Saint's Row without Hitman and Mayhem missions
Well, the topic says it all. I recently bought a bargain copy of Saint's Row (30€, argh) and there simply are no Hitman or Mayhem activities, even though they are indicated on the map that came with the game.

So, anyone know what the heck is going on? I finished the game on a friend's X-Box about a year ago and thusly know those missions should be in there.

And yes, I am aware that I need to gain respect to unlock "unknown" activities, but there are none of those left and I own all of Stillwater.

Any help?

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
I'm taking into account several things when you say you've played the game on an XBox before:

- You know how to start a mission by going to the map location.
- That you know how to find those map locations by selecting the appropriate landmark filter.
- That you played the Hitman and Mayhem missions before and know how they go down.

Now, the unknown factor here: is this a console version of the game you're playing, or a PC version? I'm clueless as to what platforms it's available on, see.

If its a PC version, take a look at the .ini file (or the like) and see if anything of interest has been set to '0'.

By the way, the "Lost in Translation" cinematic easily made Mr. Wong my favorite NPC. When I need an ally, he's the first one I call up. Sort of a martial-arts movie 'young-pupil-versus-crotchety-old-master' dynamic going on there.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
Quote:I'm taking into account several things when you say you've played the game on an XBox before:

- You know how to start a mission by going to the map location.
- That you know how to find those map locations by selecting the appropriate landmark filter.
- That you played the Hitman and Mayhem missions before and know how they go down.

Now, the unknown factor here: is this a console version of the game you're playing, or a PC version? I'm clueless as to what platforms it's available on, see.

If its a PC version, take a look at the .ini file (or the like) and see if anything of interest has been set to '0'.

By the way, the "Lost in Translation" cinematic easily made Mr. Wong my favorite NPC. When I need an ally, he's the first one I call up. Sort of a martial-arts movie 'young-pupil-versus-crotchety-old-master' dynamic going on there.

Playing it on my Xbox 360. Yep, I know all the other stuff, wouldn't have been able to complete it without it:). The problem this time around is that none of the hitman or mayhem markers show up, ever:(

On a related note: highest insurance fraud hit: 403k!
And I usually just pick up three homie girls and drive around in my pimp mobile.

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
I'm a sucker for the blonde in the cap. But ultimately it's the weapons they are carrying that determines who rolls with me or who ends up on the curb. Shotguns are useless when firing from a car. At the ranges the AI fires those things, they might as well be blowing kisses for all the damage being dealt.

Couldn't finish the Rollerz storyline with anything less than a cop car loaded with 3 SMG/rifle toting homies who provide covering fire from behind while I concentrate on the target ahead.

Can't be a political correctness issue (not with all the other stuff that's there). I'm thinking game-save glitch or a hinky disc.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
I'm agreeing with RH, i don't know of any reason that those missions shouldn't show up. if you have played them before and remember where the starting sites are for the hitman missions have you tried going to those locations to see if the icons are there?

Do you have your 360 hooked up to xbox live? it's possible that there is a patch to deal with the issue and if you aren't hooked up to the net you wouldn't be getting the patches.

I can't believe you went through almost all of the game without doing any hitman missions! they are the first thing i do. those weapons you gain from finishing them make a lot of the controller-chucking-frustrating missions later in the game fairly trivial.

Everytime I buy a new game I hook up Live (well, and a few times without a new game) to check for updates. I'll check if the missions are there and simply not showing on the map, that had actually not occurred to me yet:P. And yes, missing the free weapons, only have the pimp cane (which is really cool, adding the new walking style, blowing up cars really fast and stuff).

I agree that decked out homies are the shizzle, but weapons for them are easy enough to get later in the game, just stir up some trouble, kill either S.W.A.T.s or gang thugs that come to mess you up and your homies will pick up some nice hardware.

I soloed the final Rollerz mission this time around, simply forgot to get homies, but I remember it being one of the more frustrating experiences the first time throught the game. The only other missions where I have problems are the Escort ones, I honestly have no idea how to survive the last stages there.

Hijacking mostly depends on if I get an RPG shot off before the target sees me coming and starts evasive action, packing homies help a lot here too:P

Going to start a new game and see if the markers for Hitman and Mayhem are ther this time, at least as question marks. The idea of playing through it AGAIN ain't so thrilling though.

thanks for the input
(and I take it my Insurance Fraud score is a good one, muahahahaha)

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
No Hitman or Mayhem missions in the game, though I can enter the buildings where they are supposed to be. Same with a second character I made.


So, could this be an error on the gamedisc, as has been suggested? Iknow little about stuff like that (and about oh so many other things!), but my best bet would be to try to get the CD repaced? Yes?

I'm a sad panda.

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
Quote:No Hitman or Mayhem missions in the game, though I can enter the buildings where they are supposed to be. Same with a second character I made.


So, could this be an error on the gamedisc, as has been suggested? Iknow little about stuff like that (and about oh so many other things!), but my best bet would be to try to get the CD repaced? Yes?

I'm a sad panda.

take care

Yeah, i would definately get the disk replaced. hopefully you haven't had it for very long and still have the receipt. if a new disk doesn't work than unfortunately it might be a corrupted update, in which case you may have to erase all game files which are saved on your HD.

Apparently there ARE two versions of the game, one being 18+. Now that I got the "real" one (costs 10€ more, but I got a gift certificate for the other disc at least) I really wonder why they bothered. You can still run around and shoot grannies in the teen version, if you're so inclined and the Escort mission chatter sure as hell wasn't cut either. Major differences, apart from the missing content, are corpses don't vanish instantly and there actually is a fire animation now when you are burning, I attributed the lack of flames to a graphical error in the teen version, apparently it's worse than the trash talk from the hookers.

Annoyingly enough my safegames don't work anymore, so I had to start over, which is kind of annoying. Annoyingly annoying, yes.

Then again I somehow managed an insurance fraud hit for, /drumroll 1-100:


Now for the 100% rating, which looks to be a major timesink without internet help, I'll try on my own for as long as it's at least a bit fun.

Thanks for your input guys.

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.

Apparently there ARE two versions of the game, one being 18+.

hmmm. that's not cool. is there any way to tell the difference between the two versions? or is this something that is only regional? i wasn't aware of any different version in america. I would be pretty pissed off if the only way to tell the difference was the ESRB (or corresponding) rating on the case. I'd be doubley pissed off if the store i purchased it from wouldn't do a straight up exchange for the correct version. And on top of that your save files don't work? YUCK.
Quote: YUCK.

Indeed. Apart from the 18+ emblem on the front there is no way to tell the difference, as far as I now. The map that comes with the game even shows the location of the nonexistant Hitman and Mayhem missions, even though it has been translated into German. The owner of the shop told me about two versions, aparently the uncut version is illegal in Germany (lolkekbur...) so they sell a "toned down" version and the original in Austria, which led to the whole mess.

And going from 80% to 0% finished is annoying, even though I seem to get achievement points twice now, pointless as they are. I hope I won't become a mindless killer after playing the adult version of the game, would hate to prove the Germans right;).

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
Quote:annoying, even though I seem to get achievement points twice now, pointless as they are. I hope I won't become a mindless killer after playing the adult version of the game, would hate to prove the Germans right;).

take care

DOUBLE achievement points?!?! I think that would make it worth while for me. LOL. especially how cheap that game is getting in america now. If i could rent the Teen version and buy the real version I could get a major OCD fix off of all those Gamerscore points.

And as frustrating as some of Saints Row was it doesn't even come close to the ravenous murderer Ninety Nine Nights almost turned me into. That game was so poorly designed and broken i'm suprised that people who play it don't run out and become spree killers.
Reminds me of something in Gears of War. There's a menu option to turn "Gore" on or off, presumably to make the game a little safer and sane for those who can't handle it, eh? All it does it take off the blood spray and dismemberment of character models, thus making it all nice and clean... of course the dead bodies are all still there. And the character deaths. And the fire and shooting and blasting folks with frickin' lasers coming down from the sky.

Of course, in America, that's all fine and dandy. But as sson as you put a kind, gentle, and scantily clad woman into the picture, and the whole thing becomes off-limits unless you're "mature" enough to handle it.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
Quote:scantily clad woman - "mature" enough to handle it.

I tried and it worked!

/flee :D

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.

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