Terenas: Karazhan Bosses

We are getting into the twilight of Karazhan as a 'main' instance for us. This does not mean we're going to stop running it, but its status is changing in the upcoming weeks. We'll try and keep everyone posted on the details of what's happening.

What I would like to hear from people is what bosses they still want to get down. We have already got the list of key drops that people need, and will try to focus on those as well.

Here, I want people to post bosses that they've never seen/killed, that they really want to see die before moving on to Serpentshrine Cavern and other 25 man content. That will give us an indicator of who we need to which boss in order for people to feel like they've 'beaten' Karazhan.



We are getting into the twilight of Karazhan as a 'main' instance for us. This does not mean we're going to stop running it, but its status is changing in the upcoming weeks. We'll try and keep everyone posted on the details of what's happening.

What I would like to hear from people is what bosses they still want to get down. We have already got the list of key drops that people need, and will try to focus on those as well.

Here, I want people to post bosses that they've never seen/killed, that they really want to see die before moving on to Serpentshrine Cavern and other 25 man content. That will give us an indicator of who we need to which boss in order for people to feel like they've 'beaten' Karazhan.



Basically, at this point for Mogo (despite still having some upgrades out of there), the only thing I give two hoots about is that @)($*&!(*$&(*&)(&*@$ totem. I still haven't seen Illhoof, Nightbane or Netherspite die, but I really don't care about that anymore. I just want that stupid totem and I'll call Kara DONE (except for helping out others).
Intolerant monkey.
Vreeslik's biggest desires out of Kara are the Nathrezim Mindblade off Prince. Curator also drops a very nice staff (Staff of Infinite Mysteries) that I'd like, as well as the T4 gloves. The bosses I'm most interested in being present for are Curator and Prince. Prince also drops the Ruby Drape of the Mysticant which would be a nice upgrade.

The Trialfire Trousers off the Opera even are still an upgrade, but not nearly as big an upgrade as they used to be.

Nightbane drops an offhand that would also be an upgrade, but isn't super high on my list of priorities.

So: My list of people I want to see die on Kara are as follows:
Prince, Curator, Opera, Nightbane in about that order.

Bloodmourne - 85 Blood Elf Death Knight <Lurkers>
Vreeslik - 85 Undead Warlock <Lurkers>
Fazuul - 70 Tauren Druid <Lurkers>
Ooh - 70 Troll Rogue <Lurkers>
Gorkuk- 63 Orc Hunter <Lurkers>
Rojaal - 70 Blood Elf Paladin <Lurkers>
Quote:Vreeslik's biggest desires out of Kara are the Nathrezim Mindblade off Prince. Curator also drops a very nice staff (Staff of Infinite Mysteries) that I'd like, as well as the T4 gloves. The bosses I'm most interested in being present for are Curator and Prince. Prince also drops the Ruby Drape of the Mysticant which would be a nice upgrade.

The Trialfire Trousers off the Opera even are still an upgrade, but not nearly as big an upgrade as they used to be.

Nightbane drops an offhand that would also be an upgrade, but isn't super high on my list of priorities.

So: My list of people I want to see die on Kara are as follows:
Prince, Curator, Opera, Nightbane in about that order.

But you have seen all the bosses killed at least once, correct? Almost everyone has upgrades still in Kara, we know that much. I just want a list of bosses that people are still thinking "Gee, I'd really like to kill (Insert Boss), but have never gotten the chance."

Quote:Basically, at this point for Mogo (despite still having some upgrades out of there), the only thing I give two hoots about is that @)($*&!(*$&(*&)(&*@$ totem. I still haven't seen Illhoof, Nightbane or Netherspite die, but I really don't care about that anymore. I just want that stupid totem and I'll call Kara DONE (except for helping out others).

