SimWOW java simulator
With all the changes to Moonkin dps in Wrath of the Lich King, I decided to write a simulator to help me study various talent and spell rotation choices. It is written in Java and uses extensive object oriented methods. The hope is eventually it can be used to model other classes, but for now it just models moonkin dps.

Up till now the simulator was all command line, but I've added a gui interface and have uploaded my first release. In it's current form it allows you to change your talents, stats, and spell rotations. In addition its current trinket support is limited to the 2 trinkets I have on Dunar. Icon of the Silver Crescent and Essence of the Martyr. I also have not yet modeled any tier set bonuses. As it stands for me right now, the simulator very accurately predicts my dps when I am running on a target dummy in Orgrimmar. If any are interested you can get both the executable and source code at.


A couple things to note. If you have any of the dots selected under advanced (i.e. insect swarm), the simulator will recast that dot every time the debuff has run out on the target. In addition, if you have selected eclipse as a talent and you pick wrath as your spell of choice, it will cast wrath until eclipse procs then cast starfire until the eclipse cooldown is up. If you pick starfire as your main spell it will cast starfire until eclipse procs then cast wrath until the timer is up.


Version 2 of the simulator has been released. Added limited trinket control, buttons for glyphs, and the ability to calculate weights.


Version 3 has been released. This version changes spells to level 80 and adds support for level 80 rating scaling. It also allows you to directly download your stats from the Armory! Please note that the talent string is now from the official wow talent calculator and not from mmo-champion. The talent string still needs to be copied, the auto download is currently just for stats.

Version 4 fixes armory parsing with the new armory.


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