Useful Macros
Macros can be pretty handy! Here are some I use on my rogue:

Cheap Shot
/cast Pick Pocket
/cast Cheap Shot (or stealth opener of your choice)

I wish there were a mod that tracked how much gold you earned from pickpocketing. I reckon I earned an extra several hundred or two just from this macro alone in the course of levelling up, not to mention the gold saved from getting poison mats from all the junkboxes.

/cast [target=mouseover] Blind

I have this bound to an easily accessible key. Blind without switching targets!

Slice and Dice
#showtooltip Slice and Dice
/use Bladefist's Breadth
/cast Slice and Dice

Casts Slice & Dice, uses a trinket if its up. I'm forever saving my cooldowns for those "just in case" times, but in reality I never use them. This is an attempt to fix that.:)

Sinister Strike (or Hemo)
#showtooltip Sinister Strike
/cast Sinister Strike

Starts attacking, casts SS if there's energy available. Useful in 5-mans when switching targets if you don't have enough energy to SS- it'll start attacking regardless.

So what are some macros that you use?
#showtooltip Shackle Undead
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead

This is a pretty standard CC macro, except that I've added a /stopcasting. This is because on Moroes I simply couldn't afford to wait for my heal cast to finish if a shackle broke early. /stopcasting in this context let's me hit the button mid-GH cast to start casting shackle.

I was going to make a similar macro for mind control since I use it so much in heroics, but I just don't think I can live long enough in that situation to get a re-mind control off. I've gone for trying to stay alive. Hmmm... since Frost Nova seems to save my life a lot, maybe that would give me enough time. I should make the macro anyway.

#showtooltip Smite
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/use 13
/use 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/cast Smite

Another standard macro. The /stopcasting is a matter of preference. I've removed it (it would go before the /cast Smite) so that I can spam the button without interrupting my current cast. If you don't suck as much as I do, you'd put it in and use some kind of latency indicator and hit the button again after you've passed the point of no return in client-server lag. This allows you to start casting a little bit sooner but your spell will still finish. Since I don't really DPS all that often, I'm just lazy and spam the key. As such I have to hit it twice when the trinket is ready. I use TrinketMenu to rotate my four +damage trinkets so /use 13 /use 14 is a compact way to do it.

/stopcasting on a spell such as Power Word: Shield is also useful. For those mortal striking bosses it will help get that shield on faster rather than completing your heal cast (for when that's what you want -- when I reach for the shield key that is what I want, I'll hold off until completion if I wan t the heal to finish).

One problem I have is that since I am bad at remembering to use my trinkets unless I have a macro, I don't use my Bangle of Endless Blessings as often as I should. I've considered macroing it with Renew (if I'm going to get some time out of the 5 second rule, it nearly always follows a Renew), but haven't taken that step yet.
I've got a few simple ones for my shaman to make sure I use my totems (equipment slot ones) better.

Since the Totem of Lightning drops the cost of my lightning spells I want to make sure I sue it before I cast them so I have:

#showtooltip Chain Lightning
/equip Totem of Lightning
/cast Chain Lightning(Rank 5)

#showtooltip Chain Lightning
/equip Totem of Lightning
/cast Chain Lightning(Rank 5)

And since the Totem of the Plains ups how much my Lesser Healing Wave does I want to put that on before casting that.

#showtooltip Lesser Healing Wave
/equip Totem of the Plains
/cast Lesser Healing Wave

I've got a few more but they are all pretty much the same type of deal. It just makes sure that you have a totem that affects that spell equipped before you cast the spell. Since the ranged slot that they go in allows you to swap gear in combat.

Since my shaman is just an alt and doesn't get as much play time I don't have any other totems to mess with right now. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:Sinister Strike (or Hemo)
#showtooltip Sinister Strike
/cast Sinister Strike

Starts attacking, casts SS if there's energy available. Useful in 5-mans when switching targets if you don't have enough energy to SS- it'll start attacking regardless.

I've used this one before, but ended up getting rid of it. For some reason I seemed to break sheep more often when using that macro. I'm sure it has something to do with my tab targetting to acquire the new focus target. It just seemed like it was less likely to turn auto-attack off when a mob died and so when I started tabbing and tabbed to sheep, my auto-attack would still be up and hit it. Without the macro my auto-attack seems to be off during those times usually and so the tab going to a sheep doesn't hurt. May not be a problem you have, but thought I would add my experience. : )
The 2.1 version of my shapeshift macros:

/cancelform [nostance:1]
/cast [nostance] Dire Bear Form; Feral Charge (or /cast [nostance] Cat Form; Prowl)

/cast [flyable, nocombat, noswimming] Flight Form; [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form

Can be done in Live, just replace /cancelform with /cancelaura and a boat load of conditionals.:)Good for button mashing druids like me.:)

Also, my very handy incoming macro for AB/EotS:

/script SendChatMessage("INC >>>"..GetMinimapZoneText().."<<< Oh noes!", "CHANNEL", Orcish, 1)

I have a lot of macros, but most of them are along the lines of "shift out of a form and cast a spell".:)

edit: Forgot to mention, if you're alliance and using the incoming macro, you probably have to change "Orcish" to something silly like "Common".;)
I hate flags

"Then Honor System came out and I had b*$@& tattoo'd on my forehead and a "kick me" sign taped to my back." - Tiku

Stormscale: Treglies, UD Mage; Treggles, 49 Orc Shaman; Tregor, semi-un-retired Druid.

