Pre-3.0.2 and Pre-Wrath goals
So, Lurkers and Lurker'ish guilds out there, what are you trying to accomplish personally or as a guild pre-patch and pre-wrath?

Particular raid goal on the horizon? Personal goal on the horizon? Trying to accomplish something in 40-man Naxx before 3.0.2 kills it? Working on achievements already? Stockpiling mats for a profession change?

My goal right now, personally, is mostly to figure out if I want to stay tankadin for the expansion. I'll decide on profession changes closer to go-live, though honestly blacksmithing is looking hot for tankadins at the moment.

My guild is on a crusade to accomplish our pre-expansion goal of killing Illidan. Sign-ups are at the highest, most consistent level we have seen during TBC, and progress has been fast lately.

We have completely stopped visiting Hyjal these past few weeks, after getting a second Archimonde kill (much as I'd like my helm), and all attention is on Black Temple. Feels like the clock is ticking with only ~4 resets left until 3.0.2 throws a huge wrench at us.

We got our first Illidari Council kill last night, on a 2nd night working on it, and then pulled Illidan 4-5 times to see phase 1 (super easy) and phase 2 (not quite so super-easy).
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
I recently made it back into the game, and after playing all my 70's, I decided to decommission the hunter, and am now solidly focused on making my Paladin Tank viable for post-Karazhan raids. Since our guild alliance still sees T5 content from time to time, I think I'll be in luck.

So, my goals are as follows:

1 - Tank at least 1 T5 boss
2 - Get cooking, FA, and fishing to 375 on Paladin
3 - Farm tons of herbs for Inscription
4 - Get 2 or 3 more characters to 70
Quote:2 - Get cooking, FA, and fishing to 375 on Paladin

Ugh. Why did you have to remind me that my paladin's cooking and fishing are still sub-300?

I should never have made this thread =)
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
Quote:Ugh. Why did you have to remind me that my paladin's cooking and fishing are still sub-300?

I should never have made this thread =)

Because I'm a jerk like that. Ask Quark, he'll confirm it.:)
1. Kill Archimonde (48% best attempt so far)
2. Kill Illidan (Still have to kill Bloodboil, RoS, etc)
I'd like to see Kael down, maybe poke around in Naxx a bit before the 3.0 patch drops. Other than that I'd like to get a few more of my characters closer to the level cap, mainly my warrior. I've figured the fastest way to do that is to dual-box some mages with the recruit-a-friend promotion going on, then gift the levels to my warrior to get him to 60, then level to 70 once the 3.0 Outlands levelling changes go in.:)

I also want to work on my stash of gold so I'm well-prepared for whatever is needed in Northrend, although I haven't seen any particularly large gold sinks on the scale of epic flying.
Quote:I'd like to see Kael down, maybe poke around in Naxx a bit before the 3.0 patch drops. Other than that I'd like to get a few more of my characters closer to the level cap, mainly my warrior. I've figured the fastest way to do that is to dual-box some mages with the recruit-a-friend promotion going on, then gift the levels to my warrior to get him to 60, then level to 70 once the 3.0 Outlands levelling changes go in.:)

Niz, from our guild, just triple-boxxed a priest and druid to 70 (well, they are 60-something at the moment, last I saw) with his well geared 70 mage helping out, with the recruit-a-friend promotion in full effect.

He was getting about a level an hour in the 50's, last I heard.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
Quote:Niz, from our guild, just triple-boxxed a priest and druid to 70 (well, they are 60-something at the moment, last I saw) with his well geared 70 mage helping out, with the recruit-a-friend promotion in full effect.

He was getting about a level an hour in the 50's, last I heard.

My mages are 34 right now and I spent most of my 20's triple-boxing myself through Scarlet Monastery with my sister's warlock. I could get about 2 levels per hour although that has slowed down significantly now. The STV pages quest was worth a solid level when I hit 30.:) I started doing some of the kill quests in STV although I might just stick to running myself through SM a few more times until I am high enough to do the Dustwallow Marsh quests. What did Niz do to level so quick in the 50's? I was trying to plan ahead and couldn't think of much other than the Cauldron quests in WPL.
Quote:My mages are 34 right now and I spent most of my 20's triple-boxing myself through Scarlet Monastery with my sister's warlock. I could get about 2 levels per hour although that has slowed down significantly now. The STV pages quest was worth a solid level when I hit 30.:) I started doing some of the kill quests in STV although I might just stick to running myself through SM a few more times until I am high enough to do the Dustwallow Marsh quests. What did Niz do to level so quick in the 50's? I was trying to plan ahead and couldn't think of much other than the Cauldron quests in WPL.

Catch him in game sometime. He'll either be on Nizeldora, Nizarah, or some other Niz* character (or 3 of them at once).

I'm sure he spent a huge chunk of time in SM and then ZF, like he did when he power leveled his paladin early in TBC, but I'm not sure what else.

