A Miracle Hype
Dr. Hongyun Huang is attracting patients to travel to China with the hope of curing brain damage and spinal cord injuries by implanting tissues from aborted fetuses near their injuries.
Quote:Huang's treatments are part of a seismic shift in alternative therapies. There have always been clinics that cater to desperate patients, offering them unproven, often expensive, treatments, from shark cartilage to vitamin supplements. But the boom in stem cell science and the hype surrounding it have brought an explosion of clinics around the world that offer therapies based on living cells. Huang's therapy, though not based on stem cells, uses cells from aborted fetuses that he says have regenerative power, the way stem cells do.
I hope they don't discover the secret of wealth and immortality, which is a potion that includes the crushed spleens of Minnesotans.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Quote:Dr. Hongyun Huang is attracting patients to travel to China with the hope of curing brain damage and spinal cord injuries by implanting tissues from aborted fetuses near their injuries. I hope they don't discover the secret of wealth and immortality, which is a potion that includes the crushed spleens of Minnesotans.

I wonder if they check the donors for disease and whatnot. Sounds like you might be getting more than you bargain for. If it works, then scientists should find a way to "grow" stem cells, instead of stealing them from growing fetus' around the globe.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
If people are stupid enough to believe it, there's always someone out there willing to do it*.

Insert just about anything you can think of for 'it' and this still holds true.

Now if you excuse me, I have a flight to China to catch... :whistling:


Quote:Dr. Hongyun Huang is attracting patients to travel to China with the hope of curing brain damage and spinal cord injuries by implanting tissues from aborted fetuses near their injuries. I hope they don't discover the secret of wealth and immortality, which is a potion that includes the crushed spleens of Minnesotans.

I understand that people are desperate and might be willing to try anything, but you would at least think that if your going to travel all the way to China, deal with :shuriken:, you would have something will a chance of being successful.
[Image: kill_kitty.jpg]

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