Just wanted to drop in and say hey to everyone and thanks for having me here :-) And could i please have access to wow radair For the Terenas forums
Introduce Yourself Here!
Hi all, I'm Shaera! I've been a member of the Lurkers Guild on Terenas for a couple months now and just hit 80 with my DK there. I have a dps spec, but mainly I'm a tank.
I also have an 80 Boomkin on Whisperwind but everyone I knew left the server and then my guild imploded so I came to join a friend here. added forum access -- Mav
Shaera: DK - Tank - Watching you from beneath the couch.
02-12-2010, 01:07 AM
Quote:Just wanted to drop in and say hey to everyone and thanks for having me here :-) And could i please have access to wow radair For the Terenas forums www.wow-raidar.com, not sure what you do to get access to the Lurker stuff on that site. I don't control that.:D
02-12-2010, 03:31 PM
Quote:www.wow-raidar.com, not sure what you do to get access to the Lurker stuff on that site. I don't control that.:D Apply to join a guild in raidar, look up Lurkers, Terenas, US, PVE and apply. Someone will catch it, and add you:)
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
02-12-2010, 03:54 PM
Quote:Apply to join a guild in raidar, look up Lurkers, Terenas, US, PVE and apply. Someone will catch it, and add you:) She's been signing up in Raidar for a while. If you use the link in the raiding information thread you'll be automatically joined to the Lurkers guild in wow-raidar.
02-22-2010, 08:01 PM
Thought I'd take a second to finally post here. I joined Lurkers-Stormrage when the guild I was in, Carpe Aurum, dissolved due to the GM leaving the game. I have several toon, Janalee, JanaKeem Phobious, and Kolianna in Lurkers. A Special Thank you to Tal for making all of us ex-CA members feel welcome.
02-22-2010, 09:07 PM
Quote:Thought I'd take a second to finally post here. I joined Lurkers-Stormrage when the guild I was in, Carpe Aurum, dissolved due to the GM leaving the game. I have several toon, Janalee, JanaKeem Phobious, and Kolianna in Lurkers. A Special Thank you to Tal for making all of us ex-CA members feel welcome. Howdy! Wipe your feet and mind the TD. He bites.
02-24-2010, 05:58 AM
Hi Bolty,
I'm a sometime lurker at Lurker Lounge, I registered because I'm trying to find a working version of Mongo Jerry's Irene the Infirm tale, with pics if possible. Do you know if such a thing exists? I don't know if Jerry is still around, is it possible to get in touch with him? I teach game design and often refer to this and other Mongo Jerry stories because they are such wonderful examples of player skill and creativity. /mc (Frank Lantz) www.gamedesignadvance.com gamecenter.nyu.edu www.areacodeinc.com
02-25-2010, 02:58 PM
MongoJerry's classic tale can still be found on the Lounge forums right here. The images, however, may have been lost to history (as is MongoJerry himself!). If no websites ever picked up the tale and archived it, there will be no record of the images he used. Even the Internet Archive lists "user posted image" instead of the images he used. Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
04-09-2010, 04:07 AM
Hello all, My name is chad. i am from Kentucky and have been gaming most of my life. I use to only game on console then 10 years ago i got my first PC and now i guess you can say i am a PC snob. I have not touch a console in a couple years now(keyboards and mice are so much better than controllers lol)
04-09-2010, 05:57 AM
Hi Chad, :)
Welcome to LL, Is the ART work here & in your profile yours ? :wub: Quote:Hello all, My name is chad. i am from Kentucky and have been gaming most of my life. I use to only game on console then 10 years ago i got my first PC and now i guess you can say i am a PC snob. I have not touch a console in a couple years now(keyboards and mice are so much better than controllers lol)
Have a Great Quest, Jim...aka King Jim He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
04-09-2010, 09:22 PM
Hey. This is Acalan's littlest brother - I had a mage in Lurkers on Terenas a couple years ago for a short period of time, but now I am a human rogue on Stormrage named stealthtrink. So... hello - and if I could get access to the Stormrage forum that would be amazing and I no longer need the Terenas forum access that I still have from my old account.
04-10-2010, 12:00 AM
Quote:...and I no longer need the Terenas forum access that I still have from my old account. :angry: Heya Trink, long time no see! It's probably just as well, we're full on rogues anyway... :whistling:
04-14-2010, 04:49 AM
Hello All,
I have been on Stormrage for about two years, raiding for about one year. I have a main warlock, Wail, and an alt healing druid, Devirris. I heard I can request a guild invite by posting here and saying hello. I 've heard good things and would like to meet some new toons and get back to some raiding. Any information to get me going would be appreciated. I am new to raid healing, seems like the other healers are beating me to it! I would look forward to getting into some action with a group of healers and get some pointers. Wail
04-15-2010, 11:34 PM
Quote:Heya Trink, long time no see! It's probably just as well, we're full on rogues anyway... :whistling: heh, if Felonius is still there with you guys, I definitely pulled him up on wowarmory as I was leveling and unguilded to look up answers to questions I had:D
04-18-2010, 01:12 AM
I wanted to drop in and re-introduce myself.
The name is Whippy, and Ive been playing Diablo 2 off and on for the last decade (Yes it has been that long, holy goodness). I recently re-installed to enjoy the 1.13 patch, and luckily I had enough sense to keep my main account's characters active over the last 4 or 5 patches. Now my level 99 pally can enjoy a life of use, versus being an obsolete mule from 1.08. Thanks again.
*NERDmanWhippy on Us East
04-18-2010, 10:08 PM
Quote:Hello All, Hi Wail! I don't know how I missed this until today. Right now my son in law is stuck in the UK due to volcanic activity, and we have my daughter and the two grandkids staying with us till he returns. So I've not been on much, since my focus is now, more tver, my family, but I have alerted the Lurkers on SR that you are looking for a ginvite. They'll get you taken care of.
05-14-2010, 05:14 AM
Hi there,
I am in stormrage...friend of Wail...he got me into wow last fall. Not new to mmo games played everquest for a few years. Anyway I have my main as a 80dk (DPS) and have been having trouble finding raids will take me in. Ive gone as far as i can without having some ICC raids under my belt. Wail suggested I try this out. Plus its just more fun to play with those you know and like. Anyway Kinda screwy sched and all but hope to find a good team to play with...more important to have fun with. Torrok
05-14-2010, 10:33 PM
(05-14-2010, 05:14 AM)Torrok Wrote: Hi there, Hi Torrok - Whisper any Lurker to get an officer to drop you an invite.
06-01-2010, 02:01 AM
Hi Everyone
I'm interested in joining Lurkers and I was directed here by Sabra. I've been playing since the December after WoW went public. My Main is a Draenei Mage. Main spec/ Raiding spec is Arcane, my secondary spec is Fire which I use when farming usually. I've been in the Avarice Alliance when I was in Carpe Arnum and have also been in House Harpell. I have a number of Alts which I work up from time to time and am currently working on my DK Nyghtdeth Thanks Nyghtshayde |
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