Don't forget the triple experience
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
<strike>1) Get Karazhan key. (Amazing how few Arca groups are running on my server these days)</strike> Key Get! 20/09/08
2) Max every weapon skill.
2b) Go insane from levelling Thrown from 1 to 350 at Camp Boom.
3) Level my druid, possibly to 55 minimum.
Super Hidden Previously Undeclared 4) Achieve Exalted with Orgrimmar for the racial wolf mounts, since Tauren generally get completely shafted with mount selection, as well as there being an achievement for getting 50 mounts, which would have been even more difficult for my poor moocow had it stood at the original value of 75. Though in fairness this only became a goal when I realised that I was only 3300 rep away from exalted. Cue STV, cue Stonard, cue picking up the one orc/troll starter quest that I missed when I went through Durotar last time...

That's about it, really.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
1) Finish my 62 priest and 65 hunter out to 70.
2) Build up nest eggs
3) Don't really have raiding goals, as I decided I didn't much care for 25-mans some time ago. Waiting patiently for more 10s.
Accumulate 100,000 honorable kills with Spangles. Only 37,000 more to go...
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Get my shaman to 70.
Former webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
So we capped our TBC raiding career last night with a first Illidan kill =) So that goal is off the list.

How fun was it to single handedly wipe my raid over 10 times (perhaps as many as 15) over the 2-3 nights worth of work we put on him? Pretty damn fun. (I was one of the flame tanks in phase 2)

Remaining goals are to get an epic flyer for my paladin, round out some tankadin leveling gear (what else will I do with some 360 badges?), farm Illidan/Archi a few more times, get at least one more bear mount so our entire original ZA team has one, and perhaps play in Sunwell after 3.0.2 for grins.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
From a raiding standpoint I want to surpass the Lurkers on wowjutsu! We pulled ahead a few weeks ago, but now the Lurkers are again in the lead, as of last I looked. We are currently on Bloodboil.

I have lots of personal goals!

1) Get a netherdrake for Fortran. She is almost to revered. Then work on her Bloodsail rep.

2) Get epic flying skill for Baguette, so I will have three characters that have it. She needs to make a flying carpet.

3) Get 100,000 kills for Baguette. She is currently at 74,000 plus.

4) Finish the epic hunter quest for Woad and then level her to 70.

I'm not working on anything in particular for Tribade at the moment. I'd like to do something for Fafner, but I am not sure what.

"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Very nice, and huge congratulations!

I wasn't going to post anything here, but...

Tank Illidan.

My warrior (Tiga) is a day 3 toon, who was rolled with the delusional idea that he would tank Illidan at the end of vanilla WoW. Turned out Illi wasn't in the original game, nor was Prot that good, and thus I spent most of that time as a overpowered Fury/Tank warrior. I'm not going to have the opportunity to do so with TBC, and given how hard it is to find retro-raids, he probably never will. Not that it would mean much after level 70.

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.
Quote:Super Hidden Previously Undeclared 4) Achieve Exalted with Orgrimmar for the racial wolf mounts, since Tauren generally get completely shafted with mount selection, as well as there being an achievement for getting 50 mounts, which would have been even more difficult for my poor moocow had it stood at the original value of 75.
I'm glad I'm not the only insane one who wants their 50 mounts on their cow. I'm happy to say I got the brewfest kodo 2 days ago which puts me at 50 possible mounts I can readily get/already have. If you bought the ram riding ticket or whatever it was called last year, BUY YOUR 60% BREWFEST RAM NOW. It counts. Its going to end up costing me 6000+ gold to buy the rest, but fortunately I'm sitting on over 9000. So far the most painful was farming up all the oshu'gun powder. I am so thankful I pvped enough at Haala just for giggles and kept the tokens for no apparent reason. That would have been worse. :ph34r:

After thinking about it I'll throw out my list of tauren rideable mounts for those of you thinking about it, in case you forgot some of these:

5 tauren kodos
2 no longer availible tauren kodos
6 orgrimmar wolves
7 windrider wyverns
6 netherwing dragons
5 skyguard nether rays
8 mag'har talbuks
2 halaa talbuks
1 CE hypogryph
4 pvp mounts (including frostwolf)
2 Engineering flying mounts
4 AQ40 mounts
1 swift white hawkstrider
1 ZA bear
1 Kara fiery warhorse (midnight)
2 ZG (tiger + raptor)
1 deathcharger's reigns
1 ashes of al'ar
1 black AQ mount (lol good luck)
1 brewfest ram (60% speed only available from ticket turnins a year ago)
1 swift brewfest ram
1 great brewfest kodo
1 Gladiator nether drake (could you get all 3? I don't know of anyone who tried)

There are also these mounts from the trading cards and recruit a friend:
2 spectral tigers (there was a slow version for low level chars)
1 turtle mount
1 swift zhevra
1 rocket

There were also old pvp epic mounts that required a lower riding skill and level. I'm not sure nor do I have any way of testing that these would be different from the current versions come patch time.

Feel free to nit me on any I might have forgotten. I don't think I have though.
Don't forget the Reins of the Raven Lord from Anzu, in Heroic Sethekk Halls. Good luck, though.

There are 2 rockets, one 60% and one 280%.

Edit: Learned to read.
A plague of exploding high-fives.
Quote:4 AQ40 mounts
I had read somewhere that the AQ40 mounts won't count towards the total.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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