Diablo III is for real

Awsome gameplay footage:)

BR Anders

Awsome gameplay footage:)

BR Anders

No matter what I did I couldn't get the dropdowns past 8/8/2001. This is on Firefox and IE.
The website is having a lot of loading issues. Parts work for me, other parts don't.

It could be a really interesting game, but I fear I've grown bored of gaming altogether. :( I'll probably still try to see if it can catch me.
Quote:No matter what I did I couldn't get the dropdowns past 8/8/2001. This is on Firefox and IE.
The skull with red eyes is the slider, drag it down and you can get the rest of the options.

Edit: It only glows when you highlight it. Spoooooky.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Wow, this place still remembers my name after more than 4 years!


Well I'm excited.
In Hoc Signio Vinces.

Haha, click the gem:)

I know what I'm gonna be doing for the next few years after this comes out.
Quote:Haha, click the gem:)

I know what I'm gonna be doing for the next few years after this comes out.


Glad I recently got a new computer (Including a 4870)

Quote:I know what I'm gonna be doing for the next few years after this comes out.

Drool B)

Now for the wait.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

that website is not very friendly to my computer...

can't wait though. The other day I was just thinking about loading DII up again and giving it a go.

... been ages since I've been around here, but I recognize a lot of the names.
Quote:Drool B)

Now for the wait.

Now Bolty's gotta hook us all up with some sweet Beta test action. Bolty still has that pull with Blizzard, right? :shuriken:

Awsome gameplay footage:)

BR Anders

For those having problems with their site here are the vids on YouTube:
Quote:(post #47)
Yay, D3! Now I must survive some more years. Maybe I should start exercising now to make up for my too-much-computer-time in the future??


ps. Hiya Xi!

Quote:Now Bolty's gotta hook us all up with some sweet Beta test action. Bolty still has that pull with Blizzard, right? :shuriken:
I don't think so. IIRC, his contacts were with Buzzard (AKA 'Condor' and 'Blizzard North'). Buzzard is history, RIP, and we'll probably end up having to take our chances with the public sign up.

Besides, did you see the projected release date? Neither did I;)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


Awsome gameplay footage:)

BR Anders

Hahaha.. Hahahaha.. Hahahahaha.. I will never escape the clutches of Diablo. After the years of waiting through Diablo II's development process I once claimed Diablo II would be the last game I'd ever play. Lawlz. So yeah. I'm in the planning stages of a ladder run as soon as the game is released. I'll be running a 24 hour shift out the gate, followed by 18 hour days for the next 6. Looking for other classes to group with in order to maximize loot distribution. Need couriers for food/drink runs too. That gem haunts my dreams.

Hi Lurkers. Feels longer than it has been. I'm looking forward to analyzing game mechanics again with y'all.
Looks great --- I was skeptical that it really would be DIII given all the previous years of unsupported speculation. And it seems they haven't MMO'd Diablo but kept to the original. (Does this mean World of Starcraft is the WoW follow up?). I wonder if battle.net will continue to be completely free...hopefully so.

I'm really going to enjoy playing this game when in comes out Dec 31, 2113.
Quote:The skull with red eyes is the slider, drag it down and you can get the rest of the options.

Edit: It only glows when you highlight it. Spoooooky.

Muchas gracias.

Drool B)

Now for the wait.


Yeah. Now we have, I would guess at least one year to run through both Diabo I and II a couple of times.
I get the same tickling feeling in my stomach as i had when DII was announced. I hope to stay healthy so I can enjoy this game also:)

I wonder if Jarulf is already busy disecting this game as he did with DI;)
BR Anders
Quote:I'm really going to enjoy playing this game when in comes out Dec 31, 2113.

A bit optimistic aren't you?;)


Awsome gameplay footage:)

BR Anders

I am very excited.

And amazed my account here still works and I remember the password. :)
Quote:Haha, click the gem:)
Haha, I wonder what Peter Hu thinks of that one.

It's funny. I read the announcement, and my first reaction was "ho hum, Diablo III." Then I watched the cinematic trailer and it's like "HOLY F***, that's TRISTRAM!" and I'm sucked in again.

Such nostalgia.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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