Terenas - Las Vegas
At the expense of being ridiculed mercilessly, I still feel it is in the best interest of the Terenas Lurkers guild to let you all know of an upcoming trip that several of us are making. On Sept. 13th, myself, Melekal, neonugs, and Frost are heading to Las Vegas to spend the weekend there with our computers. There will be a lot WoW played, and I'm looking for input on some things that folks would like to run with us. This will mostly be non-heroic stuff, as we'll focus first on getting keys, but there will likely be a few heroics. Please post times that you'd be available and what you're interested in doing. Here is what we'll be looking at doing at various times:

<span style="color:#FF6600">Thursday the 13th (Evening): We'll focus on making sure that Melothan (Melekal's warlock) is keyed for Karazhan. Anyone needing key pieces on any character, let us know, and we'll do what we can to get as many people keyed as possible.

<span style="color:#FF6600">Friday the 14th (Daytime): We'll be focusing on trying to get additional gear and rep for heroic keys. Most likely running Black Morass until Mel gets revered for the key and the Continuum Blade. Decent chance of some heroics this day, depending on keying for folks.

<span style="color:#FF6600">Friday the 14th (Evening): We'll be raiding with the main body of Lurkers, as typical for a Friday night, with a high chance of a red eye run after.

<span style="color:#FF6600">Saturday the 15th (Morning): Looking to do a 10AM first half (through Curator) of Karazhan clear. This will take some coordination with officer's/raid leaders as this will be a new lock. We will need a MT, OT, and some DPS. Hoping this time might work better for a few raiders that can't regularly attend the normal runs, and for some folks looking for gear. Alt friendly run, though standard loot guidelines.

<span style="color:#FF6600">Saturday the 15th (Afternoon): Good chance we'll be taking a break and few if any of us will be on.

<span style="color:#FF6600">Saturday the 15th (Evening): Continue the raidlock started that morning, starting at 8 PM ST.

What I hope to work on: Dag needs Thrallmar, Sha'tar, and Lower City rep (in that order of preference) and is looking for shots at the Righteous set, with Black Morass, Botanica, and Steamvaults on the list for that.

Caveats: There is a chance that the connection will totally blow, and soil all of our WoW plans.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Kam needs the Kara key piece from Arc. He needs the Arc key piece from Mech. I feel he is already geared well enough to MT Kara through Aran, the belt from the Arc line as a reward would help that some as well. Though I don't plan to tank Kara ever, I'm just making a note of it.

Kam needs Thrallmar, Sha'tar, and Lower City rep for heroic keys. While I didn't really expect to tank heroics with him I have tanked heroic SP without any real issues and it doesn't hurt to have him heroic ready.

So I'll be on and willing to help with whatever.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Taiza is Kara keyed, but would like her Arc key. Mogo needs a butt-ton load of KoT rep, so count her in for the Black Morass. There are also various enchants/tailoring recipes floating around still and Taiza does want a couple of the BoP alchemy recipes too out of various instances. Give a holler if you need a healer.
Intolerant monkey.
Tacita has done the slabs portion of kara keying, but nothing past that. If you can use a mage I'd love to be involved:)
[Image: 398611nxqZf.png]
[Image: 398692clWcy.png]

Saryn - 70 priestess
Tacita - 70 mage

Bellona - 60 Human Warlock
Raylyn - 21 Human Pries
Aesa - 60 Human Mage
Kirra - 39 Human Warrior
Kalb - 32 Dwarven Priest

Zheelu - 52 Troll Rogue
Yes, yes and yes!

I will be available from Thursday thru Sat and would love to bring Sinomin for all of if.

Like Kam, I am at the Arc key fragment. I would run BM till exalted, and would love a chance at some Kara gear, especially a dagger. Doing it from behind. :shuriken:
Moors ~ Blood Knight, Terenas
Sinomin ~ Rogue, Terenas

I stab!
Quote:<span style="color:#FF6600">Thursday the 13th (Evening): We'll focus on making sure that Melothan (Melekal's warlock) is keyed for Karazhan. Anyone needing key pieces on any character, let us know, and we'll do what we can to get as many people keyed as possible.

What he means by "Evening" is at least as late as 10pm ST, possibly later depending on how slow we drive.

Quote:<span style="color:#FF6600">Saturday the 15th (Afternoon): Good chance we'll be taking a break and few if any of us will be on.

