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I was waxing nostalgic today with a coworker who plays WoW, and he was commenting that the guild he was in isn't very fun. I was floored. I had a great time in Lurkers, and remembered some great fun.
I remember the day we decided to "race" through MGT. That was hilarious. At one point, we realized people were at half health and said "Who's healing?!" Only to realize it was a Paladin Tank and 4 DPS.
I remember We were working on Vashj, and we failed an attempt because someone's bags were full. And Jester being a little irritable that we had to have people hearth, and empty bags, only to on the next pull, realize that he too should have hearthed, because his bags were full (oh the hilarity we had)
I remember Tris, the incredible, exploding mage. Frag told me when I joined the guild not to take it personally if he stole aggro, it was just "tris being tris", and that Tris has 2 speeds. DPSing, and Dead.
Frogger. Oh the laughs we had at frogger.
Killing Yogg. I don't remember a kill in the game that was more satisfying than that.
Laughing the first time we Saw Icehowl, promptly followed by watching half the raid go SPLAT! to Icehowl
The short lived (at least for me) Naked Toon Project
When people thought that Kaine and I were a.... "Couple" and the hilarity that ensued when they realized that we were both married with kids.
Getting Xarhud his Legendary
Frag Killing me with the "Go look at Rags" trick
Killing Frag back the next week when I bubbled while tanking Kael, and saying "oops"
Killing The Lich King.
Killing Tal in a BG. I don't know if he ever knew that was me, but oh well!, it was great fun.
Bugging Tal on my Ally Warrior while he was on his Terenas Warrior and he didn't know who it was.
And on and on. It was a lot of fun, and I'm glad I got to game with such a great group of people.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
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(10-19-2012, 09:07 PM)shoju Wrote: I was waxing nostalgic today with a coworker who plays WoW, and he was commenting that the guild he was in isn't very fun. I was floored. I had a great time in Lurkers, and remembered some great fun.
I'm okay with you recruiting for us even if you aren't playing. ; )
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My first time in Naxx with my old guild, I never did make the jump on Thaddius. I think someone counted 23 attempts. And as my guildmates were laughing hysterically, our gm pointed out that I never once screwed up on polarity.
I've also been know to microwave socks. And catch them on fire.
I look forward to making fond memories with all of you.
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Oh hey! I just thought of another one since Swirly chimed in.
I was running H:SteamVaults with Swirly and some others, and I just kept dying. Swirly was healing. It wasn't until like the 5th or 6th death when he realized that I didn't have the high HP pool that the other tanks had, so trying to heal me "lazily" wasn't working
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
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(10-19-2012, 09:07 PM)shoju Wrote: Killing Tal in a BG. I don't know if he ever knew that was me, but oh well!, it was great fun.
I must admit I fantasize about this almost daily.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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(10-22-2012, 08:08 PM)Bolty Wrote: (10-19-2012, 09:07 PM)shoju Wrote: Killing Tal in a BG. I don't know if he ever knew that was me, but oh well!, it was great fun.
I must admit I fantasize about this almost daily. 
It was great. We were in Eye of the Storm, and I'm running full bore to get the flag. I see this Nelf Druid Running towards a tower, and I saw the nameplate "Thistleberry" <Lurkers>.
I peeled off, and chased him down the road, Death Gripped him back to me, and went to town! If only my Dk would have been guilded at the time, it would have been great. You, mr. Tal, were one of the 430 HK's I notched
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
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(10-22-2012, 08:08 PM)Bolty Wrote: (10-19-2012, 09:07 PM)shoju Wrote: Killing Tal in a BG. I don't know if he ever knew that was me, but oh well!, it was great fun.
I must admit I fantasize about this almost daily. 
I'm a pretty easy kill.
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(10-23-2012, 12:28 PM)Tal Wrote: (10-22-2012, 08:08 PM)Bolty Wrote: (10-19-2012, 09:07 PM)shoju Wrote: Killing Tal in a BG. I don't know if he ever knew that was me, but oh well!, it was great fun.
I must admit I fantasize about this almost daily. 
I'm a pretty easy kill.
If you were one of my 430, yeah you are!
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
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10-24-2012, 12:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2012, 01:02 AM by Treesh.)
Waxing nostalgic about Lurkers. So easy to do.
When I stopped playing, Mogo still had the rose Rogoll pickpocketed however long ago.
I remember the pulls in LBRS with Durambar tanking, Mogo healing and Durambar asking Mogo to earth shock (that's what had the spell interrupt at the time along with extra threat) a caster to pull it to us. I neglected to tell him that I always used the highest rank of earth shock rather than the lowest like the nice shaman did.
