Karazhan Attunement (Stealthers)
Hey there, I dont post on the forums much but most of you know me. My rogue is level 70 and specced 23-0-38 (Cold Blood + 2\2 QR, Premed + 3\5 Sinister Calling)

So just to make a long story short, I know that Blizz supposedly implemented level 70 Elite mobs that spawn when you open each Arcane container to retrieve your key fragments from the corresponding Instance. I also am aware that Blizz made it so the key fragment drops from the mob itself, not the Arcane Container.

That being said, I am a Subtlety specced rogue (Premed, Prep, all the trimmings) and I found it rather easy to solo the first two Key Fragments.

Shadow Labyrinth -- Typically Ive only been able to find PUG groups for this instance. PUGs have a hard time dealing with the 2nd boss. In order to solo the First key fragment, you will actually have to group until at least the second boss is killed, which opens the large double doors located behind him. As many of you may have experienced, PUG groups typically break after the second boss because they simply dont have the ability to coordinate and organize enough DPS for the 3rd boss of Shadow Labyrinths.

However, when your group breaks do not despair -- Simply stealth through the instance up to Murmur, and head to his left. Up on the ledge you will find your first Arcane Container.

Upon opening the Arcane Container, a level 70 Elite Elemental type mob will spawn. (Looks like a cloudy Voidwalker model) The trick I think to successfully solo these Fragment dropping mobs is to open the container and when the mob spawns, Vanish.

After Vanishing, the mob sticks around indefinitely. These Fragment droppers are completely effected by Blind, Gouge, Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot - You can see where this is going. I opened on the Fragment mob after vanishing initially, with Premed - CS - EA. I then Hemo'd myself to 5 CP and Kidney Punched. Keeping this very basic strategy, along with a CB Eviscerate and Evasion (2x Evasion is EXTREMELY helpful, Prep FTW) If you cant 2xEvasion, you may want to grab a Super Healing Potion.

Bottom line, as a rule of thumb, make sure you gouge whenever the opportunity arises for you to and if you get low on health, simply blind for a full bandage opportunity. Kill the mob and loot your first Key Fragment.

The Steamvaults

Once inside Steamvaults, head straight Northish (Being sure to watch for the Bog Overlords, which see through stealth) and you end up crossing over a large swampy area filled to the brim with mobs and walkers, etc. In front of you, at the far end of the room, should be a large pool of water. At the bottom of the pool of water is the second Arcane Container.

This fight is exactly like the first fight in Shadow Labyrinths, with the exception that it is underwater. However, if youre a packrat like me, use your Nagrand Cherries you still have sitting in the bank somewhere to allow you to breathe underwater for 30 minutes (Or any other suitable consumable, Underwater Breathing Helm from Engineering, etc) Burn the mob down just like you did the first, including the initial vanish to let you open on the mob. Loot your mob and be on your way.

The Arcatraz

This one is a LOT trickier. Once you enter the Arcatraz (Which will require either 350 LP or the key itself) head straight down the first hallway and then curve around to your right once you enter the next larger room. Continue straight, and head into the next, equally large room. This room contains the first boss of Arcatraz, as a reference.

Head up the glass "bridge" or "stairway" towards a hallway, where on your left will be a single mob sitting, apparently inactive as it leans against the corridor wall. Do not be fooled, as you enter the tunnel this mob will strike you with a direct damage spell that only hits upwards of 900ish but removes you from stealth. Also, because the room directly past it is where you are trying to go and it is filled with mobs, it can make restealthing a bit tricky. I found the best way to bypass this room effectively is to Sprint and Cloak of Shadows as you enter the hallway. As soon as possible, head out of the hallway and to your right. There will be a small section of wall, a single level 70 Elite mob pathing back and forth from the far right corner.

