Anyone playing NWN2 here?
Dark Waters

User made modules for NWN2 haven't really started to appear in numbers and high quality yet, so I'd advise everyone to check out Adam Miller's (Author of Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher/Demon campaigns for NWN1) Dark Waters campaign linked above.

I just finished a first playthrough of the beta version of chapter 1 titled "Highcastle Island" and am about to write up my (pleasantly short) bug report. The module features an incredible story, great characters, custom voice acting and a fascinating new setting.

If you want a short summary of what it's about think "Psionic Pirates"... Yarr! :ph34r:

Chapter 1 (of 5) isn't all too piratey yet, as it basically establishes the world, the history and the main characters, but it does that in a stunningly great way imo. Everyone into NWN2 should really give it a try! ;)

It should be released in a few days, once our bug reports have trickled in and a few remaining issues ironed out.

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince...
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. ...
and still keep the frog you started with.

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