I remember the first time I saw Conc be his silly self and was floored. I remember SirShake in MC. I remember WhopperJr on a mostly guild run through UBRS. I remember Jester's comment something along the lines of "If we change tactics to something that would work, then the terrorists win!" when we were in, shoot, the raid dungeon that had the suppression room in it. The timing of it and the exact wording stopped the raid for a bit because Frag (tanking) and most of the healers were laughing too much to play.
I remember taking a handful of us (Frag, Tori, GG, myself, Frost (iirc) and someone else) into SSC to get a quick peek at the trash and layout before we went in on a real raid with the guild shortly thereafter. And yes, we did manage to kill a tiny bit of the trash with our small group. =)
I remember the two rogues, two priest group going through Magister's Terrace until we picked up a shaman tank.
Warlock quests. Any and all of the mounts we got our locks. =) Most specifically, the run where Mogo had her big two hander and I think was actually Enhancement specced. Thanks to the little bug of always making windfury proc on the first swing at a critter (I was so good at that timing), I kept ripping aggro off Frag. =D Edit: No, maybe she wasn't full enhancement spec, just the hybrid enhance/resto spec I used to run with and didn't expect to actually rip aggro.
The first Burning Crusade dungeon I ran with Taiza as holy DPS, Yuri on his mage, Frag as tank and Frag would post numbers showing my goofy ass holy DPS spec actually beating Yuri simply because holy nova had no aggro. And also, being able to take that build into Karazhan and actually DPS with it in there.
So many more. I guess that's what happens when you play with most of the same people for years and years. =) Love you guys and miss you all. =)
Intolerant monkey.
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I remember, when we were working on Vashj, we got her down to 1% and Jenjan was the only one left alive. He held his own remarkably well, but it was not to be.
I remember both Skky and I playing with Tris' guild note. She put "Where Eeyore dwells," and I put "Tris(te)." He changed it back whenever he noticed.
I remember Jester walking backwards off the platform edge duringthe frost/nature boss fight in SSC.
Back when I first joined Lurkers, I was looking through people's guild notes to figure out who everybody was, and I accidentally invited one of Treesh's characters to join a group. She declined, and I said in guild chat "Sorry, wrong button," and that was the end of it, but I was so scared that I'd annoyed her or that she thought I was some kind of brat, that I didn't talk to her again for weeks. You guys were intimidating.
I remember when we first got the GB, and Jester named all of the tabs bizarre things like "The Spanner" and "Tab for Pants."
I remember when we were working on the LK fight, and there was a huge pile of skeletons from where we kept wiping during the first phase, and so the GMotD got changed to something like "The Lich King considers your corpse part of his interior decorating." There have been a million silly messages like that, but I remember this one because it was inspired by something I'd said, and I was all secretly thrilled that I'd managed to say something GMotD-worthy.
I remember Kira getting it in her head one day that we should call Vinnie, since we lived in the same city and his work phone number was available online. Unfortunately, we didn't know his full first name, just "Mo," so she wound up finding the wrong guy. Luckily, I was able to talk her out of actually calling him.
Speaking of Kira being a bit wonky, I remember one time she made some sort of comment to me about how Swirly was flirting with me (when she didn't know him well enough to know that he does that with every female player he knows). I replied sarcastically "Oh, yeah, I totally have a crush on Swirly," but she didn't realize I was being sarcastic, and she freaked out, thinking she was going to have to put together some kind of intervention to save my relationship with Jester. Swirly remembers this story as the time I told Kira that I love Swirly.
I remember almost every single random I did in WotLK was either Halls of Lightning or Halls of Reflection, to the point where a couple guild members said things like "I could run a halls of, sure," instead of using the term random.
Lastly, there are four items that I've always carried with me in my bags, which I received from guildmates. I keep them around because they make me happy. They are as follows:
Black Coffee, which Jester sent me not long after the launch of TBC, just because I like coffee. Blay was maybe 45 at the time, so I couldn't drink it, and then once I hit 65, I just never got around to it. Its warning label says it's still hot, though, so I figure it's ok.
Nubless Pacifier, also from Jester. It dropped in AV, and he thought it was funny and basically sent it to me as a "lolwtf" thing. He may have been drinking. I kept it, since it makes me giggle.
A Steamy Romance Novel: Forbidden Love was apparently pickpocketed in droves by Mistake, and when Treesh mentioned it in guild chat and I laughed, she sent me a copy. It's about an undead rogue and her human paladin lover meeting in the Deeprun Tram tunnels. It's horrible and awesome, I still reread it every now and then.
Gordok Ogre Suit was sent to me by Xarhud when he was working on his Insane title. Good lord, he spent so much time in Dire Maul. The flavour text of this just kills me.
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(10-24-2012, 08:15 PM)Janita Wrote: Swirly remembers this story as the time I told Kira that I love Swirly.
