Good morning, Terenas
Long time gamer, , and recent returned to WoW after several months. I'm looking for a new home.

The Amazon Basin crowd might remember me from the early days of Guild Wars, and some D2 *waves at Tuftears*, if you've gamed with TOG, you might have seen me in Planetsides. Unfortunately, neither group has a Horde side PvE guild at the right stage of progression. But from what I've seen digging through your forums, Lurkers on Terenas looks like a good fit. Mature, sensible, organized, and not raiding 5 days a week.

My level 70 undead mage, Malanicar, is a 375 JC, and when I left WoW back in March, he had most of the green cuts, and a lot of blue cuts. He has several heroic keys, and has been about halfway through Karazhan (I haven't seen Prince/Nightbane/Aran/Illhoof/NetherSpite).

New content is what I want to see. Both in raids, and in small groups. I have a questlog almost full with group/dungeon/elite quests, my last guild had a, ahem, problem with getting groups together when not raiding, and the server pop on Fenris was small enough that finding a tank that wasn't a devotee of the Leroy Jenkins School of Tanking was unlikely. I never saw the Slave Pens, for example, until I got my heroic key.

While I expect that I will be a good fit for Lurkers, I'm looking forward to getting the chance to show that to you.
So, if you need a mage in Outlands, look me up.
Quote:.....finding a tank that wasn't a devotee of the Leroy Jenkins School of Tanking was unlikely.

You mean that's not the way to tank? Man, we're so screwed with our tanks then. ;)

Quote:While I expect that I will be a good fit for Lurkers, I'm looking forward to getting the chance to show that to you.
So, if you need a mage in Outlands, look me up.
I saw your mage pop into the lurkers channel yesterday, but didn't know who it was. Now I do. =)
Intolerant monkey.
Quote: ...Mature...

Uhhhh.... :unsure:

If you're looking for a home on Terenas, we'd be glad to give you a chance.

I'm Geldauran on Terenas, so give me a whisper if you're on, and we'll get you in. You'll be on a trial basis for the first while, as we get to know you, do a few runs with you, etc...

If you're looking for a fun, casual guild, but is also moving forward in raid content, then things should work out fine.

Quote:Uhhhh.... :unsure:
Well, he didn't know about you when he said that.;):D
Intolerant monkey.
Quote:Well, he didn't know about you when he said that.;):D

Or Swirly. :shuriken:

Hey, Lt. Warhound! Glad to see you over on this side of things. I have a very very tiny priest guilded with Lurkers on Terenas, but never really got around to doing anything with her. Still, from past experience playing with Gnollguy and Treesh and Mavfin on Stormrage, I can tell you that you're in for a good ride with quality people.

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