will now properly spawn during a Heroic Mode attempt.
After completing the Black Morass encounter, all the additional mobs in the zone will no longer all aggro.
Durnholde Lookouts will now properly despawn after all 5 of the Baracks in Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde are burned down.
The items required to complete the Karazhan key quest can now only be looted by the first group in the instance to reach them.
Berthold the Doorman will now have a gossip option to teleport players to the Shade of Aran's room. This gossip option only becomes available when players have defeated the Shade of Aran.
The aggro range for players when under the effect of "Incite Chaos" while fighting Blackheart the Inciter in the Shadow Labrynth has been adjusted.
Many creatures within Coilfang Resevoir have been slightly retuned.
Many creatures within the Mana Tombs have been slightly retuned.
Stability improvements in Multi-Threaded OpenGL support on future OS X releases.

Bug Fixes

The talent "Combat Potency" no longer causes rogues to have a chance to gain energy when other players hit them with off-hand attacks.
Players with multiple chat windows will no longer have fixed channels (ie. general, trade) added back to the main chat window every time they log on.
Attempting to prospect less than 5 pieces of ore will no longer cause a game crash. (Spanish Only)
The Fel Reaver for "It's A Fel Reaver, But With Heart" quest will now respawn properly if you wipe on the quest.
Fixed a crash that could occur when on a flight path.
Fixed the local defense channel so that it will properly change based on the player's zone.
Apparently the crafted plate bracers "Bracers of the Green Fortress" had the stamina significantly reduced (16 I think). Dunno exactly, but there were some people in the warrior forums complaining about it.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
My imp's fireballs now get around 40% of the bonus spell damage that they did at their height. That's a very rough estimation.

Edit: I noticed a much slower cast rate - turns out Improved Fireball talent now only reduces cast time by 0.5 sec at 2/2.

So at my gear level of +415 spell damage, my imp does roughly the same damage as my felguard.

I'm thinking the two-pronged nerf was a bit much at this point, but maybe that will change with gear.
Less QQ more Pew Pew
The final boss in Sethekk Halls (Ikiss, I believe) was buffed. Previously spell interrupts (kick, pummel, etc.) would stop his AE casting, allowing the group to burn him down rather easily. Now he resists most interrupts.

Less veracious but still entertaining, there's a thread cataloging stealth Druid "Nerfs" on the forums today:
- Item and talent nerfs mean it's not longer possible to mangle for 5k and at the same time have 25k armor and 15k health.

- Bear form swing speed has been dropped back to 2.5 seconds. (This is a SERIOUS nerf to hybrid tanks who don't have Mangle. How is 30/31 supposed to keep up now? Goodbye raid viability, hello 1/0/60 emo spec. T_T)

- A cycloned target now becomes IMMUNE TO DAMAGE! Cyclone also only lasts 6 seconds now. Finally, to add insult to injury, it appears to be under harsh diminishing returns (can someone confirm?)

- Our 10% magic damage reduction in bear form has been removed!

- It's no longer possible to perform the famed "24 second stunlock" in cat form!

- My healing has been cut down. I don't think feral healers can keep up with holy priests any more.

I'm actually finding it really hard to hold pet aggro now. I know there's been some issues with Growl, but now it seems worse.

Previously, I'd sic my pet on on a target (Similar level, 53~56 mob vs. 54 pet), and prep an Aimed Shot so that it fires after my pet has had a second to munch on the mob. Generally, I'd only ever lose pet aggro on the Arcane Shot that follows if the Aimed critted or the Arcane does. Now, I pretty much have to go in full back-off/Intimidation burn mode every time regardless of whether or not either of my shots crit.

Plus, one of the chancier (i.e. About a 50/50 chance of working) methods I had of getting aggro back on the pet is a simple Scatter/regular pet attack with Growl. Now it's hardly happening.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Quote:I'm actually finding it really hard to hold pet aggro now. I know there's been some issues with Growl, but now it seems worse.

I noticed something there too, but was not sure enough of it to post anything. A very rough estimation: My pet loses aggro around 50% more often than before, and I'm 41 Beastmaster at the moment. And all those Growl resists from equal level mobs are annoying too:(

For all that I still feel pretty overpowered:)

Take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
Quote:I noticed something there too, but was not sure enough of it to post anything. A very rough estimation: My pet loses aggro around 50% more often than before, and I'm 41 Beastmaster at the moment. And all those Growl resists from equal level mobs are annoying too:(

For all that I still feel pretty overpowered:)

Take care
Pfft, these days a hunter is lucky if Growl is the only thing resisted.

For Feign Death, Scare Beast, and traps, a non-Survivalist has a very simple formula for calculating if either of those will be resisted - The odds of anything being resisted is equal to how completely and utterly screwed you will be if it is:P
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Quote:I noticed something there too, but was not sure enough of it to post anything. A very rough estimation: My pet loses aggro around 50% more often than before, and I'm 41 Beastmaster at the moment. And all those Growl resists from equal level mobs are annoying too:(

For all that I still feel pretty overpowered:)

Take care

Some strangeness I've noticed in HFP is FD does not appear to dump all aggro. I've had mobs that I FD'd, they go back to the pet, and as soon as I pop up without doing anything they come after me again.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Quote: - The odds of anything being resisted is equal to how completely and utterly screwed you will be if it is:P

A very nice way of putting it.

If there's only, like, three mobs already on you, with another running off to get more, you clearly do not need to rely on such a minor addition to you character as a mere pet, right?

Buff Hunters, Warlocks, and, most of all, Feral Druids!!


take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.

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