When dropping items are generated?
When randomly generated are premium intems at the blacksmith and witch?
When randomly generated are premium intems at the Wirt?

Basic items in blacksmith are generated after loading game.
Seems Gharbad the Weak randomly generated item also after load game from save.

Am I right that monsters have their own items that drop from them?
In Quest Skeleton King Leoric after resurrection skeletons seems drop this same item. This same premium items (with the same suffix).

When I passing a level from a saved game, the same items also drop out of the same monsters.
So are scrolls in libraries.
Is it predetermined or does it generate itself at some stage (e.g. before entering a level)?
(02-10-2023, 04:54 PM)GPR Wrote: When randomly generated are premium intems at the blacksmith and witch?
When randomly generated are premium intems at the Wirt?

Town vendors change their premium items when you level up.

(02-10-2023, 04:54 PM)GPR Wrote: Is it predetermined or does it generate itself at some stage (e.g. before entering a level)?

IIRC, when you first enter a new level it generates the monsters and other sources of items such as barrels and chests, so if you've saved after entering the level you will always get the same items. It's been a long time since I thought about any of this though, so I may be wrong.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
I throught so.
meybe I checked for a new level.
But Gharbad generates up to date. Not when you a enter to level.

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