A few questions about Hellfire
this is my first post in this forum, so i hope i post them in the right place Smile
If they belong to somewhere else, please let me know!

I'm playing a legit Warrior in Hellfire 1.01 Singleplayer, currently remaking my old one and i just hit lvl 50 today.
Now there are a few things which i noticed today as well as in the past few weeks and so far nobody i knew could help me out.
I heard of this forum many times before, so maybe you people here know the answers:

1. As i've mentioned, i just hit clvl 50 today.
I had boosted all but one attribute to max with the normal clvl-bonus and additional elixirs. I had kept Strength at 245, so my plan was to use the 5 attributes from the last lvl-up (50) to gain max strength as well.
Weird thing happened though: I didn't gain any attributes with my lvl up today. I repeat: Strength was still at 245, so it should have worked normally, i guess. Do you know what's wrong there or if i have made a mistake? I know that one does not gain life or mana at lvl-up to 50 but attributes?

2. Similar thing with my damage: I did not gain additional damage on my char-screen. I knew there was something missing because i have used the same eq on my old Warrior. But when i took off my weapon (Shirotachi) and replaced it into the weapon slot, suddenly the correct damage appeared.
In numbers: 164-174 Dmg before + after lvlup + using 5x str elixirs to max str since i didnt gain attributes (see question number one) -> 167-177 after lvlup + Shirotachi off and on

Is this normal? Or is it a bug? Or what is it? Confused

3. Not sure if i misread Jarulfs famous and awesome guide but the Grandfather-Sword should be possible to find in Hellfire without problems, correct?

I hope someone can help me Smile

(02-27-2013, 09:26 PM)Argand Wrote: Hello,
this is my first post in this forum, so i hope i post them in the right place Smile
If they belong to somewhere else, please let me know!

I'm playing a legit Warrior in Hellfire 1.01 Singleplayer, currently remaking my old one and i just hit lvl 50 today.
Now there are a few things which i noticed today as well as in the past few weeks and so far nobody i knew could help me out.
I heard of this forum many times before, so maybe you people here know the answers:

1. As i've mentioned, i just hit clvl 50 today.
I had boosted all but one attribute to max with the normal clvl-bonus and additional elixirs. I had kept Strength at 245, so my plan was to use the 5 attributes from the last lvl-up (50) to gain max strength as well.
Weird thing happened though: I didn't gain any attributes with my lvl up today. I repeat: Strength was still at 245, so it should have worked normally, i guess. Do you know what's wrong there or if i have made a mistake? I know that one does not gain life or mana at lvl-up to 50 but attributes?

2. Similar thing with my damage: I did not gain additional damage on my char-screen. I knew there was something missing because i have used the same eq on my old Warrior. But when i took off my weapon (Shirotachi) and replaced it into the weapon slot, suddenly the correct damage appeared.
In numbers: 164-174 Dmg before + after lvlup + using 5x str elixirs to max str since i didnt gain attributes (see question number one) -> 167-177 after lvlup + Shirotachi off and on

Is this normal? Or is it a bug? Or what is it? Confused

3. Not sure if i misread Jarulfs famous and awesome guide but the Grandfather-Sword should be possible to find in Hellfire without problems, correct?

I hope someone can help me Smile

I know you dont gain life and mana for sure, and i'm pretty sure you dont gain attribute points either. Its been a while since i've levelled a character to 50, but to be sure I have double checked using this video of Decimus reaching level 50:

And it doesnt appear that you do.

Not sure about the damage thing. I dont remember reading that in Jarulfs guide either. Maybe its a display bug on the character screen or something, but whatever it is, im glad you were able to fix it. Maybe someone else can elaborate on it more for you.

And yes as far as I know, the Grandfather sword should still be findable in Hellfire. If you've been looking for it but havent found it yet, I guess all I could say is keep looking.
I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot
When you turn they will be gone
Whispering their hidden song
Then you see what cannot be
Shadows move where light should be
Out of darkness, out of mind
Cast down into the halls of the blind
Uuuh, i'm very happy that at least someone has answered Smile
Thanks so far!

Unfortunately the problem with this video is that the attributes of Decimus are already maxed, so it's really no wonder he doesnt gain any additional attributes by lvling up Confused In my case not all attributes were maxed however. Strength was at 245 points, rest was maxed.

About the damage thing: It is a display bug indeed. I have found a note on freshmeat in the bug list Smile It's harmless as it seems and easy to solve.
(Edit: Actually the bug is also listed in the DSF Bug List in this forum, i didnt notice it before)

Grandfather: Still no idea. Would be great of course if it's possible to find without the requirement to find Shirotachi before or after it (both could make the search harder).

So: 1/3 problems solved.
You're welcome. I'm probably not the best guy to ask but i'll do my best.

I couldnt find any mention on stats not being gained in Jarulfs guide, so maybe I'll take it upon myself to test it later.

Ahh...I never noticed it was listed. Well that saves some trouble. I guess I should have checked there first.

As for the Grandfather, I wish you the best of luck in that endevor. I'm sure you'll find it eventually.
I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot
When you turn they will be gone
Whispering their hidden song
Then you see what cannot be
Shadows move where light should be
Out of darkness, out of mind
Cast down into the halls of the blind
Quote:I couldnt find any mention on stats not being gained in Jarulfs guide, so maybe I'll take it upon myself to test it later.

This is where trainers actually have a good use. You can use one to set your XP to just below the required amount for clvl 50, then go kill something and see what happens.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields

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