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Alright. Trying to make a simple mod, Diablo Hellfire v1.01. Nothing HUGE in the way of coding should be needed, compared to the D2 mod I want to do.
I'm just trying to change some item type names (rings and amulets are giving me hell) and images, as well as add variations of monsters -- Devilkin Brute and so forth... Also, add in some old, removed monsters and add back in some old spells (possibly with calculations edited for the retarded blood boil setup).
More specifics: I'm trying to follow in the footsteps of Hellfire: Fixed and edit those goddamned rings/amulets to have different names and identifiers. I've been failing, so far.
I want to add in the lost ice stalker skeleton type (hidden AI just to gve it its own semi-personal flare), make the satyr lord have three more types -- to appropriately populate crypt 2-3, crypt 3-4 and crypt 4-4 -- and likewise with the DK Brute (also want to relocate that thing and its variations to late cats-caves, but that seems simple enough) and lastly to make boss monsters of these.
Also, I have the Diablo beta/PR-Demo from which to extract .cel files of the "wyrms" and etc from the "original" game, but I can't find working utilities to open up the MPQ OR to convert the .cel files to .cl2 files. To be more clear -- the utilities may work, but the sites they were once on most certainly do not.
Given that I have the PR-demo/beta, could I get the incinerator to work (I have gathered that something was cut that breaks it)? I see the incinerator as similar to the Inferna from The Suffering -- super-fast, with a Blaze-like effect (shoots inferno spell out its rear during movement?) and ability to create sudden, deadly kabooms. Can this be done?
I'd like to put the "sentinel" back in the game with a palette change to light blue and replacement of its Firebolt with Lightning, would that be very difficult? Would extreme code be needed to make a six page spellbook to hold it and the other spells I think should be brought back?
How hard would it be to "fix" blood boil so it won't crash? Does anyone have any suggestions for the calculations to use, if it's not too hard?
I'd like to use blood ritual for something like a "blood star shield". The idea I have is 3+(slvl/2) blood stars circling the caster. They disappear when they hit walls or monsters, or when you enter/leave a dungeon level (and thus are just basically normal blood stars with a different movement pattern.) Possible? y/n/c
I'm sure at some point someone will point out Jarulf's Guide, which is worthless to me -- I can't view Word for Windows 6.0 documents, and PDFs lag my computer to hell and back. Give me .txt any day. If they care to convert it to a format that I can use (a WordPad-openable .doc format or .txt) I will gladly read the guide.
Last thing. I don't want this done for me, I want to do it myself. Advice is great, but please don't tell me word-for-word what to do, as that would defeat the point of a learning experience.
Anyway thanks bye ^^
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Well, Im not modder but I spent some time looking at data and some testing, so Ill try to answer to some of your questions and then someone more capable will correct me :-)
Nothing HUGE, right? Well, some features as for instance that bloodstar shield sound a bit unrealistic.
Better start with that item name changing. Its really easy. Get yourself some nice Hex editor (I personally use HEXEdit), get little familiar with Hex numbers. For adress calculation, find some calculator able to handle with Hex numbers (it can be just piece of software like Windows scientific calculator), go to the modworkshop at The Dark forum pages and thats it. I would recomend trying read the data first. After youre sure you understand structure of item data, then you can try to chage some its property.
This is definatelly most easy part of "modding". If it is something "past comprehension" for you, then try to ask more concrete question. If you dont want learn this then simply forgot about modding.
About monsters:
As far I know there NEVER existed Wyrms files. Maybe some artworks, but thats it.
The same with "Ice Stalker". There is just name. At old screenshots there is some "blue version" of skeleton type. There is nothing more to say. Lot of peple get impression that it was somehow cool. Such as that yellow fallens shoted in Kings Leoric tomb. Well, most probably they were just normal fallens with different color palette. Or maybe they even never existed as the shot doesnt come from real situation anyway ...
Of course, its your turn now. So grab some nice palette collor and make your skeletons do something cool ! ;-)
Generally, lets say there are two kinds of modding. Softcore and Hardcore.
Softcore modding means just changing DATA of existing things, enabling "forbidden" options (like teleport in town or "new" monsters / bosses appearances) etc. You can do a lot of cool things this way.
Hardcore modding is about assembling and rewritting CODE. You need to learn assembler. Then you can do far more things.