In that corner lies your grail, the 3rd Arcane Container. This is a much much much trickier ordeal than getting the first two. Mainly because it involves a single walking mob that WILL aggro you if it is not dealt with properly. The mob in question paths from the corner that the Container is in, to the center of the room and back. Its path takes roughly 23 seconds or so from the corner to the middle and back so it is beneficial to be prudent here.

First step, Distract the pathing mob when it is near the center of the room and sneak over to the Arcane Container to open it. Vanish once the mob pops out. Then head behind the Fragment mob, in the far right corner of the small area and wait for the pathing mob to walk back towards you. With a decent amount of MoD you shouldnt have an issue with it aggroing. The trick is this: Let the pathing mob walk as far away as you can possibly distract it from the corner you're in, then Distract. It will pause for the 10 second duration of Distract, but not aggro when you open on the Fragment mob.

I opened on the Fragment mob the same way I did before. Premed - CS - EA. Hemo'd to 5 CP but instead of Kidney Punching, I CB Eviscerated. About 30 seconds after you distracted the pathing mob, he should be on his way back towards you and getting rather close within the range of you being able to distract him again. There is literally NO room for error here. Your Distract cooldown should be finished as soon as the pathing mob gets back within range to distract it, but still out of aggro range. This 10 seconds of freedom from the pathing mob adding to the fight is of dire importance, and soloing the Key Fragment without hitting the second distract on the pathing mob (While you're still fighting the fragment mob, mind you) perfectly is the key to finishing the fragment mob off. I ended up burning 2 CB Eviscerates and both Evasions to finish the Fragment mob off.

As an aside, I should let you know that the pathing mob STILL added to the fight I was in, but I saved my second Evasion for when it did. With Cloak of Shadows, and the second Evasion you should have plenty of time to burn the rest of the Fragment mob's hit points down and finish it off before vanishing to clear aggro. If you die, but kill the Fragment mob, fear not -- Simply reenter the instance and claim what is yours, the completed Key for Karazhan (You still need to run BM to finish the process of attunement, though) This part of the fragment quest is a straight up DPS race to beat the pathing mob walking back to you.

A little information about my stats -- I sit at:

8100 hp, 18% Dodge, 17.5% Crit, 1500 AP Unbuffed. I use a 62.2 DPS Blue dagger OH and the Exhalted Aldor sword Vindicator's Brand in the MH. In order to do the last fragment in Arcatraz, I brought along an Elixir of Major Agility, Winter Firewater, a Scroll of Stamina V and used 2x Instant Poison VII to attain the DPS I needed to do it. I also would recommend at least 1 Potion of Limited Invulnerability in your bags, in case you havent burned down all of the Fragment mobs HP by the time the second Evasion has worn off. The Fragment mob hits for roughly 800, but the add has hit me upwards of 3500. The Invulnerability Pot could save your life and get you the key.

I know the circumstances depend on build, and gear, and DPS and timing, but it is absolutely possible to solo these three encounters. I was extremely excited that I did this -- Mainly because so many people said it couldnt be done. Enjoy, and if you need any clarification please feel free to speak to me in game. Take care and good luck!!


Proud Co-Founder of the Widely Accepted and Raiderâ„¢ Approved "FIPIA Strategy"

Zyn's You Tube Channel
Nice guide, but I'll make a slight nit.

I don't see how you can call something "solo" when it hinges upon joining a party and having them take you throught he second boss in an instance.
See you in Town,
Quote:Nice guide, but I'll make a slight nit.

I don't see how you can call something "solo" when it hinges upon joining a party and having them take you throught he second boss in an instance.

I didnt end up soloing the first Key Fragment obviously, the door makes it impossible. It was more of an afterthought. I mainly wrote it because I saw a lot of people who had their first fragment, but not the second or third yet. Thought maybe it would give other stealthers the gumption to go and try to the retrieve the last two on their own.

Proud Co-Founder of the Widely Accepted and Raiderâ„¢ Approved "FIPIA Strategy"

Zyn's You Tube Channel

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