Wow, that's more of a concession of a break than what I got from BM.
Melothan - 85 BE Warlock
Melidorn - 80 Orc Shaman

I'll certainly help with anything needed, and Vinnie still needs a damn abacus from mech and hourglass from black morass so I"d be more than happy to tag along on those and help out.
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
<span style="color:#FF6600">Thursday the 13th (Evening): We'll focus on making sure that Melothan (Melekal's warlock) is keyed for Karazhan. Anyone needing key pieces on any character, let us know, and we'll do what we can to get as many people keyed as possible. Shikigami is needing the 2nd and 3rd key pieces, etc. :lol:

<span style="color:#FF6600">Friday the 14th (Daytime): We'll be focusing on trying to get additional gear and rep for heroic keys. Most likely running Black Morass until Mel gets revered for the key and the Continuum Blade. Decent chance of some heroics this day, depending on keying for folks. Shikigami needs all reps for keys. :whistling:

<span style="color:#FF6600">Friday the 14th (Evening): We'll be raiding with the main body of Lurkers, as typical for a Friday night, with a high chance of a red eye run after. I'd like to be in on this as well. If we're doing a second lock on Saturday, perhaps have Shimoyake come this night to assist. :P

<span style="color:#FF6600">Saturday the 15th (Morning): Looking to do a 10AM first half (through Curator) of Karazhan clear. This will take some coordination with officer's/raid leaders as this will be a new lock. We will need a MT, OT, and some DPS. Hoping this time might work better for a few raiders that can't regularly attend the normal runs, and for some folks looking for gear. Alt friendly run, though standard loot guidelines. As an alt, this would be a great time to get Shikigami in for a different flavor of Karazhan. :wub:

<span style="color:#FF6600">Saturday the 15th (Evening): Continue the raidlock started that morning, starting at 8 PM ST. It would be great to continue with this.^_^

What I hope to work on: Shimoyake is about as geared up as she can be at this time. She can help with any heroics, but it would be great to be able to get Shikigami repped up (long way to all keys at this point) and rolling on possible healing set or damage set pieces (she has chest and gloves of Hallowed, and an epic healing cloak). :shuriken:

Caveats: There is a chance that the connection will totally blow, and soil all of our WoW plans. I really hope not. :o I've asked for Thursday and Friday off.
Terenas (pst !enchant <keywords> or !craft <keywords> to any of my characters)
Shimoyake 375 SW Tailor / 375 Enchanter (Exalted w/ Scryer, CE, Sha'tar, Thrallmar, LC, VE; Revered w/ KoT)
[Image: 551160rumOC.png]
Shikigami 375 SW Tailor / 375 Skinner (Honored w/ Aldor)
[Image: 551176xgSAM.png]
Kosokoso 375 Alchemist / 375 Herbalist (Revered with CE)
[Image: 551190IuloU.png]
et alts
Necrali is planning on Kara Saturday at the least. Can respec if that's what's needed, but seems to me tanking would really make this work better.
The Karazhan run for Saturday is currently lacking a major component. We have no Main Tank for later Karazhan (where gear is much more demanding) so the run may be shorter than a full clear unless someone shows interest. This would be for Saturday evening, since I'm confident that Kamgreyhoof and Dawnstrider can handle through Curator. For Aran and Chess, the gear on the tank doesn't matter. The only other option is for me to bring Durambar for the more gear demanding tank fights, but so far his gear has been found lacking on the attempts I have made with him and our chances of success would be low.

I'm here to bump this thread to remind you all that this is happening starting tonight, and to beg for a Geld, a Sham, or a Tiga (wherever he is) for Saturday evening.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Quote:I'm here to bump this thread to remind you all that this is happening starting tonight, and to beg for a Geld, a Sham, or a Tiga (wherever he is) for Saturday evening.

Both Sham & Moors are locked to the Tuesday run. So you're looking mainly at Geld as your option (provided he didn't lock himself to Tuesday last night) since Tiga's not been online in a while (15 days).


Gracile 85 DK wowarmory
Faible 83 Pally wowarmory
Wimpy 82 War wowarmory
Zwakke 80 Sha wowarmory
Oh btw, I'd do kara as well:)
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee
Quote:The Karazhan run for Saturday is currently lacking a major component. We have no Main Tank for later Karazhan (where gear is much more demanding) so the run may be shorter than a full clear unless someone shows interest. This would be for Saturday evening, since I'm confident that Kamgreyhoof and Dawnstrider can handle through Curator. For Aran and Chess, the gear on the tank doesn't matter. The only other option is for me to bring Durambar for the more gear demanding tank fights, but so far his gear has been found lacking on the attempts I have made with him and our chances of success would be low.

I'm here to bump this thread to remind you all that this is happening starting tonight, and to beg for a Geld, a Sham, or a Tiga (wherever he is) for Saturday evening.

Just out of curiosity, where do we think a tank should be at unbuffed for Prince and Nightbane to help make sure things are smooth? Unbuffed 13500 HP and 35% dodge + parry or so? I still think Durambar can do it, but I also think he is right on the edge and that it will leave us with very little slack as you mentioned. I know one of the attempts you were tanking that didn't work that we can point at other things besides you that were the issue, but yeah Durambar was right on the edge. I'm just not sure where the edge really is to be honest.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:I still think Durambar can do it, but I also think he is right on the edge and that it will leave us with very little slack as you mentioned.
I couldn't give hard numbers on what "ready" means, but the less gear the tank has for Prince, the more pressure is put on the healers. Durambar can do it, but the healers have to be nearly flawless, and we need the DPS to be good to shorten phase 2. I'm less concerned about the other encounters. For Nightbane, the better the gear, the more time the healers have to get out of fear or out of a charred earth. I'm more worried about phase 2 on him, than the tank's gear.