No I don't. I think you forget that I have no memory. I don't remember any of this taking place. : p
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(10-23-2012, 01:10 PM)shoju Wrote: If you were one of my 430, yeah you are! 
What expansion was this Shoju? I pvp'd on Thistle mostly during WotLK and didn't usually have problems with Death Knights one on one.
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(10-24-2012, 08:22 PM)Tal Wrote: (10-23-2012, 01:10 PM)shoju Wrote: If you were one of my 430, yeah you are! 
What expansion was this Shoju? I pvp'd on Thistle mostly during WotLK and didn't usually have problems with Death Knights one on one.
Cuz he had a Warrior watching his ass.
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(10-24-2012, 08:33 PM)Zyn Wrote: (10-24-2012, 08:22 PM)Tal Wrote: (10-23-2012, 01:10 PM)shoju Wrote: If you were one of my 430, yeah you are! 
What expansion was this Shoju? I pvp'd on Thistle mostly during WotLK and didn't usually have problems with Death Knights one on one.
Cuz he had a Warrior watching his ass.
And said warrior had a druid doing this for him:
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(10-24-2012, 08:22 PM)Tal Wrote: (10-23-2012, 01:10 PM)shoju Wrote: If you were one of my 430, yeah you are! 
What expansion was this Shoju? I pvp'd on Thistle mostly during WotLK and didn't usually have problems with Death Knights one on one.
It was the tail end of Wotlk, right before or shortly after 4.0. I bought a full PvP set right before 4.0 because of how many badges I had racked up.
I want to say right before 4.0, because 4.0 fixed some of the "cheese" that Frost had in PvP.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
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(10-23-2012, 12:28 PM)Tal Wrote: (10-22-2012, 08:08 PM)Bolty Wrote: (10-19-2012, 09:07 PM)shoju Wrote: Killing Tal in a BG. I don't know if he ever knew that was me, but oh well!, it was great fun.
I must admit I fantasize about this almost daily. 
I'm a pretty easy kill.
According to Zyn, you're more than just an easy kill, you're just easy... >.>
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset
Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
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(10-19-2012, 09:07 PM)shoju Wrote: I remember We were working on Vashj, and we failed an attempt because someone's bags were full. And Jester being a little irritable that we had to have people hearth, and empty bags, only to on the next pull, realize that he too should have hearthed, because his bags were full (oh the hilarity we had)
"A young man is walking through a small village one day and decides to stop by a bar and have a beer. He walks into a bar, and sees a grizzled old man, crying into his beer. Curious, the young man sits down and says, "Hey old timer, why the long face?"
The old man looks at him and points out the window, "See that dock out there? I built that dock with my own two hands, plank by plank, nail by nail, but do they call me McGregor the dockbuilder? No, no."
The old man continued, "And see that ship out there? I've been fishing these waters for my village for 35 years! But do they call me McGregor the fisherman? No, no."
The old man continued, "And see all the crops in the farms out there? I planted and have been farming those crops for my village for nearly 45 years! But do they call me McGregor the farmer? No, no."
The old man starts to cry again, "But you screw one goat...""
They were good times, though. ;-)
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i know i am still fairly new to the forums (ad being active in the guild) but i have been a member of lurkers for...over 3 years
(at least i think i have the time right)
my earliest (and one of my fondest) was acertain troll dk needing someone with him for a MC run, and happened to grab my at the time 58 druid
over the next hour or so, i picked up not only a new love and respect for the dk, which lead to my current main in mortimis, but also 5 peices of T1...some of which i wore from the second i hit 60 til i was 78 for the last one (finally replaced it with a cata green lol)
you guys took me into the fold,helped me gear up and threw me into the pit of healing Heroic Morloot er Morchok, Ultraxion and Yor'sahj my first raid as a resto.
we went on to have me heal the first kills of zon'ozz and Hagara on heroic
all the while, i was only 1/2, 3/4 and i believe i got up to 90% of a full healer
you accepted me learning how to DK tank properly during progression in MSV, and made me feel truly welcome.
i am proud to call Lurkers my least horde side
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I have a memory of being in <Lurkers> I would like to share. I am currently and have in the past been trying to collect shards from ICC25 for my legendary. After a fun night of raiding (which I found happens quite regularly in Lurkers) we decide to go help me out with ICC25. Allylik being a tank and ICC25 being older content, we thought, hey we can jsut "1" tank this. ALL WOULD HAVE BEEN FINE IF OUR HEALER WOULD HAVE HEALED THE TANK. Instead our healer who should remain nameless didn't cast a single heal on our tank. It wasn't until we got to the first boss that we noticed this. Cause the tank DIED!!!
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I have a SS I will have to pull up somewhere where it looks like Onisu is drooling (in more of a "I'm going to eat you" way) while standing behind a couple of BE's in a raid. I think it was Sherck and Ally. Not sure though.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright