Mod documentation?
Hi all.

I've had no trouble finding install files for the older mods, but I can't seem to dig up any documentation. Does anyone still have monster/item/spell stats for VKME or Zed's mod, or has it all been lost to the ages?
I don't recall there being any detailed documentation for the mods. However, Jarulf had made a utility called DView, which would parse a lot of information from the data tables to create a spoiler file. Looks like Henjo's site still hosts this tool... maybe some other sites do too.
here is Zed's documentation. As for the Middle Earth docu, I didn't ever find any, and there probably isn't any. But Dview helps here.
I have various aspects of documentation from the older mod files from 1999-2001ish, unfortunately I am on the road right now and won't be able to look it up for a few days.

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