I can provide you some info about softcore modding.
For HC modding there are guys such as Selby, [vL]Kp, Lemming, Jarulf, Langolier, Lenny Len ... or anyone from Dark forums.
My advice for you is fully understand softcore modding at least at areas you want to change in your mod (items, monsters, spells). Then you will be prepared for entering gates of hardcore modding. Begin with learning ASM instructions and disassembling the code.
BTW: There is online version of Jarulfs guide too
BTW: For Bloodboil spell just repair that part of formula enabling GAINING HPs. Apart that it works just fine.
Quote:Last thing. I don't want this done for me, I want to do it myself. Advice is great, but please don't tell me word-for-word what to do, as that would defeat the point of a learning experience.
Dont worry. This will never happen :-)
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The beta and prerelease have all the files for the wyrms, incinerators, ice stalkers and yellow fallen. There's actually a group remaking the prerelease with some alpha graphics at -- check the "alpha4" link and the forums. Very buggy but it's all there, plus (dead) links to MPQ viewers/extractors, etc. I have the listfiles and of course the beta and pre-release with all the enemies that I want and need.
As for the name changing? Sure, it's easy. What ISN'T easy is just changing one of the three ring types' names to something else (base items) while leaving the other two alone. To say NOTHING of changing all three. I use the XVI32 hexeditor. I'm sure I'll break something sooner or later because I do, but I'll sure have fun breaking it.
As for assembly language.. I was HOPING to do a good bit of that, it'd be nice to learn. And given time and sufficient mucking-around room I can learn most anything.
And thanks a ton for the link to the HTML Jarulf's.
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07-23-2008, 01:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-23-2008, 03:20 PM by Sekel.)
Quote:The beta and prerelease have all the files for the wyrms, incinerators, ice stalkers and yellow fallen. There's actually a group remaking the prerelease with some alpha graphics at -- check the "alpha4" link and the forums. Very buggy but it's all there, plus (dead) links to MPQ viewers/extractors, etc. I have the listfiles and of course the beta and pre-release with all the enemies that I want and need.
Well, the main problem of the "alpha4" is, that people can get impression that all that stuff is authentic.
But its NOT. Its just beta/retail stuff added to make Pre-Release Diablo.exe file work.
Fact about Wyrms
Ice Stalker and "yellow fallen" files:
Yeah, theyre all there because SKELETON and FALLEN files are in Pre-Demo/Beta/Retail.
I can make you yellow fallen and blue skeleton (even named Ice Stalker) within 5 seconds in retail version. You can make print screens, but ... thats it. There is no data for them.
Anyway, I dont think Ice Stalkers were deleted. IMHO you can meet them anytime you play Diablo. Just with different name and palette file. But whatever. If someone thinks there should be 5 types of skeletons (while every other monster types appears with 4 variations) then go for it, but I dont believe that. Anyway its just MY oppinion. Dont handle it as a fact, because there are not "facts" in Ice Stalkers and especially Wyrms case.
Incinerators were implemented in various mods. Check Dark Forums, in some thread you should find repaired cell files.
Quote:As for the name changing? Sure, it's easy. What ISN'T easy is just changing one of the three ring types' names to something else (base items) while leaving the other two alone. To say NOTHING of changing all three. I use the XVI32 hexeditor. I'm sure I'll break something sooner or later because I do, but I'll sure have fun breaking it.
Well, since there are 3 ring entries in base items table, try to change name pointer some of them to whatever you want. Then you can get output like this:
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07-23-2008, 04:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-23-2008, 04:39 PM by Rudra.)
the Wyrm in the Alpha4 is taken from Hellfire and coloured green, that's it.
Adding the Ice Stalker was a work of 5 minutes - replacing the Corpse Skeletons' names and colouration file with "Ice Stalker" and the blue colouration file in the same folder.
I think you can reuse the Incinerator from the Alpha4, it should work in all later versions, too (oh, no, you have to convert it to CL2, of course)..
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I just wanted to add the skeletons, etc, even if it does break the four-monster-rule. This isn't supposed to be perfect, it's supposed to be me shoving in every stupid thing I like in an attempt to learn The Way Things Are.
I wanted to know how to actually add those enemies, not just replace other enemies with them.