Terenas (all retired): 60 Druid; 60 Shaman. (Not very creative with my character selection, am I?!Wink
Quote:The 2.1 version of my shapeshift macros:

/cancelform [nostance:1]
/cast [nostance] Dire Bear Form; Feral Charge (or /cast [nostance] Cat Form; Prowl)

/cast [flyable, nocombat, noswimming] Flight Form; [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form

Can be done in Live, just replace /cancelform with /cancelaura and a boat load of conditionals.:)Good for button mashing druids like me.:)

Also, my very handy incoming macro for AB/EotS:

/script SendChatMessage("INC >>>"..GetMinimapZoneText().."<<< Oh noes!", "CHANNEL", Orcish, 1)

I have a lot of macros, but most of them are along the lines of "shift out of a form and cast a spell".:)

edit: Forgot to mention, if you're alliance and using the incoming macro, you probably have to change "Orcish" to something silly like "Common".;)

Wow, they added a /cancelform command? W00t! I use one single macro for cancelling all of my shapeshifts, and additionally to mount up, so you can imagine the size of that macro:)
Earthen Ring-EU:
Taelas -- 60 Human Protection Warrior; Shaleen -- 52 Human Retribution Paladin; Raethal -- 51 Worgen Guardian Druid; Szar -- 50 Human Fire Mage; Caethan -- 60 Human Blood Death Knight; Danee -- 41 Human Outlaw Rogue; Ainsleigh -- 52 Dark Iron Dwarf Fury Warrior; Mihena -- 44 Void Elf Affliction Warlock; Chiyan -- 41 Pandaren Brewmaster Monk; Threkk -- 40 Orc Fury Warrior; Alliera -- 41 Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter;
Darkmoon Faire-EU:
Sieon -- 45 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin; Kuaryo -- 51 Pandaren Brewmaster Monk
Here's some macros I use on my warrior:

Charge macro, handy for pvp and attacking from a flying mount. It assists a friendly if required, dismounts you if you have a target and doubles as a Victory Rush key:

#showtooltip Charge
/targetenemy [noexists]
/target [help, target=targettarget, harm] targettarget
/stopmacro [noharm]
/cast [nocombat] Charge; Victory Rush

I've also done similar macros for Intercept and Intervene. The following macro is more for tanking, it Revenges if possible, Shield Blocks otherwise and keeps my Adamantine Figurine trinket up as much as possible:

#show Revenge
#showtooltip Revenge
/use Adamantine Figurine
/cast Revenge
/cast Shield Block

My lazy multi-target tanking macro, if you focus one target in a pull it will put sunders on your focus target and heroic strike on you main target. Or you can use it by mousing over the target you want sundered. On a single target it will queue up a HS and attempt to sunder as well, great for when you need to dump rage.

#show Sunder Armor
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead, harm] Sunder Armor; [target=mouseover, exists, nodead, harm] Sunder Armor; Sunder Armor
Quote:Macros can be pretty handy! Here are some I use on my rogue:

Cheap Shot
/cast Pick Pocket
/cast Cheap Shot (or stealth opener of your choice)

Hiya , thanks for these , I have never ever used macro's so this is all completely new to me . During my levelling I have never really bothered PP'ing but this had me thinking . So I made this macro to find it does'nt work , I was managing to pick pocket but no cheap shot , Kept looking at what I wrote and realised I had put a gap between stop and casting:), Okay I put that right and now it just cheap shots , no pickpocketing at all . Do I have to have some auto loot mod installed for it to PP first or should the macro pickpocket and cheap shot all on its own ? Thanks .

Edit: Just noticed I can see the loot box open extremely briefly , I am pretty sure I do need an auto loot feature:P
Take care
Quote:Hiya , thanks for these , I have never ever used macro's so this is all completely new to me . During my levelling I have never really bothered PP'ing but this had me thinking . So I made this macro to find it does'nt work , I was managing to pick pocket but no cheap shot , Kept looking at what I wrote and realised I had put a gap between stop and casting:), Okay I put that right and now it just cheap shots , no pickpocketing at all . Do I have to have some auto loot mod installed for it to PP first or should the macro pickpocket and cheap shot all on its own ? Thanks .