Right now it looks like we'll take a swing with those that are signed up, with GG, Frost, and myself doing some rotation of our alts to make the runs viable. With tanking gear dropping so rarely these days, I've tried to have Durambar at worst be there to take it, since wasting tanking plate seems more serious of an issue than wasting healing plate. Having Durambar seems to give us our best tank (from a gear standpoint), and the most likely raider (based on need) in the future.

Here's what I have been mulling for group makeup for Saturday's run:

Morning Session:

Huntsman -


Moroes - Dawn switches to Frost, Dagorthan switches to Durambar

Opera - No changes

Curator - Kam switches to Krashenk/Marn


Evening Session (Aran/Prince/Nightbane):


Netherspite - Krash/Marn switches to Kam

Maiden - Durambar switches to Dag, Mogo (if unlocked, can't kill Maiden without Mogo :wub: ) comes in for Frost. If Dunar is available, Durambar tanks, and GG sits so we can get Dunar his shot at the Shard.

Illhoof? I'm not sure on how to roster for this to be successful. Suggestions would be nice. Would want Dag present, and tanking Illhoof is trivial. The adds tank is the big question mark. Would a holy pally be able to do it?
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Quote:Maiden - Durambar switches to Dag, Mogo (if unlocked, can't kill Maiden without Mogo :wub: ) comes in for Frost. If Dunar is available, Durambar tanks, and GG sits so we can get Dunar his shot at the Shard.

Thanks much for thinking of me. I'd love a shot at a shard.

Would a holy pally be able to do it?

Yes with Blessing of Sanctuary :D Not sure how much damage you would take without it. Just cant get Kilreks debuff or its all over.

In other words, I really dont know. Maybe some Fire resist gear? Dedicated healer? heh
Moors ~ Blood Knight, Terenas
Sinomin ~ Rogue, Terenas

I stab!
Quote:Would a holy pally be able to do it?

Yes with Blessing of Sanctuary :D Not sure how much damage you would take without it. Just cant get Kilreks debuff or its all over.

In other words, I really dont know. Maybe some Fire resist gear? Dedicated healer? heh

If you get a Dampen Magic in addition to the Sanctuary, that's -200. The bolts are only 200 themselves (according to WoWwiki). With coefficients for cast time, it will still do some damage, but if you have FR aura, you should be able to heal yourself easily between Consecrates, or a priest or druid can keep a HoT on you.
Terenas (pst !enchant <keywords> or !craft <keywords> to any of my characters)
Shimoyake 375 SW Tailor / 375 Enchanter (Exalted w/ Scryer, CE, Sha'tar, Thrallmar, LC, VE; Revered w/ KoT)
[Image: 551160rumOC.png]
Shikigami 375 SW Tailor / 375 Skinner (Honored w/ Aldor)
[Image: 551176xgSAM.png]
Kosokoso 375 Alchemist / 375 Herbalist (Revered with CE)
[Image: 551190IuloU.png]
et alts
Quote:The Karazhan run for Saturday is currently lacking a major component. We have no Main Tank for later Karazhan (where gear is much more demanding) so the run may be shorter than a full clear unless someone shows interest. This would be for Saturday evening, since I'm confident that Kamgreyhoof and Dawnstrider can handle through Curator. For Aran and Chess, the gear on the tank doesn't matter. The only other option is for me to bring Durambar for the more gear demanding tank fights, but so far his gear has been found lacking on the attempts I have made with him and our chances of success would be low.

I'm here to bump this thread to remind you all that this is happening starting tonight, and to beg for a Geld, a Sham, or a Tiga (wherever he is) for Saturday evening.

I may be able to come. I'm not entirely sure, though.

Quote:The Karazhan run for Saturday is currently lacking a major component. We have no Main Tank for later Karazhan (where gear is much more demanding) so the run may be shorter than a full clear unless someone shows interest. This would be for Saturday evening, since I'm confident that Kamgreyhoof and Dawnstrider can handle through Curator. For Aran and Chess, the gear on the tank doesn't matter. The only other option is for me to bring Durambar for the more gear demanding tank fights, but so far his gear has been found lacking on the attempts I have made with him and our chances of success would be low.

I'm here to bump this thread to remind you all that this is happening starting tonight, and to beg for a Geld, a Sham, or a Tiga (wherever he is) for Saturday evening.
Not sure you would consider Acalan as a prime main tank (but he's getting there, dammit!) but I might be around tonight. I talked with a couple people last night and my plans will all depend upon what my friends end up doing. I promised a few of them that I would come to a party if they had one tonight (I bailed on the one last Saturday), so if that happens I'm going. If not, I'll be around and ready to roll through Karazhan. :)
WWS for the interested. Lots of player and toon switches, lots of alt action, full Kara clear, and a good time. But not the kind of loot drops we had hoped for that's for sure.

My data is a little suspect (had to do some log trimming and such).

But... I learned how to beat Fractional on the healing meters! All you have to do is be a shadow priest in the blue beam on Netherspite...:P



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