And... Where are those false-wyrms in Hellfire? I've used a mod editor so far to do the easy stuff (and learn a bit about hex offsets, etc), and I'd figure it'd be able to see all the unused things... Should I get/find an MPQ viewer for that?
Also, I just downloaded a disassembler program, because I get the feeling I'll need it to make new types of enemies/boss enemies. Confirm/deny my suspicions?
I gather that Rudra is a part of the Diablo Evolution team?
Thanks bye ^^
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if I remember correctly, adding monsters is not possible. Or too difficult to even bother. Adding bosses, however, is very easy.
But just ask the experts at The Dark forum, they'll know better.
I'd recommend to check out the modworkshop, too, (Sekel's link) and try the first link under tools at Diablo Evolution (the MPQ-Explorer) + the Listfiles (you need both). Then, after installing, insert the correct path to the listfiles in the explorer's tools->options menu and get started.
Converting CEL to CL2 and the other way around.. well, you'll propably need some kind of description on how to do it. If you need this, I'll try to find it.
The wyrm used in the Alpha4 is the torchant from Hellfire, you find him in the AntWorm folder in the hellfire.mpq
Ychiju (who made the Alpha4, but doesn't have the "hardcore skills", so that the Alpha4 sadly lacks a lot)
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Adding monsters is possible, within limits. There are a number of disabled monster slots in Diablo that can be repurposed for a "new" monster. However, once you've exhausted all the existing slots, then you're stuck. Expanding the table is a non-trivial matter. Also, beware that some slots are magical in various ways.
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Non-trivial -- does that mean "absolutely impossible" and/or "impossible without years and years of trial and error"? If not, I'm fairly sure I'd like to do it. Just tell me what it would require.
If there's a table somewhere of the slots the "unused" monsters are in, that'd be great. Unless you mean the enemies which were just deactivated... in which case, I've already got most of those used up. >>
...Oh well on the wyrms then. >> Guess I'll use those slots for the Satyr Lord variations.. Not sure what to do about the Devil Kin Brute though.
On the Diablo Evolution website, there WAS a .CEL to .CL2 conversion tool, but it's dead-linked. The first MPQ tool was dead too, last I checked (unless someone fixed it?) but I found another one that works pretty nicely.
It'd also be nice to have a thing that lets me preview what various .CL2 monster animations look like when you slap various .TRNs on them. That'd REALLY help with the DK Brute/Satyr Lord/Bone Demon variations, it is absolute madness trying to pick them out and then checking them only to find out they're all wrong.
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Quote:Unless you mean the enemies which were just deactivated... in which case, I've already got most of those used up. >>
Im sure [vL]Kp meant those monsters.
Quote:It'd also be nice to have a thing that lets me preview what various .CL2 monster animations look like when you slap various .TRNs on them. That'd REALLY help with the DK Brute/Satyr Lord/Bone Demon variations, it is absolute madness trying to pick them out and then checking them only to find out they're all wrong.
Thats what cv5 do. In case you dont have this nice tool yet, I uploaded it here for some short time.
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Quote:Non-trivial -- does that mean "absolutely impossible" and/or "impossible without years and years of trial and error"?
It's software. With a disassembler and some programming, anything is possible. But it might be easier to just rewrite the whole thing from scratch (and fix some of the more obvious blunders:)).
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?
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Well, I have a disassembler... I just have very little in the way of knowing what I'm doing. I figure, though, that I would just copy/paste the monster stuff in there and edit it to suit my needs. If that didn't work, I might need help.
Oh and thanks tons for cv5, except it crashes KABOOM all the time. That, and TRNs don't work right.
EDIT: I think I got a problem.
I can't find anything relating to the monsters in my hellfire.exe, ether in hex or via disassembler. Not even their .cl2 files.
Items are out too.
Only the townspeople, missiles and player graphics are referenced (in the case of the townspeople, only as .CEL files.)
This is bad, isn't it? If not.. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT2: Also, I realized no one replied to one particular part of my original post.
"I see the incinerator as similar to the Inferna from The Suffering -- super-fast, with a Blaze-like effect (shoots inferno spell out its rear during movement?) and ability to create sudden, deadly kabooms. Can this be done?"
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Quote:EDIT2: Also, I realized no one replied to one particular part of my original post.
"I see the incinerator as similar to the Inferna from The Suffering -- super-fast, with a Blaze-like effect (shoots inferno spell out its rear during movement?) and ability to create sudden, deadly kabooms. Can this be done?"
