Question about unfindable hellfire rings
Hey guys,

can someone tell me if all those new rings in hellfire with qlvl 8 (Ring of Thunder, Ring of the Mystics, Ring of Magma, Karik's Ring, Xorine's Ring, Mercurial Ring and Giant's Knuckle) except the first one (Ring of Thunder) morph in new games? I couldn't find anything about that anywhere (e.g Jarulf's Guide: ) and am confused why the morphing should happen for lightforge but not for the other items. the problem is the same for all of them (same base item and qlvl). 

Does anyone have a SP savegame with one of the unfindable (in MP) rings? Ring of the Mystics or Ring of Magma would be the best, as they are the last item needed for verifying the item generation over at devilutionX (

Thank you
keksnase / ChaosMarc

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