Worlds of Ultima available for free on GoG
Unlike the recent Fallout offer, this seems to be a permenant thing like Ultima 4 is.

Ultima seems to be one of those love-it-or-hate-it series; lord knows I'm trying to love it, but if you're curious all the good Ultima games (And Ultima VIII) are available on GoG. You may want to read Nakar's Let's Play series (4, 5, 6, Martian Dreams, 7 Part 1, 7 Part 2.) instead, or to try and convince yourself to attempt the games.

And hey, free stuff is always good.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Thanks for the heads up. I bought most of the Ultima games a couple weeks ago when they were on sale. The only one I played back in the day was Ultima VI, but it was quite an awesome game for it's time. I think the combat in most of these games is not so great, but it can be fun to play without walkthrough and figure out the game.

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