Of course they addressed it: if you can code it, it will work. Honestly everything you describe wanting to implement sounds like it is going to involve some work, not a few edits or pointer changes.
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Non-trivial in the sense that I wouldn't consider it worth my time to do it.
I'm a bit surprised no one has fixed CV5 after all these years. Was the source lost?
Monster strings should be in your Hellfire executable. Without more detail, it's hard to say what you are doing wrong.
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07-25-2008, 09:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2008, 10:30 AM by Sekel.)
Quote:I'm a bit surprised no one has fixed CV5 after all these years. Was the source lost?
Because nobody cared? I dont know, but for Diablo 1.09 there is just few files causing crashes. "cow.cel problem" is quite famos, right? There is some tool (sort of console aplication program, maybe an old version of cv?), where you can choose methods of conversion from cel to gif. One method is really named "cow" because it works for those cels.
Its true, that its not so user friendly as using cv5. But neither is modding itself. If you really need to see those "crashing" files, there is an option.
BTW: TRNs work very well of course.
For DPS~Girl:
Here you find something about adding new monsters
Here should start every modder after reading modworkshop
Finally 3 great advices from Zenda. Its all written in the thread where first link goes, but just in case ...
read Jarulf's Guide thoroughly and try to understand all of it. You will have a very hard time implementing changes if you couldn't follow the related information in the JG.
don't start with difficult things, like this. Just do the things you can (almost) do by yourself, and you'll see that you'll never reach the end of your possibilities.
if Kp says something is hard, it will propably be impossible for most of us.
...where us means "HC modding" community :-)
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Thanks for the help Sekel. I'm very pleased with the second bit of advice, because it really helps me out. Assuming I figure out where the heck my monsters went off to, (and before anyone mentions it, Find Text has failed me...) I should be able to do minor assembly work despite having no prior knowledge thereof. It SEEMS easy enough, to me, certainly much less iffy than the other programming languages that I've tried. EDIT: To clarify: I've done everything that a mod-making tool and hex editing can do. I would do more with hex editing but it'd probably be not worth it, considering the .EXE issues I've got, even after a fresh install.
EDIT2: Just read further down on the monster-making thing. Except for the seeding code, that all seems easy enough, and I'm very willing to give it a shot. Sounds like you have to be something of a stubborn, nitpicky asshole to do it, but hey, why not? If anyone cares to offer help with the seeding code too (this might be an exception to the " don't do it for me" thing, although I'd REALLY much rather do it myself with lots of hints) then hey, I might get away with it.
Out of curiosity, I wonder if anyone could link me to a different (free) disassembler than the one I'm using, W32Dasm. Perhaps I got a messed up download, and I really don't feel like shelling out the money again just to fix it.
EDIT3: Problem found.
W32Dasm's hex viewer showed quite clearly all the monster names. When I told it to go to the beginning of the code page with them, I got a blank screen. It treated everything past 00487BF8 as nonexistant, so I can't use it for what I want to do. Ideas for replacements, people?
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Quote:W32Dasm's hex viewer showed quite clearly all the monster names. When I told it to go to the beginning of the code page with them, I got a blank screen. It treated everything past 00487BF8 as nonexistant, so I can't use it for what I want to do. Ideas for replacements, people?
Do you want a disassembler, or a hex-editor? W32dasm is the only disassembler I've ever used, but for hex-editing, I use UltraEdit-32.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"
-W.C. Fields
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Disassembler. I can't change what I want to change without a disassembler.
..I guess I'll have to buy another one.
EDIT: Found a free one!
Same problem. I guess it's not a problem after all, just everything after that isn't really used by the assembler except as stuff to reference. Oh well, getting to work!
EDIT2: Anyone know where the monster table begins, hex-wise? I got a reference for 004B0880 (specifically, 0043AAAD 8B0D80084B00 mov ecx, dword ptr [004B0880]) which neatly corresponds to a bunch of highly organized non-ascii stuff just before the boss monster list (which is directly above the monster list). But, I want to be sure.
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For location of tables I suggest that you take a look at our mod workshop
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I thought your name looked familiar. I used to play, at least for a short while, Hellfire -The Dark with Zenda. Does he still play almost every day do you know?
Quote:For location of tables I suggest that you take a look at our mod workshop