04-13-2023, 06:18 PM
- wait, which way is it? 
I'm happy to see this forum still up, props to everyone putting in the good work! I haven't posted in a long time, much less played any D1, until recently. I moved to Linux a few years ago and just recently discovered DevilutionX, so there I go again! I had kept my old character save files for years on backup drives, but deleted them at some point. It's fun starting them anew in any case.
I have to say I really appreciate the quality of life tweaks, foremost being the shared stash and the ability to hold the mouse button to attack instead of clicking frantically. "Running" in town and fullscreen / multi-resolution are good as well.
Feel free to skip the below mixture of reminiscing & new ramblings, unless you also are a hopeless D1 addict.
I'm mainly playing Rogue, my overall favorite character, though I enjoy the other two as well. I just like how the Rogue basically doesn't suck at anything. It wasn't too big a deal to have lost my old save files for the characters themselves. I never much bothered leveling a character far past clvl 40 honestly, preferring to start new ones. I think all three were in the low-ish 40ies though, with the Rogue leading at clvl 44 or 45. But they did have some sweet gear that will be harder to replace.
I can probably equal or best the armors I had with a bit of shopping at Gris, the better ones having been APoPrecision for my warrior and SPoSorcery for my rogue, though they had high base armor 73-75 IIRC and high respective %. I've always wanted APoStars for either my rogue or warrior, but never found one. So far, I have an awesome FPM of nothing 150% with average base armor as well as a Saintly FPM of Giants with decent stats. I have been offered countless dream affix high-stats combos, though on lowly AC ~40-45 plates.
I already have a KSoH - short sword though, but still rocks!. I have two KSoV bastards, one 98% to hit and the other not too shabby, both with average %damage. Oh and a KSoGore bastard too, 1-2% away from perfect.
I've managed to build a decent bow collection though, the better ones so far being: heavy LWB of Swiftness (still holding out for that Massive!), Obsidian SWB of Heavens (high-ish stats), Jade LWB of Swiftness, Massive LWB of Heavens (mid-hi stats). My new Rogue only being in the low 30ies, it still makes sense to use enhanced damage bows. She used a savage LWB of shock for a while, but most of the former damage bows beat it either per shot or over time, though it is fun to shoot elemental arrows.
IIRC my old rogue was mainly using a high-stats Obs/Heavens SWB and possibly keeping a WF for item recovery.
I found a RC and SS after a bit of Laz-running, always useful items to have. I do like my rogue's awesome helm of the lion 142% / 15 / +56 though, so I sent the RC to my mage. While I have almost always played my rogues with Mana-Shield and as high a mana pool as I could, I'm trying to stay with +life items and use healing with this one. IIRC Godly Helm of the Whale is possible from Wirt, so that'd be right up her alley if I bother shopping the little brat.
The jewelry is obviously the harder to replace since it cannot be shopped for. I have never had a single Obs/Zod, even low-stats. And not for the lack of playing. There have been many Zods, several +20, but hardly any with a prefix, let alone a useful one. Maybe one with high lightning resist (pfff!) and possibly a low Drake's, though I might mis-remember. I had some good Obs/Heaven, Drag-Drake/Heaven, Drag-Drake/Wiz-Sorc and Drag-Drake/Mammals though. I have yet to find anything of note so far, though some that are quite usable never mind you, but it'll come.
I think I've likely managed to bore even the long-time fans by now, so will stop here.

I'm happy to see this forum still up, props to everyone putting in the good work! I haven't posted in a long time, much less played any D1, until recently. I moved to Linux a few years ago and just recently discovered DevilutionX, so there I go again! I had kept my old character save files for years on backup drives, but deleted them at some point. It's fun starting them anew in any case.
I have to say I really appreciate the quality of life tweaks, foremost being the shared stash and the ability to hold the mouse button to attack instead of clicking frantically. "Running" in town and fullscreen / multi-resolution are good as well.
Feel free to skip the below mixture of reminiscing & new ramblings, unless you also are a hopeless D1 addict.

I'm mainly playing Rogue, my overall favorite character, though I enjoy the other two as well. I just like how the Rogue basically doesn't suck at anything. It wasn't too big a deal to have lost my old save files for the characters themselves. I never much bothered leveling a character far past clvl 40 honestly, preferring to start new ones. I think all three were in the low-ish 40ies though, with the Rogue leading at clvl 44 or 45. But they did have some sweet gear that will be harder to replace.
I can probably equal or best the armors I had with a bit of shopping at Gris, the better ones having been APoPrecision for my warrior and SPoSorcery for my rogue, though they had high base armor 73-75 IIRC and high respective %. I've always wanted APoStars for either my rogue or warrior, but never found one. So far, I have an awesome FPM of nothing 150% with average base armor as well as a Saintly FPM of Giants with decent stats. I have been offered countless dream affix high-stats combos, though on lowly AC ~40-45 plates.
I already have a KSoH - short sword though, but still rocks!. I have two KSoV bastards, one 98% to hit and the other not too shabby, both with average %damage. Oh and a KSoGore bastard too, 1-2% away from perfect.
I've managed to build a decent bow collection though, the better ones so far being: heavy LWB of Swiftness (still holding out for that Massive!), Obsidian SWB of Heavens (high-ish stats), Jade LWB of Swiftness, Massive LWB of Heavens (mid-hi stats). My new Rogue only being in the low 30ies, it still makes sense to use enhanced damage bows. She used a savage LWB of shock for a while, but most of the former damage bows beat it either per shot or over time, though it is fun to shoot elemental arrows.

I found a RC and SS after a bit of Laz-running, always useful items to have. I do like my rogue's awesome helm of the lion 142% / 15 / +56 though, so I sent the RC to my mage. While I have almost always played my rogues with Mana-Shield and as high a mana pool as I could, I'm trying to stay with +life items and use healing with this one. IIRC Godly Helm of the Whale is possible from Wirt, so that'd be right up her alley if I bother shopping the little brat.
The jewelry is obviously the harder to replace since it cannot be shopped for. I have never had a single Obs/Zod, even low-stats. And not for the lack of playing. There have been many Zods, several +20, but hardly any with a prefix, let alone a useful one. Maybe one with high lightning resist (pfff!) and possibly a low Drake's, though I might mis-remember. I had some good Obs/Heaven, Drag-Drake/Heaven, Drag-Drake/Wiz-Sorc and Drag-Drake/Mammals though. I have yet to find anything of note so far, though some that are quite usable never mind you, but it'll come.
I think I've likely managed to bore even the long-time fans by now, so will stop here.