Need help with diablohack
Hello all,

I recently found superdiablo and sandablo mod downloads from I had a copy of diablohack come with my sinwar download (couldn't really find a download anywhere else). 
These mods required a diablo 1 patched to 1.07. I use the patch from this website:

Once I have Version 1.07 loaded the game to the main menu and open diablo hack. Added either one of the hack and attempted to load them. I got nothing but the same error: Failed to write to offset 0x47c12c, Ien 0x1: invalid access to memory location. Does anyone know how to fix this or what is wrong? 

My ONLY guess is that maybe I didn't get the correct patch somehow. I only think this because when getting the diablopatch 2.1.0 to work it has to have the exact hash value to work. Well my 1.09 had a different hash value and it turned out that my 1.09 patch from this website was not an american patch or something. So If anyone also has a correct 1.07 patch version I would love to attempt this to see if it fixed the problems. Any other suggestions would be great!


You can go without diablohack with the help of this small dat2exe programm:
Check out Superdiablo, it's awesome.
(04-23-2021, 08:53 AM)Rudra Wrote: Hi,
You can go without diablohack with the help of this small dat2exe programm:
Check out Superdiablo, it's awesome.

Is this a dat file for Superdiablo? Or is this a different program to run SuperDaiblo and sandablo without diablohack?

How does this work also? I attempted to load the 1.07 version up and then run the dat2.exe file thinking it would run the super diablo I have inside the folder, it freezed my game at the main menu and when I click back onto the game it states "Failed to reset Direct3D9 device". Then is just crashes.

Consider the .dat file as lime and mint and your vanilla 1.07 diablo.exe as rum. Dat2exe makes you a Mojito (a permanent one!). No need for mixing manually every time.

Do you know how to use the DOS command prompt in Windows? If not, just press the windows key and then write "cmd" and confirm.
You can then browse to your diablo folder (it has to contain the 1.07 diablo.exe, dat2exe.exe and yourmod.dat) and type "dat2exe [original exe] [dat file] [output exe]". The program will then write all the information of the dat file into the exe file.
I've already included SuperDiablo as an .exe file in the zip file in the other thread where you asked for it.

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