Edit: Just noticed I can see the loot box open extremely briefly , I am pretty sure I do need an auto loot feature:P

Enable Auto-Looting in the interface menu. Win.:D
Quote:Enable Auto-Looting in the interface menu. Win.:D

Bah , never knew that existed , I did dl an autoloot which worked , turned it off and used the ingame feature .... but . Now it PP's fine but wont carry on and Cheap shot , such an easy Macro and just wont work for me , over 2 years without using them and now I know why:P
Take care
Quote:Bah , never knew that existed , I did dl an autoloot which worked , turned it off and used the ingame feature .... but . Now it PP's fine but wont carry on and Cheap shot , such an easy Macro and just wont work for me , over 2 years without using them and now I know why:P

Weird. The one I use does Sap rather than Cheap Shot (level 13 rogue) and it works wonderfully...
Quote:Bah , never knew that existed , I did dl an autoloot which worked , turned it off and used the ingame feature .... but . Now it PP's fine but wont carry on and Cheap shot , such an easy Macro and just wont work for me , over 2 years without using them and now I know why:P

You know, I was having the same problem after setting up the PP/CS macro again after reformatting the other day. Try putting ";" after the top 2 commands, see if that works:

/cast Pick Pocket;
/cast Cheap Shot

I was almost positive that my pre-reformatting macro had the semicolons but when I tried to set it up again it just wouldn't work with them.

And sorry about not mentioning the Autoloot thing, totally slipped my mind that you have to enable that.
Quote:You know, I was having the same problem after setting up the PP/CS macro again after reformatting the other day. Try putting ";" after the top 2 commands, see if that works:

/cast Pick Pocket;
/cast Cheap Shot

I was almost positive that my pre-reformatting macro had the semicolons but when I tried to set it up again it just wouldn't work with them.
And sorry about not mentioning the Autoloot thing, totally slipped my mind that you have to enable that.

No worries on the autoloot:)

Ok tried it with the 2 semi colons and same thing , PP's but then I get "another action is in progress" I'll go try ambush etc , I prefer cheap shot , but I'll know if its not just that if I try a few:)

Edit: Yay , got it working thanks:)no idea why but I made a PP/Ambush worked perfectly , checked the Cheap shot macro again and saw nothing wrong so I just decided to delete it and make it afresh , this time it works perfectly. Thanks again , what a timesaver:)
Take care
#showtooltip Shackle Undead
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead

This is a pretty standard CC macro, except that I've added a /stopcasting. This is because on Moroes I simply couldn't afford to wait for my heal cast to finish if a shackle broke early. /stopcasting in this context let's me hit the button mid-GH cast to start casting shackle.
So this macro will focus your current target if you don't have one set and then cast Shackle on it? Do you have to hit it twice for the first shackle?
Arnath - UD Warlock (Tailoring/Herbalism)
Seirei - Troll Priest (Mining/Skinning)
Bhim - Tauren Warrior (Mining/Herbalism)
Quote:So this macro will focus your current target if you don't have one set and then cast Shackle on it? Do you have to hit it twice for the first shackle?

1. Yes -- will set your focus for you to current target if no focus target.
2. No -- you only have to hit it once.

The only time that this macro can mess you up and be non-intuitive is if you need to change your shackle target before your first one is killed. Then you need to manually change your focus target (I have it bound to shift-f).

I have considered adding a conditional which would change the focus target if I had a different enemy (not a friendly) targeted, but I do enough DPS that this seemed unwise, especially since switching shackle targets doesn't happen too often.

I do have to remember in that case to change the focus which slows me down.
Quote:I have considered adding a conditional which would change the focus target if I had a different enemy (not a friendly) targeted, but I do enough DPS that this seemed unwise, especially since switching shackle targets doesn't happen too often.

Couldn't you add a conditional like:

/clearfocus [modifier=shift]

to the macro to allow you hold shift when you hit it and you'll clear the focus, set it to your current target and cast shackle?

Gracile 85 DK wowarmory
Faible 83 Pally wowarmory
Wimpy 82 War wowarmory
Zwakke 80 Sha wowarmory
Quote:Couldn't you add a conditional like:

/clearfocus [modifier=shift]

to the macro to allow you hold shift when you hit it and you'll clear the focus, set it to your current target and cast shackle?

So I've never bothered with any of the modifiers in macros, because I made the assumption that they only work for when you click a button. I'm not in the habit of clicking on buttons, especially for something so time sensitive as CC.

If it works with a keybinding, wouldn't it potentially clash if you had that shift key already bound?
Quote:So I've never bothered with any of the modifiers in macros, because I made the assumption that they only work for when you click a button. I'm not in the habit of clicking on buttons, especially for something so time sensitive as CC.

If it works with a keybinding, wouldn't it potentially clash if you had that shift key already bound?
Yea the modifiers only work with clicks which is one of the major limitations.
Delgorasha of <The Basin> on Tichondrius Un-re-retired
Delcanan of <First File> on Runetotem
Might I request an Intervene macro that cast intervene on the Target of Target? I had one, but since last Tuesday hasn't worked.

~Frag B)
Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.
Quote:Might I request an Intervene macro that cast intervene on the Target of Target? I had one, but since last Tuesday hasn't worked.
I'm not sure what you were using, but this is mine, I'm not sure the last time I checked it, with us not raiding last week, and me going to few instances, but I'm pretty sure it worked the last week. I ripped it from Legedi I believe (definitely from a post in this forum).

#showtooltip Intervene
/cast [help] Intervene; [target=targettarget, help] Intervene;
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight

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