Access to Auction House via!


Thanks for the heads up. Guess I'll have to get on public test to see what's going to happen. This could be great. Or the final disaster. B)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


right now, I tend to believe it will be a step towards the final desaster. Game features made available outside of it via paid Applications... not exactly my kind of thing. But we'll see how this develops I guess. I just hope that they haven't got the next step planned already - purchase of in-game items for real-life money.

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea

right now, I tend to believe it will be a step towards the final desaster. Game features made available outside of it via paid Applications... not exactly my kind of thing. But we'll see how this develops I guess. I just hope that they haven't got the next step planned already - purchase of in-game items for real-life money.

Take care,


I didn't see anything about it being a paid service? I saw it as being an extension of the current Armory....
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
Quote:I didn't see anything about it being a paid service? I saw it as being an extension of the current Armory....
Quote:...It's important to note here that certain elements of the service will be premium-based, which we'll go into more detail on once the service functionality is finalized. ...
I think that's what Lord_Olf is referring to. It doesn't come right out and say it, but 'premium-based' sounds pretty ominous.

Honestly, for an extra $2/mo, I might consider doing it depending on what type of functionality it offers.
Quote:purchase of in-game items for real-life money.

Oh, they did this already - there are two vanity pets you can buy for real-world cash (lil KT and the Pandaren Monk)

The real problem will come when they are gameplay related items, like gear.
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Quote:Oh, they did this already - there are two vanity pets you can buy for real-world cash (lil KT and the Pandaren Monk)

The real problem will come when they are gameplay related items, like gear.

and the money is going to Blizzard and not charities like it did with those 2.

But yeah, I'm not excited about any of this.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Quote:Oh, they did this already - there are two vanity pets you can buy for real-world cash (lil KT and the Pandaren Monk)

The real problem will come when they are gameplay related items, like gear.
Yep, the camel already has his nose in the tent. It is a bit ironic that Blizz frowns on RL transactions for game items by others but indulges in it themselves. This could go many ways, some good, some bad, and some nowhere. So far, Blizz has done well in keeping game play as the focus. If they let greed become more important, they might just end up with neither game play nor income. But I don't think they'll let that happen.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:and the money is going to Blizzard and not charities like it did with those 2.

But yeah, I'm not excited about any of this.

Actually, only 1/2 the cost of the Pandaren went to charity, and none from Lil KT. And even that ended around the new year (so if you buy either of them now, it's pure profit to Blizz)
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Quote:Oh, they did this already - there are two vanity pets you can buy for real-world cash (lil KT and the Pandaren Monk)

The real problem will come when they are gameplay related items, like gear.

The non-combat pets are cosmetic items. I see no problem there.

I really don't ever see them selling gear for real money. Oh, I see lots of people speculating, but that's all I've ever seen. Blizzard has come right out and said they won't sell 'gameplay-affecting' items for real money. (non-combat pets don't affect gameplay)

As far as profits, Blizzard/Vivendi are in business to make a profit. Of course the non-combat pets make them money. Why is it always evil for a company to make money? No one's forcing anyone to buy those non-combat pets. End of story. You won't lose a raid spot because you don't have one of them, after all.

I take Lord_Olf's post as pure fear-mongering/speculation/much ado about nothing, actually.
Hi Mav,

sorry, I did not want to sound overly alarming.

As far as Lil' KT and the Pandareen Monk go - they have absolutely no impact on the game as it is. I bought the Monk myself 'cause it's cute and it roundhosekicks in Barrens Chat... er, never mind.

Insofar, I do not have any problem at all with Blizzard making money out of things that have no issue on the game as it is - otherwise, I'd have a problem with the trading cards etc.

So far, everythings ok with me. Now for the BUT:

I'm well aware that the Auction House is not as important as it once was - in classic, it was, in BC, it may have been, at the current level of progression, it is supplementary. What I object to is making game features available via paid services even when not being online. I don't own an IPhone or anything similar ( no QQ here), but why should somebody have the option of outbidding me on an item when he's not online - especially when I may not have the option to do the same, for example being at work an not having an IPhone with me? To me, it smells.

Sure, Mav, the rest is pure speculation, as I think I said, but for me it looks like a step in the wrong direction. It's an RPG, not an App-G. Feel free to disagree, but much ado about nothing is not what I'd call it.

Take care,


"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea

Quote:What I object to is making game features available via paid services even when not being online. I don't own an IPhone or anything similar ( no QQ here), but why should somebody have the option of outbidding me on an item when he's not online - especially when I may not have the option to do the same, for example being at work an not having an IPhone with me? To me, it smells.
I agree, although that situation is not much different than it presently is. For instance, I'm pretty much at home 24/7. Except for the twelve or so hours I sleep, I spend most of the rest in front of a TV and a laptop. I can (and sometimes do) check the AH a number of times a day to find items I can flip or snatch. If you work, you cannot match that and keep your job for long. B)

Again, it all depends on both on what they do and how they do it. It could be great (especially for traders like me) or it could be terrible. Personally, I'll reserve my ulcers for something more definite. :whistling:


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

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