ganking exploit
Yumyum is a lvl 70 blood elf warlock on Tichondrius, a PvP server.

She is used to being ganked here, there & everywhere, it is part of the contract. But there is ganking activity at flight points in contested areas that seems illegal, and unavoidable.

The moment she dismounts at the flight point she is attacked and killed by the guard npcs, although she has done nothing to provoke anyone. There is always an alliance nearby when this happens. It is not apparent to me how the deed is done.

A crude example of this activity involves a rogue who saps a victim and vanishes, leaving the victim to be netted and killed by the guards. This is not an exploit.

Another example is the enemy warlock standing at the flight point with his voidwalker. Voidy attacks the victim, and the guards are misdirected to kill the victim. This is exploitation of a bug, and was supposed to have been fixed in a recent patch.

The attacks I'm asking about don't involve a pet, or an invisible attacker, as far as I can tell. How is this accomplished, and what can be done to defend?
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Only thing I can think of is putting in a ticket and seeing what the GMs can do.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Quote:The attacks I'm asking about don't involve a pet, or an invisible attacker, as far as I can tell. How is this accomplished, and what can be done to defend?

Dumb question but have you tried a combat log trapper to see what may have precipitated the attack?
Is it all flightpaths or just the goblin ran ones where you get attacked by the NPCs?
Intolerant monkey.
Do you have a pet out when you start the flight?

What is the pet's temperment (passive, defensive, or aggressive)?

Does this happen only to Warlocks and Hunters or does any class trigger this?
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Quote:Do you have a pet out when you start the flight?
What is the pet's temperment (passive, defensive, or aggressive)?
Yumyum is an affliction warlock and her imp is always phase shifted. She does not dismiss the pet before mounting birds or her horse.

Quote:Does this happen only to Warlocks and Hunters or does any class trigger this?
I don't know if this happens to hunters, I only know that this happens to my warlock. It is an interesting point: can a passive, phase shifted pet be tricked into attacking during a dismount? I have never seen the imp issue fire since it learned phase shift many weeks and many levels ago.

Quote:Is it all flightpaths or just the goblin ran ones where you get attacked by the NPCs?
The first episode happened at the flight point in Un'Goro crater. An alliance warlock was standing right next to arriving flights with his voidy out. Yumyum was attacked immediately upon arrival by the npcs. This was many weeks ago, and I read in patch notes shortly thereafter that this was an exploit of a bug that was supposedly fixed in that patch.

A related incident at that time occurred in Gadgetzan, when Yumyum was challenged to a duel by another horde. Yumyum declined, but the other horde insisted, so, Yumyum accepted the challenge, and proceeded to fear and dot her opponent, who made no real effort to fight back.

There were at least two alliance following us around, and suddenly the goblin npcs attacked and killed Yumyum. Her opponent /laughed at Yumyum, showing that this was a setup and that this horde was colluding with alliance in the exploit.

The next two episodes occurred last weekend.

One episode occurred at the Scryer flight point in Shadowmoon Valley. As Yumyum dismounted from a commercial flight she was attacked and killed by the local npcs. There were several alliance standing around, not doing anything in particular that I could see.

The graveyard is close by. The npcs camped the graveyard, along with one of the alliance. The guards attacked Yumyum again when she rezzed, while the alliance /laughed. The guards are rogues: Yumyum trinketed out of the sap and ran from the graveyard, and the npcs ran back to the flight point.

The other episode occurred in Skettis, at the Skyguard base. There were several alliance and horde present. When Yumyum dismounted in front of the Skyguard quartermaster she was netted and attacked by the npcs. It was not apparent which alliance triggered the attack.

It is possible to pvp on the circular landing point at the base without the guards noticing. The adjacent area where the questgivers stand is guarded, however. Yumyum and at least one other horde were attacked by npcs when dismounting next to the questgivers.

Yumyum certainly did not do anything to provoke the guards. I don't know if the other horde did something to precipitate the attack on him. These attacks were separate incidents.

Quote: Dumb question but have you tried a combat log trapper to see what may have precipitated the attack?
Good point. I didn't think of that, in the heat of the moment. I will check the log and look for debuffs the next time this happens, and report.

Quote: Only thing I can think of is putting in a ticket and seeing what the GMs can do.
It is apparent that it is possible for alliance on Tichondrius to trick npcs into unprovoked attacks upon horde. This can be done in a town, at a flight point, and at a graveyard. There is nothing accidental about it, it is obviously premeditated. It is a common occurrence.

I want to know how this is done, and how to defend against it. I will put in a ticket when I learn more about exploit that I am describing.
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]

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