I'd like to kill a beast boss once. Tried to get one to spawn on 3 different occasions with no luck. But no big deal really.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
I've never seen Nightbane. I've seen Netherspine and Illhoof alive, but not dead. The rest, I've seen die, including a beast boss.
For the purposes of this thread I think I'm done. I'll continute to be driven by a burning hatred of Testrian till he drops my Lightning Cap. and I'll run the instance as enh as many times as it takes if my help is needed. But I could move on today and be fairly satisfied.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
I have seen all the bosses die now. As far as gear is concerned, there are a couple upgrades left in Kara for me, but at this point I don't think lacking them handicaps me for the 25 mans. There are upgrades outside kara in those same slots that are easier to get, so I'll be going after those instead. I'm basically done with Kara.

I will, however, continue to run it when I'm needed until we decide we're done with it.
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[Image: 398692clWcy.png]

Saryn - 70 priestess
Tacita - 70 mage

Bellona - 60 Human Warlock
Raylyn - 21 Human Pries
Aesa - 60 Human Mage
Kirra - 39 Human Warrior
Kalb - 32 Dwarven Priest

Zheelu - 52 Troll Rogue
Some day (when my gear is hopefully a little better) I would love the chance to see how Pally tanking works for Malchezzar. I would also be somewhat interested in Nightbane's breath tanking, but that's not as big a deal, in my mind. Otherwise, I've killed every boss in there (on my Druid on SR) many times, so I don't have any special wish to see them dead other than to gear up so I can be more helpful in heroics and 25-mans. :)
I have never seen the beast boss.
<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
Only boss i haven't helped kill is Beastboss.

Dhen would trade in all current T4 gear if it would make Prince drop the Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix. He would also like the waist from Illhoof - Girdle of the Prowler.

I would like to see the Farther bosses in Kara, I have only seen Attumen, Moroes, Big Bad Wolf, Maiden and Curator. I also probably have some more gearing to go, before i would feel comfortable signing up for the 25 mans.:)

Dianotosa 85 Druid
Kirayla 85 Hunter
Bubblegirl 85 Paladin
Linnara 85 Priest
Solasha 85 Warlock
Lucindia 82 Mage
Kirrily 81 Shaman
Quote:I would like to see the Farther bosses in Kara, I have only seen Attumen, Moroes, Big Bad Wolf, Maiden and Curator. I also probably have some more gearing to go, before i would feel comfortable signing up for the 25 mans.:)

Just to clarify for you on the 25-mans, Kirayla: You're fine for Gruul. As far as SSC, you'll have to ask someone who knows hunters better than me. But, anyway, your gear is just fine for Gruul.
Durambar desperately needs an epic shield, with Nightbane and Gruul having drops. The breastplate from Nightbane is a major upgrade. I need new legs and helm, but legs can come from Gruul as well. Helm is Opera or Prince. I've never killed Illhoof, Nightbane, or Prince.

Dagorthan is around to help and keep things from being sharded, but I've definitely decided he is my alt. He is a well geared (for blues) healer played by a competent 5 man healer, though I'm new to raid healing. I'm happy to go pick up items in Karazhan with him, but I'll quite happily yield any drops to anyone else but a disenchanter.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Quote:I would like to see the Farther bosses in Kara, I have only seen Attumen, Moroes, Big Bad Wolf, Maiden and Curator. I also probably have some more gearing to go, before i would feel comfortable signing up for the 25 mans.:)

Mav is right. I had underestimated where your gear was.

I think you're strong enough for Gruul, at least. SSC might be a bit of a stretch, but a few upgrades (especially an epic ranged weapon) and you'll be ready for there too.

So, if you're interested, there's always next week!

Quote:Mav is right. I had underestimated where your gear was.

I think you're strong enough for Gruul, at least. SSC might be a bit of a stretch, but a few upgrades (especially an epic ranged weapon) and you'll be ready for there too.

So, if you're interested, there's always next week!


Good to know, i will work on my toon and look towards the next Gruul run!:)
Dianotosa 85 Druid
Kirayla 85 Hunter
Bubblegirl 85 Paladin
Linnara 85 Priest
Solasha 85 Warlock
Lucindia 82 Mage
Kirrily 81 Shaman

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