Project Eternity - Obsidian
Only writing this because I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned on this forum!

So certainly in this forum we might have propped up Planescape: Torment. Once or twice. Beyond that, some of my favorite if flawed games have come from Black Isle Studio or Obsidian.

For myself beyond some of their obvious games I also really enjoyed Alpha Protocol. It follows Obsidian's MO - a fun, if flawed, game that has a great story, some bugs, and may have been rushed out the door. When the Kickstarter game projects started getting bigger (Wasteland and such), I told Pesmerga straight out - if Obsidian ever puts a Kickstarter up, that's one I'm funding no questions asked. I always feel Obsidian has gotten a raw deal from investors and publishers, forcing releases before the games are ready. A Kickstarter is a chance for them to prove me right or wrong - are they just never 100% ready, or do the publishers deserve the blame?

And so we have Project: Eternity. An Isometric RPG (Real Time With Pause) with full size parties, trying to find its Baldur's Gate / Planescape: Torment roots. No licenses, this will be a new IP.

It's clearly early in the project, with many of the updates being given describing ideas as opposed to implementations. Despite that, people clearly have faith in Obsidian - it reached the $1.1 million goal in about a day, and is currently going for stretch goals at $2.2 / $2.3 million with 17 days left to go.

I may have a bit of self interest pumping the game up, as if we get the $2.3 million stretch, I'll be playing a "godlike" (think D&D planetouched: aasamir / tiefling) character.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Hail Quark,

Yea I donated immediately. Really look forward to what that team can make without being rushed by publishers. I'm tempted to go back and try to finish the Icewind Dale series. I've recently replayed PST in the last year, and BG series about two years ago, but remember not finishing up IWD.
I'm interested in the BG 1/2 remake with extras more than anything. Any ideas when this comes out, since you mentioned Planescape and BG.

EDIT: Ahh, here we go. Coming out in November, I assume of this year; LINK. Between this and TL2, which I purchased but haven't had the time to play yet, I have hours of entertainment ahead of me. Not to mention I still need to finish Walking Dead S2 and Game of Thrones S2. Time moving faster than I can keep up!
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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