Fireball DPS
Fireball Details
Base Damage: (633-805) + 84 dot (803 avg)
Base Cast Time: 3.5
talented cast time: 3.0

Talents which effect fireball DPS
Improved Fireball
Improved Scorch
Master of Elements
Critical Mass
Playing With Fire
Fire Power
Molten Fury
Empowered Fireball

Combined effect of these talents on fireball
-10% damage coeffecient (multiplicative: 0.90)
+15% damage coefficient (additive: +0.15)

+15% damage (multiplicative: 1.15) from improved scorch
+3% damage (multiplicative: 1.03) from playing with fire
+10% damage (multiplicative: 1.10) from fire power
+4% damage (multiplicative: 1.04) from molten fury (+20% damage 20% of the time averages to 4%)

+6% crit rate
+3% crit rate

-0.5 seconds to cast fireball
crit damage multiplier increased from 1.5 to 2.1 (or increased from 0.5 extra crit damage to 1.1 extra crit damage)
mana cost reduced by: crit_rate * 0.30
-3% mana

Fireball Formulas
damage_coefficient = (base_cast_time / 3.5 + empowered_fireball_bonus) * Improved_Fireball_Penalty
damage_coefficient = (3.5 / 3.5 + 0.15) * 0.90
damage_coefficient = 1.035

fireball_damage = (avg_base_damage + damage_coefficient * bonus_spell_damage) * playing_with_fire * fire_power * molten_fury * improved_scorch
fireball_damage = (803 + 1.035 * bonus_spell_damage) * 1.03 * 1.10 * 1.04 * 1.15
fireball_damage = (803 + 1.035 * bonus_spell_damage) * 1.355068
fireball_damage = 1088.119604 + 1.40249538 * bonus_spell_damage

DPS = fireball_damage * (1 + extra_crit_damage * fireball_crit_rate ) / talented_cast_time
DPS = fireball_damage * (1 + 1.1 * fireball_crit_rate) / 3.0
DPS = ( 1088.119604 + 1.40249538 * bonus_spell_damage) * (1 + 1.1 * fireball_crit_rate) / 3.0

Sample Damages
fireball_damage with 1090 spelldamage = 2616.8395682
DPS for 1090 bonus_spell_damage and 24% crit_rate = 2616.8395682 * 1.264 / 3.0 = 1102.561738

DPS for 2K bonus damage and 24% crit_rate = 1640.2971666986666666666666666667

NOTE: these damages don't include whatever extra dps you'd get from using combustion as frequently as possible.
Frostburn / Dawnstrider

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